Essay About Father Dying

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Jonathan is a young adult who does not know what to think for reason that his father is sick in a hospital bed...dying. Dying is an alarming and touchy topic to talk about, but with the presence of loved ones, it does not have to be so bad. . Family members are shocked and saddened, being surrounded by loved ones comforts people, and the approach one takes to dealing with the situation can relieve a large amount of the patient’s emotional strain.
I completely agree with Jonathan saying at the beginning of the movie talking to the flight attendant on the plane “Who lies about their father dying?”. Just by looking at the father when Jonathan initially walks into the hospital room was terrifying. His father appeared to have no quality of life. Hooked up to machines and the tube in his neck from the throat cancer looked miserable in my eyes. The father got the throat cancer from smoking, so …show more content…

When a sick person is in the hospital, their likely rank of quality of life on a scale of one to ten is less than a 5 in my opinion. The way the mom hit the father in the church really struck me. I merely thought to myself, why would someone slap a suffering person, no matter their reason. Once I realized the outcome of the hitting incident, I understood that the apology and amends are more important that the original action. The father forgave the wife and moved on. Forgiveness is what is most influential at the end of life. The moment’s that appeared to be of the greatest meaning to Robert were when he got the chance to see his friends and family. I, without a doubt, felt a sense happiness Jonathan stated to his father that all he wanted was for him to be proud and the father responded showing that he was, unbelievably. It brought happy tears to my eyes. I think that for Robert, this was the connecting point between him and Jonathan. It confirmed the love amidst the two of them for Robert and

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