Brett Ratner Essays

  • Asian Stereotypes in the Media

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    Eudie Pak. A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 12 May 2014. Linsanity. Dir. Evan Leong. Perf. Jeremy Lin. Independent Film, 2013. Film. Rush Hour 2. Dir. Brett Ratner. Perf. Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan. New Line Cinema, 2001. Film. Rush Hour 3. Dir. Brett Ratner. Perf. Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan. New Line Cinema, 2007. Film. Rush Hour. Dir. Brett Ratner. Perf. Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan. New Line Cinema, 1998. Film. "Yao Ming Biography." Ed. Leanne French, Laura Grimm, and Eudie Pak. A&E

  • X-Men

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    the "cure". Forcing the X-men to make a choice weather to fight against the brotherhood to protect everyone they can, even those who discriminate against them, or to sit aside, just watching as the brotherhood bestows a new order. The director, Brett Ratner, seems to push forward the idea of acceptance being difficult to acquire, such that we feel as outcasts ourselves, and fall into the role of one of the characters. The director uses many elements, we see examples through the brutal rapid-fire

  • The Exceptional Friendship in the Movie, Rush Hour

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    Retrieved September 18, 2010, from IMDB: Numbers, T. (2010, September 18). Nash Information Service, LLC. Retrieved September 18, 2010, from The Numbers: Ratner, B. (Director). (1998). Rush Hour [Motion Picture].

  • The Character of Robert Cohn in The Sun Also Rises

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    enough to get up and hit Cohn again.  Brett wasn't having any shaking hands, and Cohn was crying and telling her how much he loved her, and she was telling him not to be a ruddy ass.  Then Cohn leaned over to shake hands with the bull-fighter fellow.  No hard feelings, you know. All for forgiveness.  And the bull-fighter chap hit him in the face again."  As Mike spoke, he clearly showed us how much Cohn was pursuing Brett and how strongly everyone, including Brett, was rejecting and alienating him.

  • Subject: Hemmingway-The Sun Also Rises

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    the spite that the Jake has for Chon originates from Jake¹s racist background, or his deeply seeded jealousy of Chon for having a brief affair with Brett. Even though it is clear that Jake has racist views, the hatred he has for his former friend Chon Chon is strictly based on the jealousy he feels towards Chon for the weekend he spent with Brett. Jake goes in to great detail about Chon¹s early life. He speaks highly and admiringly of Chon, but in a condescending way. A reader get her first

  • Friedrich Nietzsche

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    of Naumburg and went to an exclusive boarding school at the nearby Schulpforta Academy. The school was famous for its grandeur of alumni that included “Klopstock and Fichte”(Brett-Evans, p.76). “It was here that Nietzsche received the thorough education in Greek and Latin that set him upon the road to classical philology.”(Brett-Evans, p. 76) On many occasions Nietzsche's zeal to prove himself at the Pforta school spurned legendary tales. One certain tale is when Nietzsche “could not bear to hear of

  • The True Heroes in Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises

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    Rises. Bullfighting is a major plot concern and is very important to the characters. The narrator physically resembles a steer due to the nature of his injury. Mike identifies Cohn as a steer in conversation because of his inability to control Brett sexually. Brett falls for a bullfighter, who is a symbol of virility and passion. However, there is a deeper level to the bull-steer dichotomy than their respective sexual traits. The imagery associated with bulls and steers is more illustrative than their

  • The Sun Also Rises

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    churned out or word-processed. Again, I thoroughly enjoyed reading. I never noticed it until it was brought up in class, maybe because it wasn't a point for me in In Our Time, but He doesn't often enough credit quotations with, ",he said," or, ",said Brett," or, ",Bill replied." In SAR it stood and called attention to itself. I wasn't particularly bothered by His not telling me who said what, but it was very...pointed. I first noticed around the hundredth page or so. Then I realized I couldn't keep track

  • Reasons for Napoleon's Defeat

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    scorched-earth policy. On June 23, 1812 Napoleon's Grande Armee, over 500,000 men strong, poured over the Russian border. An equal amount of Russian forces awaited them. The result of the campaign was a surprise. Two authors, General carl von Clausewitz and Brett James, show similarities in reasons why Napoleon had lost this campaign to Russia. Napoleon believed that after a few quick victorious battles, he could convince Alexander to return to the Continental System. He also decided that if he occupied Moscow

  • Unconditional Love in Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises

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    doing so he pleases Brett.  Jake does this because he is unconditionally committed to Brett, and is willing to do whatever necessary to bring her happiness, even if it is only temporary. Jake's first reaction to the news that Brett is interested in meeting and spending time with Romero is one of negativity. He learns of this from he friend Montoya and tells him "Don't give him the Message" (176).  He did not think that it would be a good idea for Brett to have anything to do

  • The Sun Also Rises

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    qualities are Jake, Robert, and Mike. A commonality among these men is all are involved, at one point or another, with Brett, a woman who shares their charact- eristics and is ultimately as dysfunctional as the men. These men are all drawn to her and need Brett, but they find no hope or comfort in their relationship with her because she is just as lost as they are. Brett continues to be a destructive force, and it most definitely should be noted that other relationships in which she engaged

  • Lost Generation in Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises

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    "untouchables" includes Jake, Brett, Cohn, Bill, and Mike. Although each of them has earned his place in society in a different fashion, they find themselves captives of the same injustice of society and form a camaraderie that brings them security and companionship in a cruel world. They fully realize their estrangement from so... ... middle of paper ... ... the world and provide examples of the unfortunate results of discrimination and neglect. Like Jake, Brett, Cohn, Bill, Georgette, Harrison

  • Pool Boy

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    *::* Book Report *::* Pool Boy was a well written story about a 15 year old boy, Brett Gerson, whose life is changed dramatically. Brett is the main character in this novel. The book Pool Boy is set in a rich part of present day California. Let it be known that the Gerson’s are EXTREMELY rich, not just fairly rich ,extremely rich. One day Brett’s father was taken away and thrown in jail for insider trading. The Gerson family had to sell almost everything that they own to try and pay back the money

  • Mona Hatoum

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    own cultural experience: …it became immediately apparent to me that people were quite divorced from their bodies and very caught up in their heads, like disembodied intellectuals. So I was always very insistent on the physical in my work (Hatoum/Brett, 59). We relate to the world through our senses. You first experience an artwork physically…Meanings, connotations and associations come after the initial physical imagination, intellect, psyche are fired off by what you've seen (Hatoum/Archer, 8)

  • Brett Farve

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    man who thrilled many spectators. Win or lose he was always there to boost the fans and players moral, Brett Favre. Brett Favre grew up idolizing a pair of Southern quarterbacks, the Saints' Archie Manning and the Cowboys' Staubach. He grew up in Kiln, Mississippi and went to high school in there. His high school, Hancock North Central, honored him this past May by re-naming the field, 'Brett Favre Field,' and unveiling a life-sized statue of the quarterback at the stadium's entrance. The school

  • Hero in Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises

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    some form of relationship with Lady Brett Ashley, a near-nymphomaniac Englishwoman who indulges in her passion for sex and control. Brett plans to marry her fiancée for superficial reasons, completely ruins one man emotionally and spiritually, separates from another to preserve the idea of their short-lived affair and to avoid self-destruction, and denies and disgraces the only man whom she loves most dearly. All her relationships occur in a period of months, as Brett either accepts or rejects certain

  • Character Brett Ashley in Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises

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    The Character Brett Ashley in Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises There is a common perception among casual readers--who hasn't heard it voiced?--that Ernest Hemingway did not respect women. The purpose of this essay is to examine one work in such a way as to challenge these heinous assumptions. Hemingway's persona will be left alone. What will be examined is the role of women, as evidenced by Brett Ashley in The Sun Also Rises, and what, if anything, it reveals in the way of settling this

  • The Significance of the Title of The Sun Also Rises

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    Ernest Hemingway. The title suggests an importance of time and a cyclical motif. Yet it also has a hopeful tone, focusing more on beginnings than on endings. There are many cycles in the book and one of the most evident is that of Lady Brett Ashley and men. Brett has affairs with Cohn and Romero in the course of the book. In both cases there is a process of wooing, acceptance, and eventual rejection that takes place. It is also suggested that having affairs is a common practice for her, making that

  • Comparing Daisy Buchanan of The Great Gatsby and Brett of The Sun Also Rises

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    Gatsby and Brett Ashley of The Sun Also Rises Written right after the publication of Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises is apparently influenced in many ways.  The most obvious of Fitzgerald's influence is manifested in Hemingway's portrayal of his heroine, Brett Ashley. Numerous critics have noted and discussed the similarities between Brett and Daisy Buchanan, and rightly so; but the two women also have fundamental differences. Compared to Daisy, Brett is a more rounded

  • Essay About Love in Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises

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    results in a digression of values both morally and socially. The love that Brett and Jake share is symbolic of the general decline in values in that they tolerate behaviors in one another that would have been previously considered unacceptable. It is clear that Lady Brett Ashley is anything but a lady. She is kind and sweet but extremely vulnerable to the charm that various men in her life seem to smother her with.  Brett is not happy with her life or her surroundings and seeks escape and refuge