Birthright Israel Essays

  • Creating the Curriculum Based Assessment Project

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    Judaism and Israel. I decided to create a test on Israel. All Jewish students have t he opportunity to travel to Israel for free for ten days. I therefore, created a test for Jewish students who have spent ten days in Israel. I felt that this was the best way to test students. Students who are Jewish grow up in all different types of environments, with all different Jewish backgrounds. Students who attended Taglit-Birthright Israel, were all exposed to the same information regarding Israel which

  • Jewish Tours Essay

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    Description: Jewish tours Israel would lend a different meaning to your vacation. Celebrate important family milestones, see sites mentioned in the Bible, and be enlightened Experience Something Unique with Jewish Tours in Israel Going on Jewish tours in Israel may seem like a culture-specific vacation, but they’re not. Culture-centered is more like it. Given the wonders and stories that surround sites in the Holy Land, it wouldn't even matter what your beliefs are, only that you enjoy your trip

  • Dbq Palestinian Conflict

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    psychologically” (document 8) On the other hand, Israel grew beyond the partition lines, gained more defensible borders and they destroyed Arab homes reducing their population. The Palestinians rightly felt that the Israelis were taking over the area and were pushing out of lands promised to them in both the Balfour Declaration and the UN 1947 Partition. “Many Jews were fleeing Europe from Hitler so that they can reclaim the land they believed was their Biblical birthright, (Document 4 Excepts from the Israeli

  • Children of the Holocaust

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    Over one million Jewish children died during the Holocaust. They were ripped out of their homes and taken away from their families, and stripped of their childhoods. Innocent lives were caught in a war that they were not able to stop. When Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, he promised Germany that he would improve life their by getting rid of the one race that caused the problems, the Jews. Jews, including Jewish children, were sent to concentration camps, inspected, and if approved, were sent

  • The Rites of Passage Within Judaism

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    The Rites of Passage Within Judaism (a) Examine the rituals and teachings which are associated with circumcision and Bar Mitzvah (20 marks) Two very important rites of passage within Judaism are circumcision and Bar Mitzvah, both of which are only for boys and happen during childhood. Circumcision, also known as Brit Millah, symbolizes the covenant between God and the Jewish people, which was agreed with Abraham. In return for Jewish people physically showing their Jewish faith through

  • Jewish Ghettos

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    Jewish ghettos: The basic history of the formation of the Jewish ghettos, including the everyday life and economic hardships faced by the communities. By definition, a ghetto is an area, usually characterized by poverty and poor living conditions, which houses many people of a similar religion, race or nationality. They served to confine these groups of people and isolate them from the rest of the community because of political or social differences. However, the Jewish ghettos established throughout

  • One More River

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    Can you imagine having to leave everything you have ever known to live in a country on the verge of war? Lesley Shelby, the main character in One More River by Lynn Reid Banks, knows exactly how it feels. This Jewish Canadian girl has to emigrate to Israel with her family. Through the determination and courage of one person we see how challenges, complications, and differences of the world are overcome. In the story the most important character is Lesley. Lesley is a spoiled, pretty, Jewish, fourteen

  • The Return

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    The Return by Sonia Levitin is a novel showing how difficult life is for Ethiopian Jews traveling to Israel. They face many hardships on their way, and there are many obstacles in their path. Many themes are depicted in this novel. Three meaningful topics that can be discussed are maturing and finding one’s own identity, prejudice and its effect, and cultural/family pressures. One of the themes that The Return illustrates is maturing and finding one’s own identity. An example of this theme is in

  • The Effects of the Holocaust on Individual and Society

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    The Effects of the Holocaust on Individual and Society "What the world learned from the Holocaust is that you can kill six million Jews and no one will care."1 The Holocaust occurred because society neglected the individual, allowing six million Jews to be killed before the rest of the world intervened. In the aftermath of the Holocaust, society had to come to terms with the changing needs of the individual, especially the Jewish individual. The effects of the Holocaust caused the Jews to re-identify

  • My Name Is Asher Lev

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    Asher Lev Essay: Minor characters are central to our understanding of any text. Analyse their significance in My Name Is Asher Lev. Central to our understanding of “My name is Asher Lev” by Chaim Potok, is the dynamics of Asher’s relationship with different minor characters involved. Each minor character such as Yudel Krinsky, Uncle Yitzchok, the Rebbe, and Jacob Kahn each help Asher in a different way allowing the reader to interpret the text more thoroughly. Their guidance to the antagonist creates

  • I Love and I Hate. Who Can Tell me Why?

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    “I Love and I Hate. Who Can Tell me Why?” The 2001 movie The Believer is a true-to-life portrayal of a young neo-Nazi whose anti-Semitic views are continually challenged by his Jewish background. The film opens with the quote, “I love and I hate. Who can tell me why?” which sets the stage for the movie’s depiction of Danny Balint, a boy torn between love and hate in almost every aspect of his life. Throughout the film Danny tries to calm this internal (and at times external) quarrel, which causes

  • The Wounds Of Peace, by Connie Bruck

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    The basis of this paper is to review and examine specific principles and theories of cooperation and argument management as reflected by a specific story of the Middle East peace process within the named article. The article is entitled "The Wounds Of Peace," by Connie Bruck. This, of course, is one individual author's perspective, yet, nevertheless, it is the view of this author that much of the content is historically factual and accurate, with a definite sense of individual perspectives as purported

  • World War II and Treatment of Jews

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    "If the international financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the Bolshevizing of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe." - Adolf Hitler- Jan 30, 1939 When the Nazi party came to power in January of 1933, it almost immediately began to take hostile measures toward the Jewish people. The government passed special legislation that excluded Jews from

  • Investigation of the Yom Kippur War 1973

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    a national home which they could call as their own. The British assured the Jews this by issuing the Balfour Declaration ( However, the day Israel gained its own state on May 15 1948 the majority of the Arabs felt insecure and unjust. Thus, the Arabs on the same day declared war on the newly Jewish state of Israel, which in the end the Israelis managed to win; one can say that this is another long term cause of the Yom Ki... ... middle of paper ... ...e a state of their

  • Shylock of William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice

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    massive campaign against them to alienate them from mainstream German society. He succeeded in his efforts, and as a result, the overwhelming majority of Germans came to hate Jews. Two thousand years ago, the Jews lived in a country now called Israel. Unfortunately for them, the Romans had succeeded to take over their land. The Romans let the Jews have religious freedom at first, but later tried to abolish the Jewish faith and country, in a process called ‘Diaspora’. This led to Jewish communities

  • Ethnic Conflict in the Middle East

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    Ethnic Conflict in the Middle East Ethnic conflicts are well rooted in the world's history and perhaps inherent in human nature. This type of conflict is difficult to resolve as is evident in the situation in the Middle East. The ethnic conflict theory explains that it is not territory, politics, or economics that prevents the achievement of peace between the Israeli and Palestinian peoples, instead, it is a deep-seated hatred of one another that neither group can overcome. The Camp David Summit

  • America's Reaction to the Holocaust

    1000 Words  | 2 Pages

    America's Reaction to the Holocaust In the years of the Second World War, American leaders were aware of the plan of the Germans to exterminate all the Jews in Europe, yet they did not act to save them. The attitude in society and the state of the economy in the years leading up to the war made for conditions that did not make saving them likely. Most Germans despised the Weimar Republic, which held control of Germany at the time they signed the Versailles Treaty. This treaty crippled Germany

  • Arab Israeli Conflict and Holocaust.

    780 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Holocaust was the almost complete destruction of Jews and others by the Nazis during World War II, which lasted between1939 and 1945. We can learn much from this event and ways to prevent similar events from happening again. However, it can be compared to today’s Arab Israeli Conflict, which is the cause of a dispute over the land of Palestine. The Holocaust was the worst genocide in history. The Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler wanted to eliminate all Jews as part of his plan for world power. Jews

  • The McMahon-Hussein Correspondence

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    The McMahon-Hussein Correspondence Israel, slightly larger than Massachusetts, lies at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea. It is bordered by Egypt on the west, Syria and Jordan on the east, and Lebanon on the north. Its maritime plain is extremely fertile, but only 17% of the land is arable (Figure 1). The southern Negev region, which comprises almost half the total area, is largely a desert. The Jordan River flows from the north through Lake Hule and Lake Kinneret, finally entering the

  • Adolf Hitler

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    eliminate the ‘malignant tumors’, the race that caused Germany to lose World War One. Hitler’s decision to start exterminating Jews changed the course of history. In the end, over 6,000,000 Jews were killed and a Jewish state known as Israel, evolved. In the Summer of 1941, Adolf Hitler started exterminating Jews and other non-Aryans, as a part of his plan to create a perfect Germany and to carry out his ‘Final Solution’ to the ‘Jewish Question’. Before exterminating