Billy Elliot the Musical Essays

  • How the Police are Depicted in The Blue Lamp and Billy Elliot

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    Blue Lamp and Billy Elliot I shall begin my essay by studying several scenes in the film 'Billy Elliot', which was made in 2000, directed by Stephen Daldry. The main focus of this particular film is the 1984 miners' strike, a defining point in British history. Billy Elliot is a young boy of age eleven. He lives in a small and confined north-eastern mining district, where the majority of workers are currently involved in a violent strike as a form of forceful protestation. Billy lives with

  • Mothers Are Everywhere: Billy Elliot

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    before people realize what their dreams are. In the film Billy Elliot, directed by Stephen Daldry the audience gets to experience the road that Billy Elliot took takes order to achieve his goal. He may have had to take a different road before realizing his destiny; if it were not for the 1ballet coach, Mrs. Wilkinson, whom played a huge role in his path to discover his dream of becoming a ballet dancer. If it were not for Mrs. Wilkinson, Billy would not have known the talent and passion he had for

  • "Rent": A Religious Phenomenon

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    Generation X has finally taken out a lease on the future of theatre, and it looks like it is more than able to pay the "Rent" (Coulbourn 43). "Rent" is a musical for our time, for our generation and for generations to come. It has won numerous Tony Awards including best musical, book, score, lyrics, and ensemble performance. This musical is an excellent representation of cultural religion and it has had a profound impact on society both in the 90's and today. "Rent" is not only a representation

  • The Spark in Billy Elliot

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    better themselves. In the film Billy Elliot, directed by Stephen Daldry, the motivator is Ms. Wilkinson. She was the one that pushed Billy to be the best that he can be, she pushed him to follow his dreams and not let anything get in the way. She represented a mother just like the one that Billy had recently lost. The film is successful because the audience sees Mrs. Wilkinson not only as a motivator and a mother-like figure but also as the spark that started Billy Elliot’s dancing career. Fred Wes

  • Comparison of Billy Elliot and Grease

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    The musicals Billy Elliot and Grease present both conventional and unconventional representations of gender throughout. Both musicals also seem to obscure the message of the underlying gender stereotyping issues by overshadowing them with elements such as music, dance and costume. Men have been stereotyped as dominant, strong, brave and aggressive. Also there is an image of men being portrayed as harder workers than women and supposedly the more intelligent gender. “Men are thought to be physically

  • Flying In The Musicals Of Wicked And Aladdin

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    The first two musicals that I remember seeing were “Wicked” and “Aladdin”. Each show, magical in its own right, had a common feature. During a climatic moment the main character is lifted off the ground, in such a way, that it makes it look like they are flying. These two moments are stuck in my mind despite having seen these musicals years ago. Due to the large impact these two instances had on my image of Broadway, I decided to look at flying in regards to actors as my area of theatrical special

  • Broadway Musical Theatre Analysis

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    Musical theatre is an art form of theatrical performance that has graced the stages of Broadway for close to two centuries, combining songs, spoken dialogue, acting, and dance to create a versatile performance art that has stunned people all over the world. Humor, pathos, love, anger is all communicated through movement and music as an integrated whole to create visual and aural masterpiece. “Broadway is Taking Leaps Towards a Sustainable Future.” (Hagiwara, 2011) implies that Broadway Musical theatre

  • Drama Personal Statement Essay

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    answering the phone to people who need someone to talk to about their personal issues. This will help me to gain relevant experience to become a Drama Therapist. During my spare time I enjoy going to the Theatre to specifically watch musicals like 'Billy Elliot' and 'Cats the Musical'. As well as this I like to socialise with my friends and read various genres like Real Life Tragedies and Horrors. I attended Boys Scouts and Boys Brigade which I enjoyed due to the fact I got to take part in lots of activities

  • Broadway Essay

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    Broadway musical, flashy lights and choreography. It is an memorable night at New York City during christmas to someone, and it is a life time dream to make true to some people. According to American Theatre Wing, 80% of shows open on Broadway end up losing money. However, Broadway investors and producers do anything they can to make “the show”, the show will have years of run on Broadway, the show will tour around the nation, and the show will make millions of dollars. They adapt new trends and

  • Musical Theatre Evaluation

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    Contemporary musical theatre is evolving and expanding every year, From “Wicked” to “Once”, but what makes these shows such a success? it is interesting that theatre is still doing well though the current recession society is experiencing; While some productions aren’t a success there is still a handful that are and most of which have similarities, is this why trends are starting to appear? Are we reaching a point in theatre where we can’t take risks anymore? We need to stick to trends to sell seats

  • How Did Jerry Lewis Influence Elton John's Life

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    influenced his musical life that he later excelled in. He was born in Pinner, Middlesex, England on March 25, 1947. His original name was Reginald Kenneth Dwight. When he was younger, around four years old he found an interest in music and taught himself how to play piano. As he continued to grow up to be a youth he started earning academic scholarships at the Royal Academy of Music in London. The difficulty that Elton had with his father, Stanley Dwight also had an influence in his musical interests

  • Animation Film Analysis

    1967 Words  | 4 Pages

    The use of techniques and strategies in animation is significant as it greatly emphasizes the overall message of the film, and most importantly it allows the audience to understand and identify the film in their own individual perspective. All techniques used in animation films have potential in their own distinctive ways. Films such as ‘200,000 Phantoms/ Nijuman No Borei’ (2007), ‘Philips Broadcast of 1938’ (1938), ‘Uncle’ (1996), ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice’ (1940), ‘Felix in Hollywood’ (1923),

  • Pop Star Showdown: Madonna vs. Miley Cyrus

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    From “the heart breaker” to smoking weed on stage, pop culture has really taken a turn for the worst. Madonna was the type of girl who partied with the best of them but didn't do anything that could possibly ruin her career and health. Miley Cyrus, on the other hand, is a wild child who does what she wants and could care less about her social image and physical self. These two pop stars also have many things in common as well. But, from looking at the individual lives of Madonna and Miley Cyrus,