Beatrice, Nebraska Essays

  • The Pride of Blue Springs: The Blue Springs Cemetery

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    the town of Blue Springs, Nebraska, located in the Southeast corner of the state. Blue Springs is approximately 51 miles south of Lincoln and 12 miles south of Beatrice following Highway 77. Located one mile north of the Blue Springs City limits, the rural community with a population of 431 takes great pride in the cemetery’s rich history and recognition (Everson and Petersen). Nebraska gives credit to the Blue Springs Cemetery as the “Oldest Recorded Cemetery” in Nebraska. The first burial and death

  • Nation’s Oldest Windmill Manufacturer

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    Dempster Industries has been a fixture in the Beatrice business community since the late 19th Century. For years Nebraska has been known for its vast amounts of farms and crop fields. Without the proper equipment, farmers would not be able to maintain their farms and thrive. When technology was limited and all farm work was done without the use of high-tech machinery, an assortment of tools was required to make the family farm profitable. With this in mind, Charles Dempster started Dempster Industries

  • Stifled Women in Yellow Wallpaper, Rappaccini's Daughter, and Beloved

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    Stifled Women in The Yellow Wallpaper, Rappaccini's Daughter, and Beloved A connection can be drawn among the stories listed above regarding women who live as prisoners. Beatrice, of Rappaccini's Daughter, is confined to a garden because of her father's love of science, and she becomes the pawn to several men's egos. The woman of The Yellow Wallpaper is trapped by her own family's idea of how she should conduct herself, because her mood and habit of writing are not "normal" to them. Sethe, of

  • The Development of Benedick's Character in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing

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    change in his relationship with Beatrice, as they move from 'merry war' and 'skirmish of wit' to become lovers, though Benedick does still protest that he 'love thee (Beatrice) against my will'. Throughout the play, Benedick's relationship with Beatrice is an important mark of his character. In the first scene they are unable to converse without entering into one of the skirmishes of wit for which Leonato has said they are known. There is a suggestion from Beatrice that the two have been in a relationship

  • Love, Hate, and Marriage in Much Ado About Nothing

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    Love, Hate, and Marriage in Much Ado About Nothing In William Shakespeare's comedy "Much Ado About Nothing", the characters Beatrice and Benedick are involved in what could only be called a "love/hate" relationship.   The play is a classic example of this type of relationship, and allows us to view one from the outside looking in. Both Beatrice and Benedick are strong-willed, intelligent characters, who fear that falling in love will lead to a loss of freedom and eventually

  • A View From The Bridge

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    the play even when Beatrice, his wife, points it out to him clearly. We also witness Eddie’s verbal conflict with all the characters at some point throughout the play. Other aspect is how the other characters feel concerned about him. There is a scene of unease as we see how Catherine and Beatrice are unsure about how he will react when he is told about Catherine’s job. As we understand Catherine is deeply influenced by Eddie and does everything he wants and Beatrice warns her not to act

  • Beatrice: The Optimistic Environmentalist

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    Beatrice was almost always visually seen with an ecstatic smile on her face. That was who she was; a happy child. She would greet strangers with the beaming look, which gave her the infamous nickname from her older sister- Bea. Her love and campaign for the bees had also supported Merope’s decision of calling her Bea, but it was mostly due to beaming. It wasn’t Bea’s fault, as she couldn’t help herself. She was the optimist. Though, she couldn’t avail herself, that who she was deemed to be. The

  • Rappaccini's Daughter - Ambiguous

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    this story is a blatant parallel towards the story of Original Sin. The issue, then, lies in the representation. Who is playing Adam and Eve? Who is Satan and who is God? At first glance it is easy to assume that the two love birds, Giovanni and Beatrice, are Adam and Eve; while Beatrice’s black cloaked father is Satan, and God is either an omniscient overseer, represented in nature, or absent from the story all together. However, Hawthorne begins the endless possibilities of role assignments by

  • Much Ado About Nothing

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    themes that bring serenity to the chaos that encompasses most of the play. 	The first example of deception we see is with the characters of Beatrice and Benedick. These two characters provide the humor throughout Shakespeare's comedy; their repartees and soliloquies tend to leave the reader smiling and anxious for more dialogue between them. Beatrice and Benedick have had a relationship prior to their battles of wit to which she alludes to in Act 2: "Marry, once before he won it for me with

  • Much Ado About Nothing

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    we look at the subplots of Benedick and Beatrice, Hero and Claudio, as well as the comedy of Dogberry and his crew. 	 The relationship between Benedick and Beatrice is one manufactured completely through deception on the behalf of their friends. Though the plot to unite them was planned, many of the problems that arose were because of things that were overheard accidentally or on purpose. In Act II, Scene 3 Benedick is deceived into thinking that Beatrice loves him because of the speech in the

  • Comparing Katharina, of The Taming of the Shrew and Beatrice of Much Ado About Nothing

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    Taming of the Shrew and Beatrice, of Much Ado About Nothing Shakespeare’s Katharina, of The Taming of the Shrew and Beatrice, of Much Ado About Nothing, are very similar characters.  Each is plagued with unrequited love, and depressed by their inability to woo the suitor of their choosing.  Neither will accept the passive female role expected by society. Yet, both women seem to accept their role as wife by the conclusion.  Upon further examination, one will find that Beatrice is a much more complex

  • Much Ado About Nothing: Love And Marriage

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    separately and watch the thoughts and ideas change throughout the play. From the scene given we can make many assumptions on the Beatrice and Benedick relationship and how it may have grown throughout the previous acts and scenes. We can tell from this small passage that Beatrice and Benedick have a love/hate relationship which may have come from past relationship let downs… Beatrice: indeed my lord, he lent it me awhile, and I gave him use for it, a double heart for his single one. Marry, once before he

  • Viola and Beatrice in Twelfth Night and Much Ado About Nothing

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    Viola and Beatrice both take on men's roles, Viola that of a manservant and Beatrice that of the perpetual bachelor and the clown: "I was born to speak all mirth and no matter," she says to Don Pedro [II.i.343-4]. They appear to be actors and manipulators, much more so than their female predecessors, who are mostly reactive and manipulated, such as Hermia, Helena, Titania, and Gertrude. None of these women seemed in charge of her own destiny, but tricked by the schemes of men and later scorned or

  • The Last Frontier of the United States

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    The Last Frontier of the United States The last frontier of the United States was a great time period where Americans and immigrants from around the world came and settled for new land. It was a time where the federal government encouraged western settlement and economic exploitation. The United States of America came of age after the civil war. In a period of less than fifty years, it was transformed from a rural republic to an urban state. The frontier had vanished. Great factories and steel

  • Analysis Essay

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    The Midwest: land of TV news anchors, housewives, and dreary, never-ending fields. In her memoir “The Horizontal World”, Debra Marquart uses interesting rhetorical techniques to detail this vast, distinctly uninteresting plain. By using unusual figurative language, outside examples to solidify her points, and a geometric extended metaphor, she paints a picture of perhaps the most boring place on Earth. Throughout the excerpt, Marquart utilizes unconventional imagery to solidify the dreariness of

  • Indiana's Bicameral System

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    exception of Nebraska, each state is made up of a bicameral legislature. In a bicameral legislature, there are two separate houses, one being the upper house and one being the lower. The Indiana General Assembly is the state legislature of Indiana. Being bicameral, the Indiana General Assembly consists of the upper house, the Indiana Senate, and the lower house, the Indiana House of Representatives. While Indiana follows a very similar bicameral system as the federal government, Nebraska became the

  • Strategic Staffing At Chern's Case Study

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    Strategic Staffing at Chern’s: Chern’s company story and Organization Lazara Aragon Davenport University HRMG 313 Professor Marshea Brown October 14, 2014 Chern Paper A successful department store founded by siblings Ryan and Ann Chern 20 years ago, became popular and grew very fast. They became fascinated with the retail industry and that leads them to open their own business. They created a new model in the industry focused in delivering the best customer services and offering high

  • Much Ado About Nothing: Beatrice, Portia and Marriage

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    Much Ado About Nothing:  Beatrice, Portia and Marriage Hero and Claudio represent the Elizabethan norm in marriage. Claudio is the shrewd, hardheaded fortune hunter and Hero is the modest maiden of conduct books and marriage manuals, a docile young woman. It is important to note that Claudio is more concerned with advancement in Don Pedro's army than he is with love. Therefore, Shakespeare illustrates to the reader through the near tragedy of mistaken identity that Claudio must learn that marriage

  • Much Ado About Nothing Essay: Beatrice, Benedick, and Love

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    Beatrice, Benedick, and Love in Much Ado About Nothing William Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing  is set in thirteenth century Italy.  The plot of the play can be categorized as comedy or tragicomedy .    Villainy and scheming combine with humor and sparkling wordplay in Shakespeare's comedy of manners. Claudio is deceived into believing that Hero, is unfaithful. Meanwhile, Benedick and Beatrice have "a kind of merry war" between them, matching wits in repartee.  This paper will attempt to

  • Free Much Ado About Nothing Essays: Schemes and Tricks

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    tricking Benedick into believing that Beatrice loves him, Hero and Ursula trick Beatrice into thinking Benedick is in love with her. The relationship between Claudio and Hero also endures much manipulation. For instance Don John and Borachio trick Claudio and the Prince into believing Hero is unfaithful. As in the tradition of Shakespeare, the Friar deceives everybody into thinking Hero is dead. An instance of trickery involves Benedick being manipulated to believe Beatrice is in love with him. This trickery