Balzan Prize Essays

  • Something Beautiful for God

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    India for seventeen years before she experienced her 1946 “call within a call” to dedicate herself to caring for the poor and sick. She established centers for the aged, disabled, blind and a leper colony. In addition, she received the Nobel Peace Prize for her humanitarian work. It all began when she left for Ireland to begin her religious work, leaving her family and speaking a language few knew. Every aspect of her life, from her early years to her later years, are fascinating and builds in to

  • My Mom Committed Suicide

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    I find myself guilted into another mother-daughter banquet by my grandmother. As soon as I enter the room she senses my presence and immediately starts parading me around. She drags me from table to table trying to show me off as if I am some door prize she has just won. The dialogue is more or less the same. "Y'all, I would like you meet my granddaughter Julie." Under my breath I correct her, "My name isn't Julie," while still keeping that fake smile on my face that I mastered years ago. She politely

  • Achilles' Honor in Homer's Iliad

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    his honor was besmirched when Agamemnon demands that Achilles relinquish his war prize, Brises "Are you ordering to give this girl back? Either the great hearted Achaians shall give me a new prize chosen according to my desires to atone for the girl loss, or else if they will not hive me I myself shall take her, your own prize?(Homer 1.134). To Achilles this prize Brises represents something more than just a prize; she is a symbol of status, of acceptance. His way of obtaining honor which he

  • Understanding The House Made of Dawn by Scott Momaday

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    Understanding The House Made of Dawn by Scott Momaday In 1969, N. Scott Momaday became the first Native American to win the Pulitzer Prize in the area of Letters, Drama, and Music for best Fiction.  As Schubnell relates in N. Scott Momaday: The Cultural and Literary Background, Momaday initially could not believe that he had won a prize for a work that began as a poem (93).  Schubnell cites one juror who explains his reasoning for selecting House Made of Dawn as being the work's 'eloquence

  • Lord Of The Flies: Defects Of Society Due To Nature Of Individuals

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    his first novel, Lord of the Flies, which was finally accepted for publication in 1954. In 1983, the novel received the Noble Prize and the statement, "[His] books are very entertaining and exciting. . . . They have aroused an unusually great interest in professional literary critics (who find) deep strata of ambiguity and complication in Golding's work. . . ." (Noble Prize committee) Some conceived the novel as bombastic and didactic. Kenneth Rexroth stated in the Atlantic, "Golding's novels are

  • Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac

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    was the fifteenth Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge. He shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1933 with Erwin Schrodinger.[2] He is considered to be the founder of quantum mechanics, providing the transition from quantum theory. The Cambridge Philosophical Society awarded him the Hopkins Medal in 1930. He was awarded the Royal Medal by the Royal Society of London in 1939 and the James Scott Prize from the Royal Society of Edinburgh. In 1952 the Max Plank Medal came from the Association

  • Hayden Carruth

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    the Guggenheim Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts, most recently in 1995, a Lannan Literary Fellowship. He has won many awords including the Lenore Marshall Award, the Paterson Poetry Prize, the Vermont Governor's Medal, the Carl Sandburg Award, the Whiting Award, the Ruth Lily Prize, the National Book Award and The National Book Critics' Circle Award for Collected Shorter Poems, 1946-1991. In "Another" Carruth comments on the goal of poetry. He begins by dismissing truth and beauty;

  • Ellen Goodman's Aticle, “Countering the Culture of Sex”

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    Ellen Goodman's Aticle, “Countering the Culture of Sex” Ellen Goodman, a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist, and the writer of many books, published an article entitled, “Countering the Culture of Sex,” which appeared in The Boston Globe in 1995. Goodman makes the point that the media serves as a “cultural message maker.” Goodman’s uses of the rhetorical appeals are not blatant, but rather reserved throughout the article. Logos and ethos are very well represented as the topic needs both logic and

  • Book Report

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    boyfriend and girlfriend. They both dislike Jennie because she is so popular and intelligent. The conflict in this book is man vs. himself. Jennie has to decide whether she wants to stay part of the awesome threesome, or make a state record by winning the prize for the smartest kid in the state 2 years in a row like her parents want her to. This book starts out by the awesome threesome, Emily (also known as Em), Hillary, and Jennie skipping through the hallway with their arms linked tightly together. They

  • My Father

    840 Words  | 2 Pages

    Who has had the most impact on my life? Who can I honestly say that I looked up to growing up and was instrumental in helping me become who I am? I never really had a true hero figure growing up. I didn't have a desire to follow the example of any sports player or character from a book or movie. I guess when I really think about it the one person who means a lot to me is my father. I consider myself a very fortunate person; my parents are together and life at home has always been stable. I am

  • The Paper Motif in Invisible Man

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    papers and letters to show the narrator’s poor position in this society. Many papers seem to show good fortune for the narrator, but only provide false dreams. The narrator’s prize of a brief case containing his scholarship first illustrates this falsehood: “take this prize and keep it well. Consider it a badge of office. Prize it. Keep developing as you are and some day it will be filled with important papers that will help shape the destiny of your people” (32). The narrator is filled with joy from

  • Pirates terror of the high seas

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    their rage on the high seas. C. We will be talking about pirates, their ships, weapons, and a few famous ones at that. D. I myself have been interested in pirates since I was a wee lad. A. Ships 1. Galleon a. “The Spanish Galleon was the great prize ship for pirates.” (History of Pirates) 1. Spanish armada used these ships to export gold from the Americas. b. Weight of cannons was concentrated to center part of the ship. 1. Used for stability. c. Meant to cross the Atlantic in large convoys

  • The First Prize Bonds

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    INTRODUCTION: Prize bonds are authorized and laid under 1956 act of finance (miscellaneous provisions), the similar concept of “premium bonds” were introduced in UNITED KINGDOM. At the same time “prize bonds” were introduced in year of 1956. In 1957 then first prize bond was sold in the month of March. The first prize bond results draw was held in September 1957. at that time there were only six wining numbers , and prize bonds were consisted on six digits only.. then the rule got changed and

  • Waclaw Sirpenski

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    college education with out any problems. Sierpinski then would enter the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Warsaw in 1899. (websource) While at the University of Warsaw, the Department of Mathematics and Physics offered a prize for the best essay from a student on Voronoy's contribution to number theory. Sierpinski was awarded a gold medal for his essay, thus laying the foundation for his first major mathematical contribution. Because he didn't want his work to be published

  • Ferenc Farkas

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    Durkó, György Kurtág, György Ligeti, Emil Petrovics, Sándor Szokolay and many other prominent Hungarian composers. In 1950, Ferenc Farkas was awarded the highest Hungarian government decoration for artistic merit, the Kossuth Prize. In 1979, he was given the Herder Prize by the F.V.Stiftung in Hamburg. This interview was conducted in the spring of 1991. Gaál: First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your 85th birthday which you celebrated last December and wish you continuing good

  • Sam Bass

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    work on the farm when he was old enough. •     While working as a teamster at the age of eighteen he drove a herd of cattle to Denton Texas and stayed working for the local Sheriff, WF "dad" Eagan. •     When Sam saved up enough money he bought a prize winning horse that won him enough money to quit working for Eagan. •     With the money he had Sam started mixing with the "rowdies". •     One day Sam And Underwood, one of the "rowdies" bought melons from the local store, and in an attempt to slice

  • Bizet, Georges

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    pianist. Bizet's exceptional powers as a composer are already apparent in the products of his Conservatoire years, notably the Symphony in C, a work of precocious genius dating from 1855 (but not performed until 1935). In 1857 Bizet shared with Lecocq a prize offered by Offenbach for a setting of the one-act operetta Le Docteur Miracle; later that year he set out for Italy as holder of the coveted Prix de Rome. During his three years in Rome Bizet began or projected many compositions; only four survive

  • Oedipus the King

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    characterization and dramatic irony to project a theme throughout the play providing the idea that man is responsible for his own fate. Sophocles lived 90 years, revealing a plethora of amazing, prize-winning tragic Greek plays. Sophocles was born near Athens in 496 BC, in the town of Colonus. He received the first prize for tragic drama over Aeschylus at the play competition held in 468. He wrote well over one hundred plays for Athenian theatres, and won approximately twenty-four contests. Only seven of

  • To Kill a Mockingbird: An Analysis of Discrimination

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    To Kill a Mockingbird: An Analysis of Discrimination The most important theme of the 1960 Pulitzer Prize winning novel To Kill a Mockingbird is author Harper Lee’s tenacious exploration of the moral nature of people. Lee tenaciously explores the moral nature of human beings, especially the struggle in every human soul between discrimination and tolerance. The novel is very effective in not only revealing prejudice, but in examining the nature of prejudice, how it works, and its consequences

  • Animal Farm Retold

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    once before. Freud was a beautiful pig, a prize-winning pig with snow-white skin and a large round belly. One day a Raven flew to where Freud was napping on the MacKenzie farm and whispered atrocities to him, whispered that he would kill his father and have piglets with his mother...and Freud was afraid. So Freud left home to make his mark on the world. Upon his travels, he heard of a farm where the farmer spent too much money trying to raise prize-winning pigs, neglecting all the other animals