Audio Adrenaline Essays

  • Ride House Descriptive Writing

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    The Ride Home When I stepped out from under the dim lighted patio, I had only two things on my mind: Clay Matthews and a ride home. I wish I possessed all his striking qualities. Big muscles, long hair, with that ever lasting look of determination and resilience glued to his face, but hey, my looks aren’t so bad. At school I am considered big, tough, smart, and very similar to Clay Matthews. I have blue eyes, broad shoulders, and hair long on the top but shaved on both sides. I find it not too

  • Product Life Cycle: iPod

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    thousand songs in a small, hand-held device that is lighter and thinner than two CD cases. iPod features a touch-sensitive navigational wheel and buttons, and an intuitive interface designed for one-handed operation. Songs are stored in several digital audio formats, delivering the highest sound quality. The iPod was born out of the idea dreamed up by Tony Fadell, an independent contractor and hardware expert, to take an MP3 player, build a Napster music sale service to complement it, and build a company

  • Online Music Sharing

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    himself who wanted to sample music could find it faster and easier just like he did. The Napster website is simply a free way of obtaining the songs wanted and to make mixed cd’s for themselves and others. There are other sites (i.e. Morpheus, Aimster, Audio Galaxy) that offer their free music and sites to listen to any song of their choice. “Currently the post-Napster tool of choice is Aimster. The name Aimster was cobbled from America Online Instant Messenger and Napster. Developed by John Deep of Troy

  • ATRAC: Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding for MiniDisc

    1980 Words  | 4 Pages

    MiniDisc Abstract -------- ATRAC is an audio coding system based on psychoacoustic principles. The input signal is divided into three subbands which are then transformed into the frequency domain using a variable block length. Transform coefficients are grouped into nonuniform bands to reflect the human auditory system, and then quantized on the basis of dynamic sensitivity and masking characteristics. ATRAC compresses compact disc audio to approximately 1/5 of the original data rate

  • I Survived Being Bullied

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    “We focus so much on our differences, and that is creating, I think, a lot of chaos and negativity and bullying in the world. Everyone should focus on what we all have in common - which is - we all want to be happy.” - - Ellen DeGeneres - - A bully is someone who hurts, belittles, and torments someone else in order to feel better about him or herself. In clinical terms, it is called leveling. They've made movies about it. They've written books about it. They've done studies about it. And now

  • Paleontological Audio Technology

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    Paleontological Audio Technology In very recent years the advances in science and technology we have made have been incredible; from cloning sheep and human tissue to almost completing the human genome, the scientific community has taken great steps with the help of technology. One such area in this community is the study of geology. Computers aid geologists in determining the best places to drill for oil and natural gas, along with trying to determine mineral deposits and the compositions of

  • Computer Technology and the Physically Challenged

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    program, at the University of Toronto, designed to access information. Another program, called MathML, was intended to put math on the web. ATRC worked with MathML to make it accessible to people. The ATRC has also added haptics, the sense of touch and audio, to interactive programs. In an article I read, one example given was a periodic table that showed the relative elements and weight. Another example given was of a pendulum model that showed the properties of a pendulum. ATRC is also exploring the

  • Distance Education

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    every conceivable subject were offered by colleges, universities, and proprietary institutes (Neal, p.1). Weinstein writes that "…[Distance Education] gained momentum in the early 1980s using a combination of satellite delivered video and two-way audio. Many sites could watch the broadcasts, and phone or fax in questions and assignments. Now, spurred by the Internet and videoconferencing technology, distance learning is taking off…(Weinstein, 1997, p.1). He said that "initially, distance learning

  • The Effect of Opening Scenes on Plot Setting and Characters

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    The darkness of the room is also symbolic of the boys' unhappiness. The candle may also be symbolic of the light to guide them out of their misery, which is Mr Keating who appears in the following scene, which incorporates symbolic, technical and audio codes to establish setting and characters. Scene two is situated in a large assembly area much set out similar to a church with hundreds of boys in uniform seated in rows with the room quite brightly lit. One of the cameras is set so that it is

  • Web-based Communication

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    education field is one of the most considerably effected domains in the advancement of the technology “revolution”. According to Stoner (1997), technology in the future is looking towards increased online/distance learning, virtual field trips, and audio files of music. As the technological world evolves so should the local community. Many of the latest educational technology will require two-way communication in the virtual community. Author of Virtually in the Middle defines the virtual community

  • Distance Education

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    include various types of voice, video, data, and print. Instructional audio tools include audio-conferencing, tapes, and radio. Instruction is delivered through lectures and discussions. Tapes and radio allow the student to listen to lectures one way, whereas audio-conferencing allows students to participate and interact with others. Audio tools allow access to the learner from their choice of location; however, with audio-conferencing there is usually a scheduled time for discussions. Another

  • Research on Best Buy Co.

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    Research on Best Buy Co. The roots of Best Buy Co., Inc. can be traced back to St. Paul, Minnesota. This is where founder Richard Schulze opened the doors of his Sound of Music store in 1966. Understanding a demand for consumer audio components and systems in the St. Paul area, Schulze managed to provide a combination of great prices and excellent service, thus building a strong customer base, which quickly prompted an expansion into home appliances and video products. The eighties prompted change

  • C-span, The Cable Tv Channel

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    and uncut coverage of the U.S. Senate when it is in session. C-SPAN2 continues the tradition of the original channel by giving an even wider unfiltered and unplugged view of our government in action. In addition to video, C-SPAN also has 2 different audio networks that broadcast international and American political content, unfiltered and uncut. Also, C-SPAN has moved into the computer world and has established a homepage to provide information to people about its services, as well as receive feedback

  • Teaching Children

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    relationship should also be very important for the teacher. Understanding what a child needs in the classroom and how certain children learn and interact with each. There are many different kinds of children that learn different ways. Some need visual, audio, readers, or a combination of all of these. I feel a teacher needs to learn what kind of learner a student is, and learn how to met there needs to learn. If a teacher fails to do this then some of the children may be left in the dust to say, when learning

  • Swot Analysis Of A Business Plan

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    also marketing towards late night crowds, business entertainment, travelers, and the most important demographic, families. Mr. Smith does this by providing a fun, welcoming atmosphere by having large screen televisions, cutting edge electronics, and audio equipment. In addition to all of technology, Mr. Smith also employs the best service and culinary personnel available. While Mr. Joseph Smith has the ideal education, ideal real estate, and ideal demographic, his business plan does have some weaknesses

  • The Computer’s Positive Impact on Education

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    resources teachers and students have access to through the use of computers is phenomenal. Basically, software and the Internet are the methods used to obtain access to overwhelming amounts of data. The information may be in the form of written material, audio material, games, user-interaction, animation and many more. The Teacher Resource Center (TRC) in Indiana maintains an updated website of teacher resources at "". Software provides age-appropriate instructional

  • Comparing Marlow of Heart of Darkness and Willard of Apocalypse Now

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    changes inevitably have to be made. The medium of film offers several advantages and disadvantages over the book: it is not as adept at exploring the inner workings of people - it cannot explore their minds so easily; however, the added visual and audio capabilities of film open whole new areas of the imagination which, in the hands of a competent writer-director, can more than compensate. Heart of Darkness relies heavily on lengthy philosophical and expository passages, as well as some very unusual

  • Copyright Law in Canada

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    everyday life. They is audio/video tape copying, plagiarism, and software piracy. The first, and most commonly violated aspect of the copyright law, is the copying of audio tapes for oneself and friends. Thanks to the invention of dual cassette stereos, this has become very easy. You simply take an original or even another copy of a tape, as well as a blank tape. Stick them both in to the stereo and bingo you have a new tape. You also just broke the law. Along with copying audio tapes, now we can copy

  • Analog Vs Digital

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    service: analog, and digital PCS. Analog is the more expensive option and has long been the standard for mobile phone service. Digital PCS is the newest form of phone service. It works by converting human speech into software codes and converting them to audio signals before the codes reach the listener. Because it is software based it provides a perfect platform for a variety of advanced wireless features. Digital PCS is the future of mobile phone service and the soon to be de facto standard for wireless

  • Internet Regulation

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    world that store the information made available to the global Internet community. The Internet is primarily used for these functions: 1. To send and receive e-mail. 2. To transfer files from one computer to another (the files may be text, images, audio, video, etc.). 3. Research to locate information for either government, educational, commercial, etc. 4. To communicate with other computers, either one at a time (Instant message) or many at once (chat rooms or discussion groups). The internet