Ars nova Essays

  • Philippe De Vitry Vs Machaut Analysis

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    The isorhythmic motet is a compositional style that emerged from the movement Ars Nova in the fourteenth century. It is defined based on the use of a talea, a repeated rhythmic pattern, to the main melody of a motet that is the color or the melodic pattern. Philippe de Vitry and Guillaume Machaut are the two most representative composers of this music style. Both composers wrote sacred and secular music in a variety of styles. For the purpose of analysis, the pieces Cum statua/Hugo, Hugo/Magister

  • History Of Western Music

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    Most of the early music that we have today still in print is primarily sacred music. This music, for the most part, is in the form of sections of the Mass, such as the Gloria, Kyrie and Agnus Dei. Most people of the Middle Ages were poor peasants who worked all day for meager wages and had no idle time lounging the way the upper classes did. Therefore, there are few extant secular compositions of music from this era. The rise of a new middle class, however, gave financial freedom for some people

  • Philip De Vitry's Ars Nova In France

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    The Ars Nova in France was start by Philip De Vitry around 1310 and continued through the 1370’s. Ars Nova was known as the “new art” indicating the new French musical style. Another music was Trecento music in Italian Ars nova. In the fourteenth century, new level of music has been progress, especially in the area of capacity of music time. However, many people are supported the Ars Nova. Composer Philip De Vitry wrote Ars nova treaties in 1320. He used verbalization new techniques in legion of

  • Forestry Management

    2002 Words  | 5 Pages

    Forestry Management in Nova Scotia The Canadian forest sector has been a strong and vital element of national and regional well being. Through the management, harvesting, processing and marketing of timber resources, Canada has developed a reputation of being one of the largest timber resources in the forest industry. However, to maintain this reputation and economic well being there are several issues to address in order to protect and sustain this renewable resource. This paper will focus on

  • Metallic Hydrogen

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    our planetary system. Hydrogen is very important to a lot of work done at the Lab. Hydrogen in the form of deuterium and tritium isotopes is the fuel in laser-fusion targets and how it behaves at high temperatures and pressures is very important to Nova and the National Ignition Facility."3 By measuring the electrical conductivity, they found that metallization occurs at pressure equivalent to 1.4 million times Earth's atmospheric pressure, nine times the initial density of hydrogen, and at a temperature

  • The Azores

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    three groups. The Eastern group is made up of Santa Maria and Sao Miguel. The central group is made up of Terceira, Graciosa, Sao Jorge, Pico, and Faial. The western group is made up of Flores and Corvo. The capital of these islands are: Corvo, Vila Nova do Corvo, Flores, Lages, Faial, Horta, Graciosa, Santa Cruz, Pico, Lagis, Sao Jorge, Vila das Velas, Sao Miguel, Ponta Delgada, Santa Maria, Vila do Porto, and Terceira, Angra do Heroismo. All the islands have there own little story on which they tell

  • Bivariate Data Exploration

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    However, insurance companies and car dealers are very much aware of the student situation and have classified certain cars as ‘student cars’, and to clarify this, include cars from Peugeot (106, 306), Renault (Clio), Citroen (Saxo), and Vauxhall (Nova) to name but a few. Now it seems that these cars all have relatively low engine sizes, commonly ranging from 900-1800cc, and are all placed in relatively low insurance groups (and therefore have lower insurance costs), but this may not be the

  • Canberra Bushfires

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    every house in this one suburb was destroyed or partly burnt by the fires. Damage was reported to be in the hundreds of millions, with many treasured possessions lost, never to be recovered again. This story of survival was heard on the radio station Nova 97.9. A neighbour from Duffy lived near a farm. The man who owned the farm didn’t even try to save his home. He knew that he would never save it, so he went down the road, took his hose and helped his fellow neighbour save their home. That home was

  • Utopia

    4263 Words  | 9 Pages

    Utopia In the year 1515, a book in Latin text was published which became the most significant and controversial text ever written in the field of political science. Entitled, ‘DE OPTIMO REIPUBLICATE STATU DEQUE NOVA INSULA UTOPIA, clarissimi disertissimique viri THOMAE MORI inclutae civitatis Londinensis civis et Vicecomitis’, translated into English would read, ‘ON THE BEST STATE OF A COMMONWEALTH AND ON THE NEW ISLAND OF UTOPIA, by the Most Distinguished and Eloquent Author THOMAS MORE Citizen

  • Peter Quill's Role In The Movie 'Guardians Of The Galaxy'

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    If I were conducting this interview this is the format I would follow and the questions I would ask this character. Hi Star Lord, also known as, Peter Quill, it is very nice to meet you. Your role in the adventurous fantasy action filled movie, Guardians of the Galaxy, is the “interstellar adventurer” (, Inc., 2016). You were abducted from Earth when you were very young, and now has to live within the Galaxy, which is a completely different lifestyle than what you did start to grow up with

  • The Mi’kmaq Way of Life

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    understand each other, the dialect varies between bands. For example, the Mi’kmaq spoken in Quebec differs from that in Nova Scotia. The Mi’kmaq tribe settled in southwestern New Foundland in 1630. They were the “first nation people” (Nova Scotia 1) of Nova Scotia and later also settled in New England. They are the dominant tribe in the Canadian Maritimes and are f Roman Catholic faith, (Nova Scotia 1; Wallis and Wallis14, 21-22; Sultzman 1). In traditional times, men, women and children all wore similar

  • Should the Government Ban Assault Weapons?

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    government should ban assault weapons. Enforcing an assault weapons ban can reduce the all-too-familiar occurrences of mass shooting and massacres. When Adam Lanza shot 26 people in Sandy Hook Elementary School..police say he largely relied upon a Bushmaster AR-15 "assault-type weapon," a semiautomatic rifle that could rapidly fire multiple high-velocity rounds. He was also equipped with magazines that held 30 bullets each (Plumer). As a chart from Princeton's Sam Wang shows, the number of people killed in

  • Marco Topete's Murder Scene Analysis

    915 Words  | 2 Pages

    First Degree Murder with Special Circumstances after a high speed pursuit lead to the death of Yolo County Sheriff’s Deputy Jose Antonio Diaz on 15 June 2008. Diaz was fatally struck in the chest by one of seventeen .223 caliber rounds fired from an AR-15 Assault Rifle fired by Marco Topete. The .223 Round pierced Diaz’ Kevlar vest and struck the Sherriff’s County vehicle which contained Topete’s daughter who was abandoned in Topete’s car when he fled on foot from the vehicle. This Crime was one

  • Agenda Setting Paper: Assault Weapon Bans

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    Introduction: What is considered an Assault Weapon There are many views about gun control especially when referring to assault weapons. People are both for it and against it. When first hearing “Assault Weapon Man”, many different images filter through one’s mind on what an assault weapon looks like and how to differentiate between an assault weapon and a regular handgun. There is still no consistent definition for an assault weapon. The only definitions that are out there are the ones found in laws

  • The Clockmaker by Haliburton

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    Clockmaker" is Americans. "The Clockmaker" was written when Nova Scotia had "No capital or markets and with a population which had acquired habits that were not suited for a life of meagre income and sober farming" (Klinck, 92-101). Haliburton blamed the Americans for this. One of the reasons he wrote "The Clockmaker" was to enlighten Nova Scotia and the rest of the world about the true heritage and resources of the colony. "The salvation of Nova Scotia could only come, he felt through a marked change

  • Nova Scotia

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    Nova Scotia Nova Scotia, one of the three Maritime and one of the four Atlantic provinces of Canada, bordered on the north by the Bay of Fundy, the province of New Brunswick, Northumberland Strait, and the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and on the east, south, and west by the Atlantic Ocean. Nova Scotia consists primarily of a mainland section, linked to New Brunswick by the Isthmus of Chignecto, and Cape Breton Island, separated from the mainland by the Strait of Canso. On July 1, 1867, Nova Scotia became

  • Basketball in NS

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    Basketball was first introduced to Nova Scotia as early as 1895 but in the past thirty years the popularity of the sport has really taken off. The high concentration of universities in the province, the tradition and esteem of the high school programs, and the continued support from a large and knowledgeable basketball community have made the game a staple of Nova Scotia life, culminating with the capital city of Halifax becoming known as the basketball capital of Canada. When you talk about basketball

  • Sidney Crosby

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    Sidney Crosby The place was Halifax, Nova Scotia. The Day was Friday, August 7, 1987. On this day, a man, Troy, and a woman, Trina, rejoiced in the birth of their first born child, a son. A son that would soon choose to live, eat, and breathe hockey. A child, unknown at the time, who would soon take the National Hockey League by storm. A child who would become the greatest, talented player of all the hockey world, and who would remarkably achieve this goal by the age of nineteen. This is Sidney

  • The Maratime Rights Movement (Nova Scotia, Canada)

    2791 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Maratime Rights Movement (Nova Scotia, Canada) The Maritime Rights Movement is usually seen as part of the economic decline of post world war period in the Maritimes. The Maritimes were going through hard times, the depression was said to have started in the Maritimes ten years before the rest of Canada did in 1929. The Movement had the Maritimes economic and social needs as it's priorities. The Maritimes views were often contradictory to those of West and Central parts of Canada. The Movement

  • Tidal Power In The Bay of Fundy

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    Environment Report: Tidal Power In The Bay of Fundy INTRODUCTION The Bay of Fundy, which is found off the shores of Nova Scotia, has the highest tides in the world . Extraordinary tides occur when the tidal wave length is two to four times the length of the Bay. By virtue of blind luck or physics, the tide is amplified into a standing wave, like water sloshing in a bathtub. For a breaking wave to form, the surging tide must meet an obstacle. When the ocean meets the river going in