Armenian Apostolic Church Essays

  • St. Jude Children’s Hospital: Giving Hope to the Hopeless

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    Your most beloved baby brother becomes ill. What at first seems like a normal childhood sickness does not go away or get better after a few days. After visiting doctor after doctor and numerous specialists, none of whom can give you a diagnosis or guidance on how to help him, you feel hopeless. You watch helplessly while your brother continues to get sicker and sicker. You begin to fear for his life. What would you do? Whom would you turn to? For many, the answer is St. Jude Children’s Hospital

  • Comparing Orsi's And The Voice Of St. Jude

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    religious hierarchy and the female congregation. With the help of St. Jude, many women felt empowered and have since claimed their vocation as ministers. Orsi illuminated that these women transcended the male worldview and transformed the medical and church hierarchy to be more personal and hopeful. This story is not simply one of women healing others out of selflessness, instead it is bigger. These women embodied St. Jude and were mediators between heaven and earth. They were an in-between healer from

  • Spiritual Leadership Reflection

    978 Words  | 2 Pages

    view in which Christian’s should abide by while on this earth. The bible teaches how to handle money, morality from politics to love. Many who claim Christianity have never opened the Bible to see that it has more than ideas, or scripture taught at church, but a worldview for Christian to live by. Identity. Energy, invested in the Word, steals away from the time to spend with inner self. Lives are so fast pace, electronics’ are always somewhere in the background filling in the void, if we are not

  • Looks Like A Deacon…

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    Many church denominations use members in positions called deacons. As varied as denominations are, so too are the duties and responsibilities of these deacons. By observing their functions in different churches we might ask ourselves some basic questions to understand them and their function. Some of the questions I ask myself are: Where do deacons come from? What are their purposes? When did the church first start using deacons? Are the servants identified in Acts the start of the deacons in the

  • The Transformation: Becoming a Mother

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    Sona Muradyan Professor Stephens English 101 15 March 2017 My Identity as a Mother When I was a teenager, I always wondered what the meaning of life was and where mine would lead. It was the moment my doctor told me I was pregnant, that I soon came to terms with the fact that my life and identity would be dedicated to my child. When you give birth to someone, you give infinite love with no expectations. In my opinion, the role of a mother in a traditional family plays an important role. The respect

  • The Basilica Of The Holy Sepulchre And The Church Of The Resurrection

    753 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Holy Sepulchre is a church. It is also called the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre and the Church of the Resurrection. This site is located in Christian quarter in the old wall city of Jerusalem. In early 2nd century the site was formerly a pagan temple. The first Christian emperor, Constantine ordered that the temple to be demolished around 325/356 and had it replaced by a Christian church. He ordered Macarius of Jerusalem, the local Bishop, to build a church on the site of the previous pagan

  • Armenian Genocide Occur Essay

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    What conditions are necessary for a genocide to occur? Armenian genocide took place in 1915 during the World War One, forcing hundreds of thousands of Armenians to leave their houses. Factors that most contributed to the outbreak of the Armenian Genocide included nationalism, economic jealousy, and the desire of Turks to create a new homogeneous Turkish state without christians. During that time, most of the Armenian population lived on the Turkish territory which made it even easier for Turks to

  • Armenian Americans

    1980 Words  | 4 Pages

    Armenian Americans Introduction The United States is made up of a multitude of different ethnic backgrounds and cultures. We have always been called “the Land of the Free”, which has aided in making the United States more appealing to those who have had to seek refuge from their homelands during war and other hostile situations. Unfortunately, those who have had to seek refuge here have not always been welcome with open arms. We as a nation and I hate to admit it, are just racist. In the 1600’s

  • The Holy Sepulchre: Religious Analysis

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    The ability of the church interrelation is evident in the christian denominations of the Greek Orthodox, Armenian Apostolic, Roman Catholic, Coptic, Ethiopian, and Syriac Orthodox churches. Even though the definition of interrelation says that religious spaces are connected to other sites and events, the Church is a site that allows for six different religious spaces under the same roof. Even though they is a lot of conflict in between these denominations, they are still able to relate to each other

  • Shape Of Baptism Analysis

    703 Words  | 2 Pages

    As Kavanagh points out from the Didache, the Christian “initiatory practice was pluralistic and [continued] developing… [beyond] the beginning of the second century.” (Ibid., pg. 40) There is the East Syrian and Armenian liturgical sources (i.e. the Acts of Thomas and the Didascalia Apostolorum) which describe the Baptism sequence as 1.) anointing the catechumen with olive oil on the forehead; 2.) the triple water immersion with the Trinitarian formula; and 3.) the

  • My Country Armenia

    704 Words  | 2 Pages

    My Country Armenia Everybody loves to go to different places.On weekends people enjoy going out of town.I like to visit my country Armenia. You and your freinds are going to take a trip to Armenia. Armenia is a small European country that was part of the Soviet Union. However, you will have to make some preparations and do some research so as to make the best of use of your time and money.So, my country Armenia has a lot of interesting and attractive places to visit for tourist. Now I want to

  • King Stephen Research Paper

    1945 Words  | 4 Pages

    individual, there is no doubt that it was in Stephen’s political interest to see to the development of Christianity in his kingdom. Historian Pál Engel argues there was a strong symbiosis between royal power and the Catholic church, writing that, “on the one hand, the new [church] was not sustainable without a strong royal power; on the other, it was the Christian religion that gave the kingship an authority never possessed by pagan rulers.” The Christianization of the Magyars both distanced him from

  • A Brief Biography of Pope John Paul II

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    to Karol Wojtyla (1879-1941, and Emilia Kaczorosks (1884-1929). His name was Karol Jozef Wojtyla. Little did his parents know that one day their child was destined not only to become a priest and a bishop, but the 264th pope of the Roman Catholic Church, and only the second non-Italian pope. Emilia, a schoolteacher, died in childbirth. Wojtyla was nine years old and the youngest of three children. This was just the beginning of a life of crosses. His oldest sister, Olga, died before he was born