Anticoagulant Essays

  • Anticoagulants Essay

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    clotting mechanism (WebMD). This is where the use of anticoagulants comes in. Anticoagulants are medicines that reduce blood clotting in an artery, a vein or the heart. They can also prevent existing clots from getting bigger as this would prevent any further blockages. There are many different types of anticoagulants but the three main ones that I am going to explore in this report are Warfarin, Enoxaparin and Apixaban. Warfarin is the main anticoagulant used in the UK and it works by intervening with

  • Anticoagulants Advantages And Disadvantages

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    Anticoagulants agents are medicines used to reduce clotting in an artery, a vein, or the heart. These clots can block the blood flow to your heart muscle and could cause the patient to have a heart attack. This blockage can also block blood flow to your brain, causing a patient to have a stroke. There are several types of anticoagulants like warfarin and heparin. Certain labs such as INR and PT have to be done before warfarin is given and the PTT must be checked also before giving heparin. It’s important

  • Coumadin: Anticoagulant Medication

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    Squibb Company, is an anticoagulant medication. It is more commonly known as a “blood thinner”; however it does not actually thin the blood. An anticoagulant helps your body control how fast your blood clots and it prevents clots from forming during certain medical conditions. Medications such as Coumadin may prevent an already present clot from getting any larger and may also prevent a piece of the clot from breaking off and traveling to your heart, brain or lungs. Anticoagulants do not dissolve blood

  • The Benefits Of Atrial Fibrillation

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    Atrial Fibrillation. For a long period of time warfarin was the only oral anticoagulant available in the US for patients with atrial fibrillation to prevent stroke events. Recently a new oral anticoagulants, including apixaban, dabigatran, and rivaroxaban have been developed and became available in the US for the stoke prevention and systemic embolism for patients with atrial fibrillation. Now, when all three new anticoagulants are available as an alternative to warfarin for the same indication, they

  • Mrs M's Uncontrolled Hypertension

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    This option is used if other treatments aren’t tolerated by the patient.3, 11 An artificial pacemaker may be inserted which will take over the control of the heart therefore stopping AF’s from being uncontrolled.3, 12 Other oral anticoagulants have recently been released to market with Rivaroxaban and Apixaban, showing similar effects as Warfarin for stroke prevention.6 They have a quick onset of action, no need for monitoring and less food/drug interactions compared with Warfarin.6

  • Ethical Dilemma Case Study In Nursing

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    One of my client had been put on anticoagulants upon her admission to the hospital for prophylaxis. She had a history of hypertension, COPD and pneumonia. She had been okay by the doctor for discharge. I was preparing to go on my break but wanted to take care of my client’s ten o’clock dose of Heparin. I had previously read the physicians discharge orders and saw nothing about discontinuing or sending the client home on an anticoagulant. Hearing that my client could be discharged that afternoon

  • Prosthetic Heart Valve Replacement and a Case Study Article Analysis

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    worldwide and is recommended for many patients with severe valvular heart disease. Bioprosthetic heart valves and mechanical heart valves are the two major valve types. Mechanical valves are more durable than bioprosthetic valves but require lifelong anticoagulant therapy with vitamin K antagonists (warfarin) due to persistent risk of thrombosis and stroke. Warfarin has a narrow therapeutic window and requires frequent monitoring such as international normalized ratio (INR) and restrictions on food, drugs

  • Formative Assignment On Anticoagulant Therapy

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    Certificate in Minor Oral Surgery Cohort 3 2014-15 Formative Assignment 1 Anticoagulant therapy is a relatively common long term treatment in UK medicine. Outline what medical conditions might indicate its use. Outline the different types of agents which have and are used and how they affect the physiology of the blood clotting mechanism. Using an evidence base how should patients in this category be managed in primary and secondary care when undergoing different oral surgical procedures.

  • DVT In Nursing

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    introduction of new anticoagulants i.e. blood thinning medications into the health care market. Due to the associated risk of DVT prophylaxis with concurrent anti-coagulation therapy, it is imperative that detailed medication reconciliation is completed pre and post hospital admission/discharge or special procedures to prevent complications of increased bleeding. Factors influencing these risks include; multiple dosing providers, poor patient compliance, and adverse concurrent anticoagulant use. Improved

  • Cerebrovascular Accident Research Paper

    513 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cerebrovascular accidents, the fifth leading cause of death in the USA has increased in last years. The thrombus formation process starts when we born and continues the progress during the course of the life. The individual makes the difference according the knowledge about prevention of illness that she or he has. Physical exercise, keep a healthy lifestyle and take medicines that prevent the formation of thrombus can include as the most important tips to prevent many diseases, such as stroke. We

  • Mini Stroke Essay

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    Stroke, also referred to as CVA or cerebrovascular accident, is a disease that affects the arteries leading to and within the brain. Stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries blood and oxygen is either blocked by a clot, bursts, or ruptures (Dennis & Sen, 2015). When this happens, oxygenated blood fails to nourish tissues in the brain. Symptoms of a stroke vary and depend on the area of the brain affected. The most common symptom is weakness or paralysis of one side of the body with partial

  • The Joint Commission: National Patient Safety Goals for Medicare Based Long Term Care

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    The Purpose of this guideline is to ensure that the patients are been properly identified and that they are receiving the right treatments and medications (The Joint Commission, 2012). • Using Medications Safely Reduce Harms associated with Anticoagulant Therapy: This goal e... ... middle of paper ... ...m, and taking these basic precautions will take health care to the next level. References Jones, D., & Whitaker, T. (2011). Preventing falls in older people: assessment and interventions

  • Case Study Walgreens

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    Walgreens – Rite Aid Merger: Survey Results With the Walgreen's proposed acquisition of Rite Aid, we posed 3 questions to our members. Here are the questions and the results: 1. Is the proposed merger in the best interest of patients? Only 7% of respondents felt that patients were likely to see some benefit from the merger. 2. Is the proposed merger in the best interest of pharmacists? Less than 2% of respondents felt the merger was a positive for pharmacists. Conversely, 82% said no. The balance

  • Ischemic Stroke Patient Case Study

    1978 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction We have not yet completed clinical hours for primary care so I am using a compilation of examples from work. I currently work in the emergency department in Minot, ND and we often care for ischemic stroke patients. Determining when the stroke symptoms began is one of the most important and most challenging questions to answer. Some patients wake up with stroke symptoms, some have a witnessed incident, and some are found after an unknown amount of time. Depending on the timetable, and

  • Hank Greene Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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    What draws us into an endless cycle of scrolling through content? Why do certain videos hold our attention while others do not? These questions point to the power of rhetorical appeals—ethos, logos, and pathos—in shaping how we engage with the media. Hank Green, a popular content creator focused on science education, skillfully employs these rhetorical strategies to capture and maintain his audience’s attention. Through his use of ethos, he establishes credibility, while logos and pathos appeal to

  • Perfusion

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    management also includes monitoring body temperature with a goal of maintaining a normal temperature and normal fluid balance, along with stabilizing blood sugars. The nursing process in caring for clients who have suffered a CVA and treated with anticoagulants is as follows:

  • Atrial Fibrillation Research Paper

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    “Extreme high heart rate, ‘cold’ sweat, and dizziness,” is what Kevin Olinger, a person living with atrial fibrillation (afib), experiences during an afib episode (1). Atrial fibrillation, a very serious heart arrhythmia, is found in over two million people living in the United States (2 What is 1). According to Gary Riddle, doctor at Memorial Hospital Health Care Center, he cares for roughly 40 patients diagnosed with afib each year in Ferdinand, Indiana (Riddle 1). People the age of 40 and over

  • Understanding Deep Vein Thrombosis: Causes and Risks

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    bed due to ailment or surgery. After bed rest of a couple days or after surgery, getting to be plainly dynamic as quickly as time permits may help forestall clusters. If you are at prolonged danger of DVT, your specialist may suggest taking an anticoagulant or utilizing pressure leggings. Having an active lifestyle and being able to maintain your weight is also a way to reduce the risk of developing deep vein

  • The Importance Of Medication Errors In Nursing

    2014 Words  | 5 Pages

    When one decides to become a nurse, they are expected to uphold certain Standards of Care. Standards of Care lay a foundation all nurses need to achieve and sets guidelines for roles they must fulfill. One very important role of a nurse is to safely, competently, and correctly administer medications to their patient. However, with increasing workloads and lack of knowledge, medication errors are steadily rising. Meaning, we are left with an even greater need for Medication Error Awareness.

  • OJ Simpson: The Trial Of O. J Simpson

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    The trial of O.J Simpson, an infamous case that had america glued to their Tv’s. Tensions were high as 11 months passed as the verdict was nearing. The case goes as following, O.J was accused of the murder of his ex wife Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman. On June 13, 1994 Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman were found dead around midnight near the entryway of Nicole’s apartment complex. The crime was heinous for the times and took America by storm. With O.J being a famous main suspect, the media wanted