Analects Essays

  • The Analects Of Confucianism

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    impacted political and sociological standpoints; much of which still helps to shape the Chinese thought. Confucius played a major role during the time of the Zhou dynasty. “Confucius was a thinker, a political figure, an educator” (“Confucius”). The Analects of Confucius contain information on how one should interact with others and conduct their daily lives, and how deeply people should participate in society and government. These ideas then spread to his students, and eventually to many regions of

  • The Legacy of the Analects of Confucius

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    Confucianism plays a curious role in life for those involved with the world, as such that it has been one of the most successful forms of guidelines for government and familial narrations throughout all history. Although The Analects have long been held closely to many, particularly to those of Chinese culture, it does by no means take religious form on behalf of its lack of commitment to any specific belief or dogma. In fact, Confucianism is capable to coalesce with any religion without being at

  • Book 2 Of The Analects Of Confucius

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    The Analects of Confucius’ meaning, that peace can be found in the darkest of times is found by analyzing the historical context in which Confucius lived and in which the Analects were written. The time in which Confucius lived was a peaceful time, full of innovative and philosophical advances. Therefore, his teachings were about peace, specifically about finding it for one’s self. This value becomes even more in depth because, though Confucius was the “transmitter” of these original philosophical

  • Comparing Sappho Poems And Confucius Analects

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    way to fulfillment. In Sappho Poems and Confucius Analects, these disparities are obvious. One of the most drastic differences is how perception affects contentedness in different cultures. In selfish cultures, many work to gain the attention of others through their appearance or actions. Their goal

  • The Life and Teachings of Confucius

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    Confucius was a Chinese philosopher who lived and taught in a period when the unified Chou kingdom had split into a number of feudal states. The subjects that will be talked about is: The philosopher himself, the Analects and what they represent, and lastly the teachings and what a single interpretation of them could be, and what further questions could be asked for further interpretation. Confucianism is the study of the social philosophy through the secular teachings that Confucius taught, what

  • Marcus Brutus and His Fellow Bruti

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    “Good government consists in the ruler being a ruler, the minister being a minister, the father being a father, and the son being a son” (Riegel). Confucius spent his life pushing for equality and a new way of life in ancient China to give the Chinese people something to believe in during difficult times. Modern day China is the hidden engine room of the world. Through the overpowering role of a communist government, it allows them to focus the drive of the industrial workforce into a point in order

  • The Norton Anthology of World Literature

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    solidifies in a pact (Tablet II: 115), and continues on after Enkidu’s death (Tablet IX: 1). The story of Gilgamesh and Enkidu teaches that sharing experiences and hardships creates the human experience. The anthology also includes the Analects of Confucius. The “Sayings” outline Confuciu... ... middle of paper ... ...oken hearts makes Lyrics’ contents memorable. Because of the painstaking labor of the translators, each selection of The Norton Anthology of World Literature

  • A Brief Note on Confucianism

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    Confucius-Summary Master Kung, also known as Kung Fu-tzu is known to be the Confucius of the west. He is one of the most well known philosophers in Chinese history. Confucianism has evolved so much over the years that no one knows the original thoughts of the master. Master Kung established a tradition of cultural values. Confucius wanted to attain a position in government so he could influence the ruler, thus helping him make wiser decisions. He was appointed to a governmental position in Lu but

  • The Influence of Confucius on Chinese Culture

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    very selective and careful. The purpose of Confucius' teaching was practical and designed to help each person improve his character and conduct, and perhaps become prepared for an official position in the court. According to one passage in the Analects, Confucius taught four things: culture, conduct, loyalty, and truthfulness.1 Culture consisted of literature and music. Confucius suggested the value of each: "Let a man be stimulated by poetry, established in character by the rules of propriety

  • The Wisdom of Confucius

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    The book is mainly comprised of sections and chapters taken from ancient Chinese literature and translated into English by Yutang. He has also added his own commentary and a very lengthy introduction. Some of the books that Yutang used were: The Analects, written by one of Confucius' disciples Mencius, Spring and Autumn, written by Confucius himself, and The Book of Songs, which includes over three hundred Chinese songs and anthems edited by Confucius. Confucius was born in the small town of Tsou

  • Essay About My Culture

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    Knowing the treasure hidden in literature that I can take on for life, she made me practice writing and reciting the Analects of Confucius at a fairly young age (when I was 5). Thus, I learned the beauty of Chinese literature and was attracted to it easily. Literature has always been a reflection of culture. The more I read, the more I absorbed the values of ancient and

  • Confucius on Humanity

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    pragmatic rather than speculative. Confucius has been honored as a paragon of virtue and learning by Chinese people for thousands of years. The main documents of Confucian philosophy consists in recorded dialogues and discourses with his disciples: The Analects. Thus it may seen that his lectures sent forth an amiable intimacy, and his philosophic discourses were characterized distinctively by an element of feeling. Having acted as shepherd, trumpeter and storekeeper in his early days, Confucius eventually

  • Plato and Confucius

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    Plato and Confucius There are thousands of credible philosophers for people to study today, therefore the choice of who to study becomes a burdening task. Each single one has amazing knowledge and insight that we could all learn something from. There are people who don’t call themselves philosophers but bring philosophical thought to us, and then there are those who dedicate their lives to the love of wisdom. Philosophers have existed for thousands of years, and as long as the sun comes up, there

  • Confucius The Analects

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    with that lifestyle. The author believes that it is counterintuitive to fight for things, because a sort of divine being is in control and what that divine being says, goes. 12.) Explain what “li” is as you have learned about it in Confucius’ The Analects and the class videos

  • Confucius's The Analects

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    When reading through The Analects, audience could find out that Confucius has led people a way to truly understand learning and how to enjoy learning. Not only did Confucius pointed out the great importance of reviewing what people have learned, but he also said “He who is able to acquire new ideas while reviewing old knowledge is worthy of being a teacher” (passage 2.10, The Analects) to emphasize that how people make good use the knowledge they learned to improve themselves is even more essential

  • Divine Comedy Analects

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    The Divine Comedy, the Analects, and The Conference of the Birds Dante’s The Divine Comedy, Farid Ud-Din Attar’s The Conference of the Birds, and Confucius’ The Analects all have a similar theme; each reading tells a unique story of compassion and forgiveness. In each, these traits are expressed through the actions and monologues of the characters. In Dante’s Divine Comedy, the guide on Dante’s journey goes by the name of Virgil who shows his empathy and mercy through the mistake of pity that Dante

  • Confucius in the Analects

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    Confucius’s counsel and guidance recorded in The Analects instilled wisdom when they were first recorded and continue to provide a thought provoking analysis of life and the checkpoints that guide it. The Master’s commentary on restraint, diligence, decency, and citizenship are well intended and relevant. Politics and the role of government also come under scrutiny as Confucius offers his insights in bettering the organization of power. His proverb-like admonitions use clear examples of everyday

  • The Key Values Of Confucius's The Analects

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    Written during the Period of Warring States, The Analects consists of what Confucius and his disciples believed to be the key values required for a harmonious society. Through various exchanges between an entity only recognized as “The Master” and people of other backgrounds such as Dukes and students, the disciples define the fundamental Confucian values that everyone in society must conform to such as ren (kindness), yi (altruism), li (everyday norms), and zhi (morality). The discourses evince

  • Bhagavad Gita And The Analects

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    belonging to Hinduism, and the Analects belonging to Confucianism. While these two texts originate from two distinct religions, the two have some similarities and differences. Both the Bhagavad-Gita and the Analects address the proper way for one to act; however, they differ when it comes to heaven and the main concern of each text. The main concern of the Bhagavad-Gita is a personal journey, achieving moksa through devotion to Brahman, and the main concern of the Analects is a communal journey, maintaining

  • Bhagavad Gita And Confucius Analects: An Analysis

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    A large amount of ancient texts contain themes relating to violence, power, and war, while others, such as The Bhagavad Gita and Confucius’ Analects, focus on individual and collective development through a series of selfless acts. The two texts provide an in-depth system of duties and learning created to provide direction for the betterment of the self, as well as society as a whole. The Bhagavad Gita places a greater focus on the duties of individuals that must be fulfilled to achieve an enlightened