American Liberalism Essays

  • Puritan American Liberalism

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    reapply the arguments of others to suit their own purposes. However, the one concept of liberalism that has remained steadfast throughout history is the ideas of freedom and open-mindedness. It was these ideas that were behind the idea of abolitionism and women’s rights, as well as the creation of three levels of government which are intended to keep the others in

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of The Smug Style In American Liberalism

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    Rhetorical Analysis American liberalism has deviated from its core values and constituents hence metamorphosing into a toxic disdainful movement. Emmett Rensin in his article in Vox dubbed “The Smug Style in American Liberalism” captures these observations perfectly. He notes that through the condescending notion of knowing has alienated the contemporary liberals from their core values that were deemed progressive in the past. The movement is currently cloaked as the “monopoly on reason” and has

  • Liberalism in Early American Literature

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    Liberalism is the foundation of America. This ideology is found in the country’s early fledgling literature and in the very document that made America free. Both the selected works of Phyllis Wheatley and Thomas Jefferson are actively working for the ideology of liberalism, which is a political ideology that is against any system that threatens the freedom of the individual and his natural rights and prevents the individual from becoming all the individual can be, specifically the importance of human

  • Liberalism And The American Revolution Joyce Appleby Analysis

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    The American Revolution is one of the most widely discussed topics within American History. It is of the uttermost importance not only to our independence, but to how our society functions today. With startlingly intense research, lengthy statics, and trustworthy sources, Joyce Appleby gives us a dazzling account of how and why the revolution changed every aspect of American life in her article “Liberalism and the American Revolution”. Joyce Appleby was born in Omaha, Nebraska on April 9th, 1929

  • Of Liberalism In Emily Rosenberg's Spreading The American Dream?

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    In Emily Rosenberg's book Spreading The American Dream: American Economic and Cultural Expansion, she chronicles the history of American expansionism throughout the Western Hemisphere, Europe, and the Far East. I contend that not only does the United States disregard their path towards liberalism when it suits their interests, but also that the United States' intervention in Latin America was meant to undercut European competition while boosting their own economic supremacy throughout the world.

  • Conservatism In The Tea Party

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    In 18th and 19th century Europe, three main political ideologies arose. They were liberalism, conservatism, and socialism. These later broke into sub-ideologies. Liberalism gave rise to American liberalism and American conservatism, while socialism broke into itself as well as its violent counterpart, communism. Each emphasises society is constructed in a different way. Liberalism is focused on citizens as individuals, conservatism is more concerned with society as a community, and socialism sees

  • Essay On Liberalism

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    and freedoms from infringement by any person, be it the government or fellow citizens. Liberalism offers a solution to this by advocating for the protection of personal freedom. As a concept and ideology in political science, liberalism is a doctrine that defines the motivation and efforts made towards the protection of the aforementioned individual freedom. In the current society, the greatest feature of liberalism is the protection of individual liberty from intrusion or violation by a government

  • Compare And Contrast Classical Republicanism And Thomas Jefferson

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    types of philosophies such as; Christian ethics, liberalism, republicanism, and Scottish morality mostly from David Hume. The two philosophies he based his governance and stances on came from Classical Republicanism and Lockean Liberalism. Jefferson was not crippled to one ideal, he used both Classical Republicanism and Lockean Liberalism in certain aspects in America. Jefferson decided he would use both Classical Republicanism and Lockean Liberalism Jefferson also combined John Locke’s influence with

  • Conservatism In Health Care

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    are many aspects of our country that either falls into the category of conservatism or liberalism. It is important for Americans to gain an understanding of conservatism and liberalism before discussing topics that involve each category. In chapter six, of Policy and Politics in Nursing and Health Care, it does a great job of breaking down conservatism and liberalism for a better understanding. “Liberalism relies on the notion that members of a society should be able to ‘develop their individual

  • Classical Liberalism Vs Conservatism

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    Liberalism influenced the 18th century transformation of modern western political thinkers. In fact, there have been many pivotal theoretical advancements since the creation of classic liberalism arrived. For instance, other significant political theories started making an appearance such as radicalism, nationalism, and socialism, after traditional liberalism separated into new branches; modern liberalism and libertarianism. This sparked the emergence of many philosophers and key thinkers who wanted

  • Classical Liberalism Vs. Classical Conservatism

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    Classical Liberalism vs. Classical Conservatism In today's society, most people are unable to explain the differences between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. In fact, the two parties' ideologies seem to be very much alike; and therefore, people tend to believe that a Republican candidate and a Democratic candidate running for the same office will not make a large difference from one another. Furthermore, both Democrats, the supposedly liberal party, and Republicans, the supposedly

  • Liberalism vs. Conservatism

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    "chauvinist conservatives" by Hollywood pundits or "liberal bigots" by Christian broadcasting. Everywhere someone is firing the label gun plastering liberal or conservative on their opponents and many Americans are scratching their heads trying to understand the division and difference between both. Liberalism, formed in the latter part of the 18th Century from opposition to existing political monarchies in Europe, was based on rights of individuals and the responsibility of government to protect those

  • Analysis Of Mark Lilla's Essay: The End Of Identity Liberalism

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    Mark Lilla’s essay “The End of Identity Liberalism” vehemently endorses a post-identity form of liberalism that focuses on the commonality of the American people, instead of the differences that set them apart. According to the author, the age of identity liberalism—remarkably known for the relentless efforts of groups advocating for equality such as the Black Lives Matter or the gay rights movement—needs to come to an end so that the needs of all Americans are effectively considered, regardless of

  • Lyndon B Johnson's War On Neo-Conservatism

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    the Presidential election of 1964, “Post-New Deal liberalism reached its high-water mark with a flood of federal legislation and a series of Supreme Court decisions that bolstered democratic rights and expanded the role of government in promoting social well-being. ” However, a new form of conservatism was culminating and would eventually put a wedge in the seemingly solid liberal platform. This gave rise to a new way of thinking that Americans grasped onto and dominated the political sphere for

  • Classical Liberalism And Classical Republicanism On The Constitution And Modern Society

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    Do Classical liberalism and Classical republicanism influence the constitution and modern society Classical liberalism and Classical republicanism influence society and the constitution by giving equal rights to all and promoting the good of the public. To the right of freedom of speech and demonstrations to creating parks and health care for the community, it's all apart of classical liberalism and republicanism because they both help create order in our society So what is classical liberalism

  • Democrats and Republicans: Is There a Difference?

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    welfare. What exactly is liberalism? According to Sidlow (2013), liberalism is the belief that "big government" is necessary for the promotion of the common good (p.16). Without government action, many social and economic outcomes for many people would turn out badly. In other words, without government intervention, many children of poor individuals would never have access to health care in the first few critical years of life and may not get enough food to eat. Liberalism is the belief that social

  • Conservatism And Pragmatism

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    thought about those words. The words that really made a difference I the way I thought are pragmatism, realism, liberalism, conservatism and ideology. These words really made me think in a whole different way. The word that really made me actually think the most was pragmatism. Pragmatism is a philosophical tradition that began in the 1876 (Gutek, 2004). Pragmatism was developed by American philosophers Charles S. Piers, William James and John Dewey (Gutek, 2004). Pragmatist developed their philosophy

  • Neo-Liberalism In The Film Snowpiercer

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    apocalyptic world presented in the film Snowpiercer serves as stage, wherein the ideas of neo-liberalism, slow violence, and biopower are practiced in their most basic forms, without traditional governmental intervention. Moreover, the conductor of the train’s implementation of these ideologies is essential in conveying the message that Snowpiercer serves as a valuable cautionary tale, amidst the current American political discourse. Snowpiercer is set in the year 2031, following a global ice-age caused

  • An Analysis Of Liberalism

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    The thesis of Scott Burchill’s article, Liberalism, is that “the prospects for the elimination of war lay with the preference for democracy over aristocracy and free trade over autarky.” He adds that liberalism is contingent upon the state to uphold the rule of law and respect for human rights. The key ideas in the article support his thesis by explaining that democracies promote peace by sharing mutual democratic principles and institutions, that free trade breaks down barriers between individuals

  • Political Liberalism: Philosophy of Liberty and Equality

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    supportive of political liberalism. Liberalism is a philosophy founded on the beliefs of liberty and equality. These qualities are clearly represented in the source examples being “guard the freedom of ideas at all costs” as well as “respect and preserve the rights of the people.” It also expresses concerns for authoritarian rule, “be alert that dictators have always played on the natural human tendency to blame other and to oversimplify.” Advocates of political liberalism rejected the absolutism