Conservatism In Health Care

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There are many aspects of our country that either falls into the category of conservatism or liberalism. It is important for Americans to gain an understanding of conservatism and liberalism before discussing topics that involve each category. In chapter six, of Policy and Politics in Nursing and Health Care, it does a great job of breaking down conservatism and liberalism for a better understanding. “Liberalism relies on the notion that members of a society should be able to ‘develop their individual capacities to the fullest extent’” (Mason, Gardner, Outlaw, & O'Grady, 2016, p. 54). In opposition, conservatism is “guided by the notion that government had a responsibility to provide structured assistance to others” (Mason et al., 2016, …show more content…

1). The article mentions the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993. “The Religious Freedom Restoration Act requires that if a law or rule places a substantial burden on a person’s exercise of religion, the government must demonstrate that the law serves a compelling government interest in the least restrictive way” (para. 14). According to the People for the American Way, conservatives utilize the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to rid individuals their own rights and interest, rather than for the protection of freedom to exercise religion (). In conclusion, the article states that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act should not be used by conservatives as a sword against people that offend them …show more content…

The liberals believe that every individual should be treated equally. Liberals view religion as negative because it allows others to express their own beliefs, in opposition to others. Conservatives believe that their rights of religious liberty are becoming conquered to satisfy everyone else’s feelings. Religion is should not be viewed as negative or a sword against others, but rather illustrate the welfares for society and

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