Mortgage Essays

  • mortgage

    1556 Words  | 4 Pages

    Mortgage Terms Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM): A mortgage with interest rates and monthly payments adjusted at regular intervals based on changes in either a national or regional index. Also called "variable-rate mortgage." Amortization: A loan payment schedule characterized by equal periodic payments that are calculated to meet current interest payments and retire the principal at the end of a fixed period (at maturity if the loan is fully amortized). Annual Percentage Rate (APR): The total

  • Reverse Mortgage: What Is Reverse Mortgage?

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    What is reverse mortgage? A Reverse mortgage is a special type of loan for seniors 62 or above, that lets you convert a part of equity in your home into usable cash. Borrowers do not need to repay the loan if the home is their primary residence and they meet the obligations of a reverse mortgage. Most reverse mortgages are provided by the Federal housing administration (FHA), as part of its home equity conversion mortgage (HCEM) program. What types of home are eligible? Any single family home or

  • Mortgage Brokers

    529 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mortgage brokers are often overlooked when looking for a mortgage. Many people do not appreciate the savings that can be made by using a broker. when looking for a competitive mortgage quote. Not only can they help save you money, they can also offer you invaluable advice, and help you understand the complexities that mortgages entail. They can break things down into a simple format, which allows you to see exactly what you are getting involved, and more importantly, whether you can truthfully afford

  • Mortgage Fraud

    753 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mortgage fraud has been increasing globally harming homeowners, businesses and the economy. New ways to detect and prevent mortgage fraud have been developed to discover and prevent criminals before the fact; rather than after the damage has been done. The article An Insight into the World of Mortgage Fraud in the US and UK by Beverly Houlbrook talks about mortgage fraud and how it is becoming more evident “as economies enter recessionary periods and house prices tumbles” (34). It states how the

  • Mortgage Essay

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    Preface A mortgage is a form of debt, secured by the warranty of a specific real estate property. The borrower is required to pay back the debt in predetermined payments. The most common reason for acquiring a mortgage is to purchase real estate when it cannot be paid for up front. The homebuyer, in a residential mortgage, pledges their home to the bank. Over a period of years, the borrower pays back the loan with interest. Once the mortgage is paid in entirety, the owner retains the property free

  • Mortgage Refinance Rate Essay

    527 Words  | 2 Pages

    Americans are looking for the best mortgage refinance rates they can find in order to lower their monthly bills. If you are one of them, read on for an overview of the current market conditions and some ways to ensure you find the lowest rates possible. Current Mortgage Conditions Currently, the rates on 30 year fixed mortgages are very low, and tending to remain unchanged from week to week, at nearly 5 and a quarter percent. For a 15-year fixed rate mortgage, you can expect to find rates at less

  • Mortgage Loan Amortization

    770 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mortgage Amortization, by definition, is “referring to the process of paying off a debt over time through regular payments. A portion of each payment is for interest while the remaining amount is applied towards the principal balance”(Google). By making the repayments in either monthly payments or the sum of the total payments, people will decrease the amount that they owe, which will help people to save their money in the long run like what the author Glen Craig states “As the interest portion of

  • Greediness of Mortgage Lenders

    666 Words  | 2 Pages

    (1) Mortgage loans are a substantial form of revenue for the financial industry. Mortgage loans generate billions of dollars in the financial industry. It is no secret that companies have the ability to make a lot of money by offering a variety of mortgage loan products. The problem was not mortgage loans but that mortgage companies were using unethical behavior to get consumer mortgage loans approved. Unfortunately, the Countrywide Financial case was not an isolated case. Many top name mortgage companies

  • Mortgage Mistakes Essay

    698 Words  | 2 Pages

    Avoiding Mortgage Mistakes That Can Cost You Money If you plan to get a mortgage, then you should make sure that you avoid a number of common mistakes that will leave you paying too much money or getting into financial difficulties. If you are aware of potential mistakes you can make, you will be better equipped to get the best deal for your needs. Here are the most common mortgage mistakes and how to avoid them: Not sorting out your finances If you try and get a mortgage before you have sorted

  • Best Mortgage Rate Essay

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    the best mortgage deal, even when they are signing on the dotted line. You need to be sure that you are clear with your selected option and are not second guessing yourself after you have selected a winning offer. You need to ensure prior to this time that you have gone through all the options and have clearly received the lowest mortgage rate that you can possibly get under your current circumstances. Here, we share some important tips that you can follow in order to get the lowest mortgage rate for

  • The Subprime Mortgage Crisis

    1378 Words  | 3 Pages

    The subprime mortgage crisis The argument over who is at fault for the housing market collapse has been a heated issue amongst government, politicians, banking institutions, and mortgage lenders. The subprime mortgage crisis is an ongoing financial issue and real estate nightmare for the United States economy. A dramatic increase in mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures has caused a significant adverse effect on banking institutions and financial markets. Due to this mortgage crisis, the housing

  • Subprime Mortgage Crisis

    866 Words  | 2 Pages

    Subprime Mortgage Crisis Concept Background Subprime mortgage crisis is my preferred topic of discussion. The reason behind taking this topic is that housing is a basic need thus everybody needs it irrespective of the financial situation he is in. In this regard, the idea of subprime seems to be the only way to meet this need in a more professional decent manner. The case of subprime mortgage crisis presents a nice area of study on how a country can solve a financial crisis that was not anticipated

  • Mortgage Contract Essay

    556 Words  | 2 Pages

    UNDERSTANDING YOUR MORTGAGE CONTRACT As a first time homebuyer, your mortgage contract provides proof of your entry into real estate. The contract protects both you and the mortgage lender. The contract dictates the terms and conditions agreed upon by you and the lender, all negotiations made relating to collateral and interest rates and fees. You must familiarize yourself with fundamental conditions of your mortgage contract, so that will be aware and be able to plan accordingly. Basic Mortgage Loan Terms

  • Pros And Cons Of Reverse Mortgage

    518 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mostly when we talk about a reverse mortgage, we focus on the client, the mortgage company, the Federal Housing Authority (FHA) regulation, pros and cons of a reverse mortgage, who is eligible for a reverse mortgage, loan amounts and the reverse mortgage available in the market. However, there is always one factor for eligibility for a reverse mortgage that is constantly overlooked. The property or home which can qualify for a reverse mortgage. A home or property is the main factor in determining

  • Reverse Mortgage Essay

    507 Words  | 2 Pages

    reverse mortgage can supplement your retirements savings. Naturally, according to research, financial experts have stated that the current retirement saving profile will not provide enough money to most people approaching the retirement age. For instance, only 5% of people at the age 55-65 have met the saving targets in their retirement account balances. Therefore, the retirees and their financial planners should seek other means to enhance their retirement planning. Indeed, a reverse mortgage is accompanied

  • West Chester Mortgage Fraud Case

    855 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mortgage Fraud The state of Pennsylvania takes all allegations of fraud very seriously, and lenders or borrowers can face criminal charges if they lie about or omit certain information during the mortgage application process. In certain cases, alleged offenders may also face federal charges for this type of fraud. The penalties can be quite severe if a person is convicted of this offense, with punishments including several years of imprisonment, substantial fines, and possibly even restitution

  • Paying Off A Mortgage Early

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    rather than paying off a mortgage early. Through the analysis of five published articles, this paper explains why first time home owners in their mid-twenties to thirties, who are starting a family, should focus on maximizing their investments instead of allocating their extra disposable income to paying of house debt. The advantages and disadvantages, as well as when it is practical to favor investments over early mortgage payments, is outlined in the paper. Keywords: mortgage The Importance of Investing

  • What Documents To Review At A Closing For A Mortgage

    2180 Words  | 5 Pages

    What Documents To Review At A Closing For A Mortgage Three important mortgage documents 1.     Mortgage 2.     Note 3.     HUD-1 Settlement Statement Mortgage •     People who sign only have an interest in the property and our not responsible to pay for the loan •     Make sure the correct legal description and address are listed •     Gives the rights of the mortgage company o     Usually very standard •     Secures the note •     Gives the lender a claim against the home if you fail

  • Faha 203k Mortgage Case Study

    1761 Words  | 4 Pages

    203k mortgage The FHA 203k is a sister product to the FHA loan. While the FHA loan is used to buy or refinance a home, the 203k product is used to buy an existing property and also make repairs and improvements to the property. This loan basically allows the homebuyer to borrow more money than the asking price and use the extra funds for the work on the home. Advantages People who locate a good home in need of repair can now buy the home and finance the repair costs in one loan. This is an ideal

  • Smart Bad Mortgage Essay

    523 Words  | 2 Pages

    Smart Bad Credit Loans - Mortgage Bad Credit Loans     Most people get confused and desperate because they have a bad credit rating and they automatically think that it is impossible for them to get a refinancing credit and that they might lose their home. But, you can never know until you try, especially with mortgage bad credit loans available now, look around, find a few lenders and see what comes up. But it is not only the fact