wyatt earp

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Wyatt Earp, Doc Holiday, and the gunfight at the O.K. Corral were they really fighting for justice or revenge. In the attempt to serve “justice” they blurred the lines of the system to their gain. This essay is prove a point that the marvelous western hero lived a much darker live fueled by revenge, bribes, and gambling. First, in the quest to make a name for yourself you may succeed at it but not get the desired result. First, from the start a man wants to be known and in Wyatt Earps quest to he infuriates the entire nation. For example, Earp is the referee at a high stakes boxing match when he makes the call that will haunt him the rest of his life, “Fitzsimmons, to that point the clear winner, sent his opponent sprawling to the canvas with what Earp judged a low blow… was Earp a crook” he is a man who has gone by his gut his entire life and it has served him well but in a arena full of spectators throwing money at each fighter does he call it a low blow on purpose or was he calling as he sees it; Earp has always lived his life to be a respectable man, however money can corrupt a man and who calls a fight on the obvious winner unless you have something to lose (banks 58). Next, Earp basically threw a boxing match, and you don’t throw such an important boxing match unless you were bribed. For instance, even though he made the call few saw it, “a foul many never saw” so you can infer from that if “never saw it” that it was made up and he was bribed to throw the fight (Banks 59). Last, in the west he was considered the shiny example of the law, but this one thing has ruined him. To show this, he was once one of the finest marshals that lived but he is known for throwing a boxing match, “ the incorruptible frontiersman exposed” and... ... middle of paper ... ...ify what will happen if you cross them (Wright 19). In Wyatt Earps attempt to seek “justice” he not only founded a gang that was legal because they were deputized but they got away with everything because of it. Earp was not a shining example of a lawman, when you took off his badge you could see him for what he truly was a man that sought revenge through any means possible; who also had a severe gambling addiction and committed petty crimes. If every marshal were like him the west would not have been good vs. evil, but a lesser of two evils vs. evil. In were an unfair system that allowed a corrupt man to run part of the west with no opposition because if you tried to harm him he would come after you with a vengeance. He never will be example of a good sheriff he is a man who committed his crimes with the protection of the law to benefit himself and nothing more.

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