what was wrong with the holocaust

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What was wrong with the Holocaust? We can spend hours upon hours, days after days if we want to just talk about what was wrong with the holocaust. We all understand that the holocaust was all about the slaughtering of the Jews. But what most people do not understand about the holocaust was the fact that who performed the killing, or why they did the killing. But understanding the holocaust is all about knowing who did the killing, and why they did the killing. We also need to understand the consequences, and punishment if you did not perform the killing if you are been asked to do it. It is clear that the holocaust is one of the world’s most devastating genocide in history of mankind. What was wrong with the Holocaust? Christopher Browning and Elie Wiesel both looked at the holocaust from two different points of views. They both had the opportunity to explain this horrible even from two different significant experiences of the victims. In his book, “Ordinary men,” Browning examines the police me who committed, or performed the killing. First he explain to the readers that this men just ordinary people, but coming to think of it, what made this ordinary people perform the first massacred. Browning explain to us that this men were not chosen individual, nor were they chosen because of a particular reason. The reserve police battalion were first assigned to massacre the Jews, but after that, they were assigned to clear the Jews ghettos and drive the residents onto trains that they would be transported to the extermination camps. But he made us understand that the police battalion who committed this massacre had the opportunity not to do it when Trapp, their commander said, “If any of you older men among them did not feel up to th... ... middle of paper ... ...seeing their friends, father, or brother dying that way made them to become cruel among themselves, with everyone consent just with his own survival. This were group of people from the same community, and some of them were fellowshipping together. But they changed the point that they acted as if they did not know each other. Everything that happen during the holocaust just maybe could be avoided if the police battalion could all just stepped out when Trapp gave them the opportunity to do so, and not be punished. In the same way if the community could listen to Moshe, just maybe they were not going to be victims of what happen during this period, or they could be a lot more Jews survivals after that period. The holocaust taught the world a lesson that they will never want to repeat it again, and they are will to hunt anyone down who tries to repeat that history.

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