Never Forget The Holocaust

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Forgetting Is Not An Option
The holocaust is a incredibly difficult for some people to discuss with others depending on their extent of connection to the event. It is believed to be the worst genocide known to man by many people. This explains discomfort many people experience when discussing the subject. People debate if the absolutely horrific events of World War II will be forgotten as generations pass. Survivors have many different ways of never forgetting the events that happened to them. Some people feel that it is better to completely wipe these events from memory because they do not want to remember what happened to them, while others want to tell all of society of tragic events hoping to prevent similar events from occurring in the future. Many people debate which method is best to never …show more content…

In the New York Times Article, Proudly Bearing Elders’ Scars, Their Skin Says ‘Never Forget’,  Eli Sagir got a tattoo on his left forearm of his grandfather’s tattoo.  Eli’s idea of “never forget” is carried down from his grandfather to himself. Eli got a tattoo on his forearm because he does not want to forget the horrific incidents that happened to his grandfather during the Holocaust. Eli’s idea and way of “never forget” is trivializing what actually happened during the Holocaust. Eli does not want the holocaust to be subordinated and for all the future generations to think that these horrific events never happened. However, Eli's way of trying to convey this message to younger generations is the wrong message about the holocaust and the great impact that it had on society.
There are numerous ways to better memorialize what his grandfather experienced than by getting a permanent tattoo. In the article they discussed the best way to memorialize the Holocaust. By getting a tattoo, Eli is trivializing the actual significance of the events of the Holocaust.

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