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America has long been a source of strong patriotic movements in support of, and opposed to, various practices and stances it held. When these movements are examined under a lens of scrutiny certain problems become evident. The American public has little in the way of a concrete understanding about what we are trying to say about our country. On the one hand Americans promote the ideal of American democracy and cry for other nations to adopt it, but on the other hand consistently demonstrate a hatred for the government our democracy created. Other conflicts, like the American ideal of being a nation that treats its citizens equally, opposes the right of citizens to demonstrate their free will. The true American ideology is not so easily defined. There is only one universally true principle that defines how America operates and that is its foundation in natural rights. It is an ideology than cannot be defined by what traits it holds most important, but by its ability to find a place within everyone.
This foray into what the true American ideology is requires the use of a “veil of ignorance.” Within the hypothetical veil, people are unable to know any distinguishing characteristics about themselves or others. Any society created from behind the veil should be free of inherent discriminations or advantages. I take issue with the use of this veil of ignorance. So much of the political theory and philosophy of early Americans is based on the so-called “original position” proposed by Enlightenment thinkers. There is no such thing as an original position, there never has been, and there most likely never will be. There is no use in making the backbone of a theory rest on an imaginary concept. John C. Calhoun expressed this very same sen...

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...ite? If we are free, can we chose they types of people we associate with or serve? Dilemmas such as this one are at the core of any real look at the American ideology. My personal take on the issue is that the game isn't one versus another, by one versus itself versus the other. Not all freedoms are created equal just like all forms of quality are not equal. For example, I would not hold equal treatment under the law at the same level as equal treatment in a private setting such as a business. Likewise, freedom to act cannot be on the same level as freedom to speak. What makes America unique is that it really doesn't matter what you think is the most important. For good or ill people will fall back on a multitude of precedents to advance their agenda. Want totally unrestricted media? There is a basis for that. Want income equality? There is ground to argue for it.

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