synthesis essay

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My research is based on how the influence of different parenting styles can be the cause of the different types of behaviors in adolescents. Some of the styles that are going to be mentioned are permissive, neglecting and authoritative parenting. Also a lot of the information focuses on the development of kids in various circumstances whether it is emotional or physical. They’re a various results due to bad or good parenting, some of the ones that are the most common are the effects on school achievement, substance abuse, the way they express themselves socially, and juvenile delinquency.
Keywords: Authoritative, permissive, and neglect

The Influence of Parenting Styles on Adolescent Behavior

Parenting is an essential part of a child’s development into adolescence. Over the years the way parents treat their kids has changed dramatically, the discipline of parenting has diminished. Some parents are young and don’t have enough experience and that can be one of the factors that affects the way they go about parenting. Others don’t spend much time with their kids because of busy schedules and their kids suffer neglect. There is also the parent that feels that their kids should be kept in a bubble and is over protective. Some of these styles can be the cause of good or bad behavior in adolescents. Globe, It is defined as, normal variations in parents’ attempts to control and socialize their children (Baumrind, 1967).
Some of the most common outcomes due to these different parenting styles is the use of illicit drugs or the consumption of alcohol. Others often have a hard time in achieving in school. Also many end up committing crimes due to the neglect of their parents. Another point that I also came ac...

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... irresponsibility as a result.
Juvenile delinquency

In many circumstance adolescents also get involved in delinquency as a result. Parents that are neglectful usually have a high risk of having their children get involved in a criminal act. Also hostility in the home and a lack of discipline is also a factor that causes this problem. The rate of adolescents involved in delinquencies has increased immensely. As kids start getting older they tend to not spend as much time with their parents. Spending time as a family can be the best way to prevent kids to get involved in crimes. Given their definition of the situation, delinquent youth view their deviant behavior as appropriate and legitimate, if not required or necessary (Anderson, 1999; Cairns, 1979;Katz, 1988). A lot of the behaviors that have bee associated with delinquency are related to a lack of self-control

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