newspaper reader ship

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“The world is in turmoil,” at least that is what the media projected. But it was true; there was a major problem with the world on that autumn morning in September 11th. “The mighty have fallen,” was heard elsewhere as this great nation of America felt it’s first real attack since December 7, 1945 when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. As all of the nations of the world sat slacked jawed and paralyzed, the American media worked at a feverish pace to inform all what had just happened.
The media did a wonderful job portraying the events that took place during and after September 11th. Especially the newspapers, with the up to the minute news processing and gathering for up to the minute news. They even at times collaborated with other news sources so that they were able to be a main source for news.
Newspapers is the only news mass media that has been there for every major disaster that America has gone through. The Revolutionary war used newspapers for the most up-to-date information for those whose family was fighting far off; it was even used to inform the cities of what was happening with the current government. Then there was the Civil War, and not to mention the deaths of Presidents. Newspapers have covered from behind the lines during battles. They were even there for even the saddest of moments when great people have passed on such as President John F. Kennedy and Princess Diana.
Newspapers have covered lots of news over the years and have had a lot of readers. But is it because of these disasters that newspapers are still around? Has the tragedy of September 11th helped to improve Sunday newspaper readership?

Sunday Newspaper Readership
According to “Newspaper Association of America” there was a steady decline in Sunday readership before and continuing through the year 2000. Readers whether part time or full time newspaper readers were just not picking up their papers anymore. AT least 18% of all readers have started to read less or have decided not to pick up the paper all together. This continuous downfall has not just affected the occasional reader; it has affected every type from the hardcore to the infrequent reader.
It is hard to reach the Sunday reader or even the potential reader to find out what they like to read in the newspaper since most of the time the reader is a one time a week reader or even an occasional reader.

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