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Importance of Print Media
Importance of print and electronic media
Importance of print and electronic media
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Information comes to people every day in different ways. Mostly, it is delivered through media, either print or broadcast. One type of these media is the newspaper. It places a very important place in people’s life. Reading of newspapers has become a habit for most of the people. A good newspaper is beneficial for everyone. People have a greater value for all, especially in a social equality. It keeps the society informed and increases the people’s general knowledge. Newspapers tell the society what is happening around them for they are the world’s mirrors (Role Of Newspaper In Our Life, 1).
Internet gives a huge influence to the generations. From the time when Internet was born, the world began to change dramatically. Last three decades and over, the growth of the Internet has changed the way we live. It changed the way we find information by the way we enjoy the practical living like shopping and entertainment (Gunelius, 2013).
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New media surpassed the way of the old ones.
People are always aware of what is happening around them because of new updates posted online. Online news supports the need for alertness of people. Instead of paying for the newspaper, people can just view on what is in their gadget or means of connecting online, anytime and anywhere. This study can provide ideas about the credibility of online news as how people criticize about the content of a certain lead.
The study of Spiro Kiousis (2006) focuses on the investigation of the influence of the modality of the website on people’s perceptions of source and the credibility of a message for an online news story. It concluded that the occurrence of online journalism increases many critical conceptual and practical issues surrounding our understanding of how people make judgments about
“Until justice is blind to color, until education is unaware of race, until opportunity is unconcerned with the color of men's skins, emancipation will be a proclamation but not a fact.”(Lyndon Johnson). For generations in the United Stated, ethnic minorities have been discriminated against and denied fair opportunity and equal rights. In the beginning there was slavery, and thereafter came an era of racism which directly impacted millions of minorities lives. This period called Jim Crow was the name of the racial caste system up in till mid 1960s. Jim Crow was more than just a series of severe anti-Black laws, it became a way of life. Under Jim Crow, African Americans were positioned to the status of second class citizens. What Jim Crow did is represented the anti-Black racism. Further on, In 1970’s the term “War on Drugs” was coined by President Richard Nixon . Later President Ronald Reagan officially declared the current drug war. In reality the war had little to do with drug crime and a lot to do with racial politics. The drug war was part of a strategy of used by the government. The President identified drug abuse as national threat. Therefore, they called for a national anti-drug policy, the policy began pushing for the involvement of the police force and military in drug prohibition efforts. The government did believe that blacks or minorities were a cause of the drug problem. They concentrated on inner city poor neighborhoods, drug related violence, they wanted to publicize the drug war which lead Congress to devote millions of dollars in additional funding to it. The war on drugs targeted and criminalized disproportionably urban minorities. There for, “War on Drugs” results in the incarceration of one million Americans ...
This paper will examine the debate surrounding online journalism, including a general look at journalistic standards and an account of Matt Drudge’s activities as an Internet investigative reporter. With the pressures of staying current with technology, news services scramble to grab a piece of the Internet “pie,” but struggle to determine what the ethical standards should be and how public trust can be maintained in an environment where anyone with a computer and online capability can be a reporter.
Newspapers are great for people who are interested in what is happening in a community. They provide, “information about the who, what, when, where, and how events in the past” (59). In addition to the providing of information, newspapers also can be the cause of mood changes in a community. Even though they can not imform the public on a readers thoughts, “ they can tell us what information and opinion readers were being exposed to, and circulation figures can indicate the populatity of
There are two distinct sides to the debate of journalism, their journalists, and the consumers: traditional journalism and public journalism. In the current digital age there is a greater number of public journalism being practiced. However, journalists and their consumers run into several issues concerning that matter. To express more clearly, there are particular roles and characteristics in which journalism standards are being gauged.
For centuries, newspapers have provided the world with up-to-date, useful information. During the World Wars, America turned to the printed press to receive reports, as the newspapers were a vital source of information for the public; however, over the last sixty years newspapers have evolved from more than just tangible chunks of paper that can be sold on a street corner.
Woo, W.F. (2007) Letters From The Editor: Lessons on Journalism and Life. University of Missouri Press. Available from: , [Accessed 25 November 2009]
It’s a question that keeps floating around in the public sphere: is print advertising and newspapers dead? The world is becoming more and more fast-paced and although, our want and need for the up-to-date news and breaking stories has not changed, the way in which we consume it has. This background report investigates and explains the downfall of the newspaper and the technological shift to online news. It will also discuss differing opinions of this relevant topic of the future of journalism from a range of reliable primary sources and investigative data.
The introduction of the internet to modern society has brought about a new age of information relation. Since there is no longer a need to wait until the next print day, news from all over the world is available at a person’s fingertips within hours or even minutes of the event. With this advent of such easily accessible information, new problems for the news media have also arisen. Aside from potentially losing good economic standing because newspapers are no longer being purchased in the quantities they used to be, the credibility of the information itself is also put into question. No one would argue that credibility of news sources is unimportant, but there is a discrepancy in what takes precedence; economy and speed or getting the information out correctly at the first publishing by taking the time to make sure all facts are checked. The importance of having a system of checks on all information submitted is paramount. People trust what they read and believe it to be so without always questioning. If all information were to not be checked thoroughly, there would be instances where people read an article only for information included to be wrong and they go on believing such information. This can be very dangerous as misinformed people make misinformed decisions. With an increase in errors being made by citizen bloggers and even major publications, many are worried that journalistic ethics and credibility in the news media are being sacrificed in order to maintain swiftness in the news circuit and to retain personal profits. Though getting information to the masses quickly is a major part of the media’s importance, this should not mean that the credibility of that information being presented should be sacrificed for it...
Technology nowadays has an influence on our lives, it has affected everything in it. When this technological revolution started, we didn't expect that it would affect our emotions, and our feelings. All we expected is that technology would develop our ability to have easier life and control nature. But what really happened is that the technology started to be part of us that we can't live without. The Internet is one of the technologies that appeared in our lives, and now it is dominating our lives.
The internet has a positive impact much like cell phones. By this I am mainly talking about email and instant messenger. Email has had a huge impact on family life because it allows families to write each other that might not be able to talk to each other very often. Most email are free this is ...
Thirty years ago, if I told you that the primary means of communicating and disseminating information would be a series of interconnected computer networks you would of thought I was watching Star Trek or reading a science fiction novel. In 2010, the future of mass media is upon us today; the Internet. The Internet is and will only grow in the future as the primary means of delivering news, information and entertainment to the vast majority of Americans. Mass media as we know it today will take new shape and form in the next few years with the convergence and migration of three legacy mediums (Television, Radio, Newspaper) into one that is based on the Internet and will replace these mediums forever changing the face of journalism, media and politics. In this paper I will attempt to explain the transition of print media to one of the internet, how the shift to an internet based media environment will impact journalism and mass media, and how this migration will benefit society and forever change the dynamic of news and politics.
The internet has come along way since its birth back in 1969, from its start as a government network to the everyday life; it has proven to be one of the greatest inventions ever discovered. It has helped many people with an array of task ranging from everyday government usage, and personal web pages to the ever so expanding horizons of technology still being produced today. Between the good and the bad, the internet has improved the way of life, and will continue to improve throughout time.
The Internet has changed the way people interact with each other and entertain themselves. It has changed the way business is done. It has also changed the way people date, commit crime, and interview for jobs, it has even changed health care, among many other things. Technology and the Internet are not going away and the need for people to adapt is prominent. Internet is so prominent in Management Information systems. There are Internet based information systems. These systems are important because they can improve company efficiency. These systems can house data with extreme efficiency. Internet based information systems leave the possibilities of efficiency unlimited. Technology is only going to expand farther and new ways to communicate digitally will be introduced into businesses. It has already altered the way we interact with one another, and consumers to suppliers.
Over the past decade, social media has had a great impact on the way people communicate information to each other. However, this has had some adverse effects on various news outlets and their audiences. Today, it can be inferred that many people prefer getting their news from the internet rather than sitting down in front of a television or reading a newspaper. Many digital news organizations emphasize that social media is important in story-telling and engaging the audiences they attract. It is very important that you get your news when you need it, and in my opinion, the traditional news media does not give information faster than the internet or social media does.
The internet has revolutionized all forms of communication since the beginning of its existence. The world has now become smaller' or more like a global village', so to speak. The internet was first used by the U.S military for communications purposes. The internet, from the communication point of view, has brought on new developments and techniques to keep in touch not only for individuals, but for businesses as well. An example of how the internet has impacted communication would be an example of doctors now communicating through live video feeds via the internet with patients or other doctors to diagnose patients or to even guide and advise surgeons through complicated procedures.