Neonatal intensive care units are normally thought as a safe place for a neonatal to be, but there are instances where the neonatal develops an infection in their fragile bodies. This paper examines the ways that they could develop infections that harm them. The ANA states, “individuals who become nurses are expected to adhere to the ideals and morals norms of the profession and also to embrace them as a part of what it means to be a nurse.” (Code of Ethics, n.d.). German NICUs participated in a study of very low birth weight infants (VLBW) from 2006-2011 and found that an outbreak of severe neonatal infection occurred within a period of time in the same center in four different patients (Schwab, 2014).
“A total of 228 NICUs provided data in the six-year period. A total of 37, 038 VLBW infants and 7,405 severe neonatal infections occurred. Most outbreaks were due to Staphylococcus aureus, followed by Enterococcus spp and Enterobacter spp,” (Schwab, 2014).
“Neonatal sepsis may be categorized as early-onset or late-onset. Of newborns with early-onset sepsis, 85% present within 24 hours, 5% present at 24-48 hours,” (Anderson-Berry, 2014). Neonatal sepsis in the early stage is spread via the mother. The infection is spread through the transplacental or from an infection of the cervix. The neonate goes through the birth canal and picks up the microorganism during delivery (Anderson-Berry, 2014).
Late-onset is what I’m most interested in, occurs four to ninety days from a “caregiving” environment, which is where the NICU comes into play (Anderson-Berry, 2014). The neonate outside of the womb, the skin, respiratory tract, conjunctivae, GI, and umbilicus becomes colonized and invasive microorganism can make its way into the body (Ande...
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...derson-Berry, A. (2014, February 11). Medscape. Neonatal Sepsis. Retrieved
March 14, 2014, from
Code of Ethics of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses. (n.d.). Code of
Ethics. Retrieved March 18, 2014, from Oliveira, K. C. (2012). Neonatal Infection and the Relationship with Nursing Care: an
Integrative Review. Journal of nursing, 6(11), 2808. Retrieved March 15,
2014, from infection-relationship-nursing-care-integrative-review
Schwab, F. F., Geffers, C, C., Piening, B, B., Haller, S. S., Eckmans, T. T., & Gastmeier, P.
P. (2014). How many outbreaks of nosocomial infections occur in German neonatal intensive care units annually?. Infection, 42(1), 73-78.
For the purpose of this assignment, a case study has been selected in order to relate the signs and symptoms of sepsis to the underlying pathophysiology of the sepsis continuum. In order to maintain patient confidentiality, names dates and times have been changed or omitted, in line with Australian Nursing and Midwifery Code of Professional Conduct (ANMCC, 2008).
In the documentary, Hunting the Nightmare Bacteria, reporter David Hoffman investigates this new untreatable infection along two individuals and a bacterial virus within a hospital. The first individual Hoffman investigates is Addie Rerecich of Arizona, she was treated for a staph infection with antibiotics, but other complications arise. Addie had a lung transplant, she was given several different antibiotics, but her body became pan-bacteria, non-resistance to the bacteria. Addie’s life was on the edge, she had to be on life support, and finally she received new lungs. The transplant helped Addie but it would take years before could go back to normal before the infection. The second individual is David Ricci; he had his leg amputated in India after a train accident. The antibiotic treatment he received became toxic to his body increasing problems. While in India, he underwent surgery almost every day because of infections he was developing. Back in Seattle, doctors found the NDM-1 resistance gene in his body; NDM-1 gene is resistance to almost all antib...
"National Association of Neonatal Nurses." National Association of Neonatal Nurses. National Association of Neonatal Nurses, Web. 18 Feb. 2011. .
Capriotti & Frizzell (2016) explain that sepsis is often seen in those who have a weak immune system. These individuals are at an increased risk of developing sepsis from microorganisms that a healthy immune system would normally fight off (Capriotti et al. 2016). The elderly, infants, and immunosuppressed patients are the most at risk for developing the condition (Capriotti et al. 2016). Sepsis can be caused by any microbe, but is most often caused by bacteria (Capriotti et al. 2016). Since sepsis has such a broad reach and can develop as a secondary infection after an initial injury or illness, Capriotti & Frizzell (2016) further explain the di...
“Early Recognition and Treatment of Sepsis in the Medical-Surgical Setting,” focuses on the nurse’s role in being able to identify early signs of sepsis and initiating the sepsis bundle quickly. In the article, “Nurses’ Critical Role in Identifying Sepsis and Implementing Early Goal-Directed Therapy,” it explains how the interventions in the sepsis bundle have decreased mortality from 37% to 30.8% in a two year study conducted in 165 different health care sites. This article also details clinical guidelines and timelines for implementing the sepsis bundle. Early stages of sepsis and clinical manifestations are discussed in the article, “Helping Patients Survive Sepsis,” with emphasis on the i...
Forsyth, K., Taylor, R., Kramer, J., Prior, S., Richie, L., Whitehead, J., Owen, C., & Melton, M.
Health care facilities - whether hospitals, nursing homes or outpatient facilities - can be dangerous places for the acquisition of infections (EHA). The most common type of nosocomial infections are surgical wound infections, respiratory infections, genitourinary infections and gastrointestinal infection (EHA). Nosocomial infections are those that originate or occur in health care setting (Abedon). They can also be defined as those that occur within 48 hours of hospital admission, 3 days of discharge or 30 days of an operation (Inweregbu). These infections are often caused by breaches of infection control practices and procedures, unclean and non-sterile environmental surfaces, and ill employees (EHA). Immunocompromised patients, the elderly and young children are usually more susceptible to these types of infections. Nosocomial infections are transmitted through direct contact from the hospital staff, inadequately sterilized instruments, aerosol droplets from other ill patients or even the food and water provided at the hospital (EHA). The symptoms of nosocomial infections vary by type but may include inflammation, discharge, fever, abscesses, and pain and irritation at the infection site (Stubblefield).
Ottenberg, A. L., Wu, J. T., Poland, G. A., Jacobson, R. M., Koenig , B. A., & Tilburt, J. C.
Another early complication is infection. Some causative organisms of infection are skin flora and colonic flora. Colonic flora are caused by the dirty environment of the diaper. Most infections can be prevented with good hygiene procedures, including local wound care. Good hygiene includes washing hands prior to and after changing baby’s diaper. Wound care includes thoroughly cleaning the penis and an application of antibiotic ointment with each diaper change. Severe infections including necrotizing fasciitis, have been reported as
This literature review will analyze and critically explore four studies that have been conducted on hand hygiene compliance rates by Healthcare workers (HCWs). Firstly, it will look at compliance rates for HCWs in the intensive care units (ICU) and then explore the different factors that contribute to low hand hygiene compliance. Hospital Acquired infections (HAI) or Nosocomial Infections appear worldwide, affecting both developed and poor countries. HAIs represent a major source of morbidity and mortality, especially for patients in the ICU (Hugonnet, Perneger, & Pittet, 2002). Hand hygiene can be defined as any method that destroys or removes microorganisms on hands (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2009). According to the World Health Organization (2002), a HAI can be defined as an infection occurring in a patient in a hospital or other health care facility in whom the infection was not present or incubating at the time of admission. The hands of HCWs transmit majority of the endemic infections. As
Healthcare-associated Infections (HAIs). (2014, March 26). Retrieved April 8, 2014, from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website:
Depending also on the species, some cases of septicemia, abortion and latent infection may occur. Septicemia is poisoning of the blood and occasionally organs. Abortions can occur in the last trimester. Fetuses usually die in utero but stillbirths still occur frequently, and the abortion rate varies depending on species. Latent infection is an infection that does not always produce visible signs of a disease, but may be transmitted to another host. As far as recovery and treatments are concerned, there is possibility to catch the symptoms early and treat it with aggressive antibiotics. Listeria Monocytogenes are susceptible to penicillin (the drug of choice). High doses are required required due to the difficulty of of achieving minimum bacterial concentrations in the brain. The treatment should be continued one to two weeks. Supportive electrolytes and and fluids should also accompany the injections for the animal. In some cases though death is going to occur if the bacteria has completely taken over. At that point aggressive treatment may help for a short period of time but ultimately will not have any
Ford-Jones, E. L., & Kellner, J. D. (1995). " CHEAP TORCHES": An acronym for congenital and perinatal infections. The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 14(7), 638-639.
... family members on the dangers of GAS and other microbial infection during and after pregnancy.
Kreuser, F. F., Kromeyer-Hauschild, K. K., Gollhofer, A. A., Korsten-Reck, U. U., & Röttger, K.