microwave oven

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A microwave oven is a kitchen electrical appliance that passes an electromagnetic wave with an extremely high frequency that is used to cook food. By absorbing energy from water molecules in the food, heat is produced, and therefore cooking can be performed. Besides cooking, microwave oven can be used to warm up food as well as used to defrost frozen food. Invention of microwave ovens definitely saves us a lot time and electricity.

During this week laboratory class, we have been assigned to conduct tests on various models of microwave ovens. We tested on the abilities of three models of microwave ovens which are National, Sharp and LG in heating water, reheating mushroom soup, defrosting meat, cooking meat and finally in cooking rice. In addition, we have assessed the ease of use of those three microwave ovens too while carrying out the testing regarding their functions.

Moreover, in order to test how well the microwave ovens have performed, we have measured the temperature of the water, mushroom soup as well as the meat. The temperature of water and mushroom soup has been measured using a thermometer whilst the temperature of the meat has been measured using a digital meat thermometer. A meat thermometer is designed specially to measure the internal temperature of meat and other cooked foods.

Results obtained from the evaluation of the features found on National, Sharp and LG microwave ovens as well as the results we get regarding the microwave ovens’ abilities and performances have been tabulated. By doing so, it is easier for us to make comparison based on the tables.


1. The different features that are found on three models of microwave ovens; National, Sharp and LG have been compared.
2. N...

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...s evenly throughout the food, in the other words heat exist everywhere.

To sum up, it is important for us to understand the basic principles of microwave cooking in order to ensure that food will be properly and safely cooked.

2. What are the advantages of microwave ovens to conventional ovens?

There are many advantages of microwave ovens as compared to conventional ovens. Firstly, conventional oven cooks at a slower pace, whereas the cooking time of microwave is short. Besides, because of the speed of microwave, cooking is more energy efficient as the energy heats only the foods, not the oven compartment. Furthermore, foods cooked by using microwave oven cause less destruction of nutrients than using a conventional oven. In fact, foods cooked in a microwave oven may keep more of their vitamins and minerals because foods cook faster and require no added water.

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