iPhones in Today's Society

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In June of 2007, the first iPhone was released, revolutionizing our way of living. For the past seven years, it has been known worldwide as one of the top smartphones. Since then, we have become reliant on mobile devices and technology in general making them a necessity for everyday life. The iPhone has further influenced our lifestyle due to its advanced and convenient features. Using the iPhone’s capabilities as the basis, this paper will explore the impact on our society from the use of, and dependence on iPhones. It will further analyze if these outcomes are in fact positive. The iPhone has become substantial in how we function, creating a significant change in our culture. Since iPhones do influence our lives, it is important to interpret how it is accomplished.

The Impact of iPhones to our Society

As the consumption of iPhones grows, so does the impact it inflicts. To begin to understand how this device has impacted our society, one must analyze the aesthetics. According to Goggin (2009), two principles that separate the iPhone from mobile phones are “design and customization” (p. 232). The design of an iPhone is very clean and simple, which is beneficial for any type of user to operate, especially those who struggle with new technology. Better yet, the technology is always improving. The iPhone’s operating system, known as iOS, is constantly refining and polishing its design and features. Due to this, iPhones are becoming more resourceful, user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing. On the customization side, being able to control more of what your mobile device does is a very convincing feature that makes the iPhone stand out. The iPhone gives users an abundance of options to cater their device to their perso...

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