has social media affected the life of teenagers?

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We are living the 21st century and one of the things that has influenced this era a great deal is the increase of technology. Things like smartphones, computers, laptops and iPhones have become a big part of our lives. With this technology comes the internet, texting, tweeter, Facebook, Instagram etc. These things play a big role in the lives of today’s teenagers, but have these things impacted the teenagers in a positive way or a negative way? Have things improved or hurt the lives of teenagers? Has social media and texting improved or hurt the lives of teenagers. It is my belief that these things have hurt the teenagers in our society today. In this essay I will be discussing the main points on how the use of social media and texting has harmed the lives of teenagers in a negative way. Texting and social media have hurt the lives of teenagers in so many different ways through the addicting and obsession effect it has on teenagers. Teenagers are glued to their computers and iPhones; it has affected their social lives. Most teenagers do not go and see their friends and interact together face to face anymore. The total amount of media use teenagers is 6 plus hours on average, these statistics shows just how much teenagers are affected and addicted to social media. Social media has decreased the face to face communications among teenagers. Social media has affected the learning of teenagers. Since teens are so addicted to their phones, they constantly text and Facebook etc in class, distracting them from listening to their teachers. According to an article on the Psych Central website, Researchers have found that the middle-school, high school and college students who used Facebook at least once during a 15 minute period get lower... ... middle of paper ... ...ome if the incidents that happen on social media chat rooms and texting. Studies show that the use of social media may cause obsessive-compulsive behavior, depression, generalized and social anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, introversion, and other maladaptive behaviors These are some of my thoughts on this issue regarding social media and texting effect on the teens. It is my belief that this era has been affected enormously by technology. The great Albert Einstein shared his thoughts on the increase of technology; “it has become exceedingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity” he said. Statistics show that 80 percent of teenagers possess at least one form of media access. Texting and social media has affected damaged the lives of today`s teenagers. These are my thoughts on texting and social media`s effect on teenagers.

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