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Justin wakes up every morning and gets ready for the streets. He puts on his black flag, black shirt, black pants, and hit the streets. Justin is a Black Disciple. Despite the fact that is has been shown that gangs are bad and can cause death; some people continue to join gangs. This paper will explain why people shouldn’t join gangs. Also, will be about the harm and violence it brings to people and their families. It will also be about the colors gang members wear, the way the act, how they make money the illegal way. Then, it will talk about what we can do to prevent younger children’s from joining them. Gangs bring violence and fear to people and the community. One reason gangs bring violence to people is all the fighting and shooting the gang members are doing. It brings fear to people because you never know who the gangs are targeting. Also, you may not be the gangs target but something may still happen to you. People fear gangs because they carry guns. ‘According to Sacramento Sheriff Department’, “Gangs pull teens away from school and home into a life of violence.” One way you can tell a gang member is by the clothes they wear and the tattoos on his or her body. They sometimes wear shoe strings the same color of the gang. Another way is by the way they talk. For example, if you see some BD’s and you hear them say what’s up B, you know they’re BD’s. Also, you can tell by the way they dress. Most of the time gang members wear big clothes such as t-shirts and jeans. The gang writes graffiti to identify them and mark their gang “turf” or territory. The short-term effect of a gang is getting in trouble with the law. Also, the student will start to perform poor in the classroom. The student may start drinking alcohol or may st... ... middle of paper ... ...ssion about gangs. These discussions could lead to a real learning experience, not only for the student but, for the educator as well. Parents should become more involved with their children’s school activities. Sometimes parents have to respect their child feelings and attitudes. They have to help their child develop a strong sense of self-esteem. Children’s should be encouraged to study good study habits. The community has to get involve with the gang stoppers. The mayor of the town has to invest in places where kids could go ad hang out at. The school principal could bring in an ex-gang member to talk to the students about how he or she lived. Also, they could talk to them about how they went to jail and what made them change their life. Parents could set a curfew and stick to that curfew. You could check your child room for drug’s, weapons, and excessive money.

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