final argumentative essay

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Evaluation of Argumentative Writing
As I worked with younger children for several years, I try whenever possible, to be an advocate on their part to help them get the most enriching educational experience they can to better prepare them to enter the school system. Over the past years of working at the child development center on Katterbach Kaserne in Germany, I quickly worked my way from a program assistant, who perform entry level tasks such as changing diapers and cleaning, to a lead with my own classroom, the lead oversees all aspects of the class room from the children’s curriculum to room layouts and the training of other teachers in the room. I feel I was able to rise to this position so quickly due to my understanding of needs of children in this age group as well as the confidence to lead staff implement my high standards. In the process of doing so I have gathered information from a majority of employees at the center regarding concerns and difficulties they have and what, collectively, we teachers think would be the best solution: reorganizing age groups of classrooms to elevate the children’s education as well as our safety implementations. I then elected to write an intelligent, irrefutable essay using my understanding of argumentative writing to the director of the CDC. The work that resulted is proof of my knowledge and intellectual capacity to effectively execute a paper maintaining the standards of college level composition and rhetoric.
I have always been a natural at writing about matters that I feel passionately about so I started compiling a list of pros and cons to this topic so that I was confident that my proposed idea was indeed the best solution to the problem and to ensure I did not miss any significant...

... middle of paper ... topic, although I did cover the main points, if I included some information about previous financial struggles my audience could have seen that I did take those troubles into account and have a realistic ideal of their budget and expenses they incur. Overall, I did not want my audience to feel I was calling them cheap in anyway. I know there is a balance system that must be upheld while providing our children with the opportunities they need while also being fiscally responsible.
Upon writing this essay it solidified the thought within me that I have achieved a solid understanding of the argumentative writing process at a college level and can successfully move forward on this strengthened knowledge. I believe I presented an educated, engaging argument that the audience will have a hard time arguing for anything other than implementation of my proposed solution.

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