baby bommers

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Babies, babies, babies. Everywhere you look and everywhere around babies are being born. Babies born between 1945-1961 are known as the baby boomer. Baby boomers refer to the increase of birth rates post war. Many factors contributed to this increase. When World War 2 was finally over, veterans returned home to their wives. They stated having kids which they held off for a long time. Also, the economy boomed after the war and the government provided family allowance. Advertisements also stressed family life. In result, over 607 million kids were born during this specific time period making baby boomers the largest age group in Canada. As the babies boomed, so did Canada’s economy. After dealing with work stoppage by labour unions, inflation, rationing and other difficulties in postwar year, baby boomers caused economic growth in the country. Baby boomers got the economy switched from machine gun making to production for baby products. Babies demand for things like toys, furniture, playgrounds, swimming pools, hockey rinks and diapers. Later when they grow up, they demand for clothes, houses, cars and records. Baby Boomers had a positive impact on many areas of Canada’s economy like producing cars, television and adverting. The baby boom generation triggered rapid growth of televisions in Canada. They were the first generation to be raised on TV’s. During the 40’s a few families had TV’s because they were really expensive. Only dramas with the top actors were aired for the wealthy. However, in the 50’s when boomers demand for television while living in the suburban, they became cheaper. They entered homes of middle class families. New types of shows were created that related to common people like comedy, action and game shows. “Ad... ... middle of paper ... ...ither at their neck or ponytail. Poodle skirts were also popular because they were fun to wear. Its full skirts were more relaxing than slim skirts. They were more ideal for dancing. Leather jackets were huge trends in the 1950’s. Boys wore leather jackets with a simple white t-shirt and blue jeans after seeing what men in movies wore. Boys followed the style of a greaser from a 50’s movie. They had long grease back hair. Stiletto heels came out in 1950s. Christian Doir started stiletto heels as a part of the “New Look”. Women loved them so much that they wore then with anything. They came in a variety of colours for night events. Christian Dior’s new look also included hour-glass figures and mid-calf skirts. Other Hollywood stars like Marlin Monroe and Audrey Hepburn created the feminine look. It introduced new makeup styles, shaped eyebrows and full plump lips.

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