The symbol “As” from the periodic table, belongs to the chemical element Arsenic. Its located in group 15, period 4, and is clasificat as semi-metals. Arsenic’s atomic number is 33, and has a density of 5.776 grams per cubic centimeter. Arsenic melting point is 1090 K (817°C or 1503°F) and the boiling point is 887 K (614°C or 1137°F). The element specific gravities are 1.97 and 5.73, they are respectively to his two solid modifications: yellow, and grey (or metallic). Arsenic’s appearance is steel grey, very brittle, crystalline, and is classified as a semi-metal since it has properties of both.
Arsenic has been one of the elements most mentioned during the middle and even modern age. It was formerly known by Chinese, Romans, Greeks and even earlier, by the Babylonians. The Greeks used the arsenic oxide (III) as a depilatory, and 4,000 years before the Christian era, arsenic was involved in the development of early bronzes. However, the arsenic was released in early civilizations through compounds or substances containing the element, which by its color and appearance would favor the conversion of base metals into gold. It was also used by the alchemists in the method of making the pill of immortality. In the philosophy of alchemy, arsenic represents the masculine principle. The masculinity of arsenic was different, because it combined with an element that was considered as masculine such as sulfur, forming orpiment and realgar.
Arsenic is quite common in nature, but is rare as native. It occurs free in nature, but is most often found in the minerals arsenopyrite, realgar and orpiment. There are three allotropes or polymorphic modifications of arsenic; gray, yellow, and black arsenic. Gray arsenic is the most common, the metallic ...
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...f inorganic arsenic may be a danger to human health. The exposure to arsenic is higher for people who work with arsenic, also for people who drink significant amounts of wine. People living in houses that contain wood preservatives, and live on farms where arsenic pesticides have been applied in the past are highly exposure.
The health effects that exposure of inorganic arsenic are such as isolation on the stomach, and intestines, also causes decreased production of red and white blood cells, skin changes, and lug irritation. Is also suggested that taking amounts of arsenic can intensify the chances of developing cancer, especially in the skin, lung, liver, and lymph. In woman arsenic can cause infertility and abortion. Another effects that it can cause are damage in the DNA, disruption of the skin, disturbance in the heart, and brain damage in both, men and women.
Aluminum is the third most abundant element and most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust. Aluminum is never found in the free element state in nature. It
The proposed research will identify gene expression traits of breast cancer cells chronically exposed to arsenic during different periods of exposure. These results will allow us to develop gene profiles and identify arsenic-associated genes. By identifying arsenic-associated genes, we can determine if these genes are involved in molecular functions and biological processes. This study can assist future studies of mammary tumors with elevated arsenic levels and will provide insight into breast cancer progression due to the accumulation of arsenic. Our proposed research will demonstrate the impact of arsenic on the estrogen receptor and on breast cancer carcinogenesis. We hope this study will highlight the importance of studying the effects of prolonged arsenic exposure on breast cancer.
Your chance of getting cancer from exposure to a chemical, however, like your chance of being killed in a vehicle accident, is not as easy to understand. This is because conditions that affect your chance are always changing. In the case of a vehicle accident, the road may be slippery, you or another driver may be drunk, your car or another vehicle may get a blow out at high speed, someone may fall asleep at the wheel, someone may throw a rock from an overpass, or an airplane may fall from the sky. All of these conditions and many more affect the chance of being involved in an accident. Sometimes you can control the conditions effectively, but most of the time you can't.
The affects teratogens can have on the developing fetus can vary greatly. Research provided from the University of Iowa’s on teratogens explains some of the possible outcome to exposure to certain teratogens. Listed birth defects resulting from exposure to teratogens, range from prenatal death, to physical and mental abnormalities.
...(mercurous chloride, Hg2cl2) is utilized as a standard as a part of electrochemical estimations and in medication as a laxative. Mercuric chloride (destructive sublimate, Hgcl2) is utilized as an insect spray, in rodent poison, and as a disinfectant. Mercuric oxide is utilized within skin salves. Mercuric sulphate is utilized as a stimulator as a part of natural science. Vermilion, a red shade, is mercuric sulphide; an alternate crystalline manifestation of the sulphide (likewise utilized as a color) is dark. Mercury blast, Hg (Cno)2, is utilized as a detonator.
Pollution is a massive problem, due to burning excessive amounts of fossil fuels and produces global warming. The rising in temperature of earth has resulted huge melting of polar ice caps, flooding of low-lying areas, and also rise in sea levels. If these conditions conquer the surface of earth it will face radical changes. Hence, the ozone holes are also being created trough this process, that creates a harmful UV rays that enters the earth surface. Apparently it affect human life trough causing diseases like cancer. Melanin that present in the skin reacts trough these high wave radiations. Skin cancer is one of the major forms of disease that known to be caused due to these reactions of the pigment present in the skin and infra-red rays. Besides that, when burnt sulphur, dioxide gas will also be produced. This factor forms acid rain. Acid rain could leads to destructions of most of monuments that were made up of brickwork or marbles. Even a lot of crops are affected due to the acidification of loams.
Chelation-the medicine used for arsenic- can be very brutal on the dogs body. This medication should only be used for high doses of arsenic away. To increase the illumination you need to give your dog fluid so the arsenic won't go into the blood stream. To prevent arsenic from going into the dogsbody keep them away from ant and roach killers and also tap water. Fluoride is also in tapwater which includes loads of salt, detergents and baking soda. The level of fluoride 0.0005% is dangerous for the dogs body. For riders also in dog food, and if the dog has too much fluoride in their system they can run the risk of getting skeletal fluorosis which is a disease caused by the build up of fluoride in the body and causes stiff joints. To prevent skeletal fluorosis your dog needs a healthy diet and plenty of purified water. If you give your dog a bottle of purified water you can run the risk of not being BPA free. BPA stands for bisphenol A, which is a chemical known to be in water bottles. So if you buy purified water you have to make sure it is BPA
I am going to discuss about the element known as gold in my assignment. To describe the element gold in simple terms, I can only say that it is an element (chemical element). This element is denoted by the symbol Au. It has an atomic number of seventy nine (79). I will describe quite a number of things concerning gold as an element. To begin with is:
Elevated copper levels in the liver lead to injury and inflammation. Long-term liver inflammation typically causes scarring of the liver (cirrhosis). Patients may develop signs of chronic liver disease or liver failure. Copper deposition in brain tissue also results in neuronal injury and death, resulting in slurred speech, movement abnormalities, and depression. This may progressively worsen into a condition called akinetic mutism - absent movement or speech.
Lead and lead compounds can be highly toxic when eaten or inhaled. Although lead is absorbed very slowly into the body, its rate of excretion is even slower. Thus, with constant exposure, lead accumulates gradually in the body. It is absorbed by the red blood cells and circulated through the body where it becomes concentrated in the soft tissues, especially the liver and kidneys. Lead can cause damage in the central nervous system and apparently can damage the cells making up the blood-brain barrier that protects the brain from many harmful chemicals.
Because other metals were thought to be less perfect than gold, it was reasonable to believe that nature created gold out of other metals found deep within the earth and that a skilled artisan could duplicate this process. It was said that once someone was able to change, or transmute a "base" chemical into the perfect metal, gold, they would have achieved eternal life and salvation. In this way, alchemy turned into not only a scientific quest, but a spiritual quest as well. Although the purposes and techniques were often times ritualistic and fanciful, alchemy was in many ways the predecessor of modern science, especially the science of chemistry.The birthplace of alchemy was ancient Egypt, where, in Alexandria, it began to flourish during the Hellenistic period. Also at that time, a school of alchemy was developing in China.
The Element: Silver Xiaoying Wu Chemistry 101-360 Dr. Hoenigman November 16, 2017 The Element: Silver Silver, elemental symbol Ag, is a transition d-block metal located in the period 5, group 11. According to the Jefferson National Linear Accelerator Laboratory, it is the best conductor of electricity and heat of all metals.
The Periodic Table of Elements is commonly used today when studying elements. This table’s history begins in ancient times when Greek scientists first started discovering different elements. Over the years, many different forms of the periodic table have been made which set the basis for the modern table we use today. This table includes over 100 elements and are arranged by groups and periods. Groups being vertical columns and periods being horizontal columns. With all of the research conducted over the years and the organization of this table, it is easy to use when needed.
As an Organizational Communication Major, it is even more important for me to recognize my communication strengths and weaknesses, as I go out in the world and become employed my career depends on my ability to communicate. I have no room to sweep my strengths and weaknesses under the rug, I have to recognize them and fix them, so I am as well equip as I can possibly be.