analysis of an magazine article

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‘Fashion Hits’, is a magazine article for females (14-30) on the history of fashion and how it can be styled in modern society.The description of the clothes is highly important, the overall look stated in the article, shows it is clear that the target audience is young females interested in fashion and celebrity lifestyle. My primary objective was to entertain the reader, but to inform the reader of how fashion trends have developed to fit the modern world.
For the entirety of my magazine article there is a switch from first person to second person. I have established that a first person narrative technique is to be used in the magazine article in the sentence ‘we don’t really think about it’, ‘we’ being the main indicator of the first person. This technique allows me to convey the writer’s thoughts and feelings, enabling the writer to give out information on the reader. However, it is switched to second person narrative in the form of an interrogative to refer to the audience, in the sentence ‘can you believe leg makeup was the trend?’. ‘You’ immediately informs the reader of the intimate tone of the writer, and supplies a personal sense of shock. I have also written in present tense, as opposed to past tense, as I feel this creates a sense of immediacy, as well as making the reader feel involved in the current season’s fashion trends.
I have opened by developing a shock factor for the audience by using a declarative mood, ‘Last year it was a dress made from raw meat’, which gives information to the reader, setting a clear image in the mind of the audience. The writer of the magazine article talks about his/her personal opinion, asking the question’ why not try animal prints that's shout sexy?’. This shows the change of the dec...

... middle of paper ... ‘if not’, and ‘well’. This indicates the informality and the comfortableness between both writer and reader. It somehow shows that information is being consumed by the reader, due to the discourse marker ‘well’, which changes the topic. I have purposely tried to omit the letter from words such as ‘don’t and it’s fitting it in with the typical features of a magazine article. This is easier for the reader to say, as well as it is normal for them as it is used in everyday language, thus creating an informal and colloquial tone, which they are already used to.
To conclude, the purpose of the magazine article is to create a fashion statement with its own rules and style of life. My aim was to entertain and inform readers using the required literacy devices. This goal was practically achieved through the target audience that proves the claim fashion has its own rules.

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