Before reading a story the reader always must understand what types of criticism they will be looking for. The close reading should be done specific criticism which will make is easier to find them. The story “Sweat” by Zora Neale Hurston includes both feminism and Marxist criticism. The most prominent in the story is feminism.
Feminism is a movement dedicated to the fight for women's rights with the conviction that women and men are equal and entitled to the same opportunities. Feminist criticism concern itself with stereotypical representations of genders. (Dobie) When reading through a feminism view the reader must keep in mind many questions such as what are the male and female power structure and what woman stereotypes are present
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in the reading? Now day’s feminism isn’t as present due to all the advances of knowledge but back in the day it was a different story. As the story “Sweat” is based from the past and in the past woman were always seen lower than men and there are more prominent stereotypes of women. There are also stereotypes of the rich and higher class present which show Marxism. Marxism was brought to attention by Karl Marx, who focuses on how the rich use their involvement in what controls people to suppress the lower class.
It shows how there is a divide between rich and poor, and a class struggle because of that. (Dobie) A Marxist reader would a be careful reader or viewer who keeps in mind issues of power and money and would ask many questions such as, what role does class play in the work and how do characters overcome oppression?
The story “Sweat” includes many types of literary criticisms which include feminism and Marxist criticism. Even though both criticisms are two different type of criticisms but they both come hand in hand in the story “Sweat”. In the story one of the main characters is Delia and her husband Skyes. The story involves domestic violence and since it is a story from back in the day it also includes race differences.
Delia is a washerwoman who works long hours to support herself and her husband. Her husband Sykes does not work, yet he resents that Delia cleans "white folks'" clothes in their home. Skyes likes to be a practical joker and scares his wife by using her fear of snakes. The marriage is an abusive one, ever since Sykes began beating Delia two months after marrying. Observers in the town remark how Delia has lost her shine because of her abusive husband. Now Delia has come to the conclusion that she does not need Sykes, particularly considering that she pays for their
home. Tired of Delia, Sykes hatches a plan to get rid of Delia by putting a rattlesnake in her washing clothes. But his plan doesn’t work out the way he wanted and in a turn of events it is Sykes who is poisoned by the rattlesnake. Delia sits below a tree waiting for her husband to expire, and ignoring his pleas for aid. In the end Sykes gets exactly what he deserves and Delia’s hard work pays off for her. Throughout the story she stays focused and determined to give her and her useless husband support. The end indicates how no matter how long it take eventually all your sins will catch up with you and get you back. There is an imbalance of power in the relationship between Delia and Sykes. Sykes states “Ah don’t keer if you never git through. Anyhow, Ah done promised Gawd and a couple of other men, Ah aint gointer have it in mah house. Don’t gimme no lip neither, else Ah’ll throw ‘em out and put mah fist up side yo’ head to boot.” (Hurston)Sykes is dominant and exerts his power over Delia who seldom stands up to him. In a feminism view this would show how unfair it is that even though Delia does everything for her husband she still is not respected. Delia even tells Sykes “that ole snaggle-toothed black woman you runnin’ with aint comin’ heah to pile up on mah sweat and blood. You aint paid for nothin’ on this place, and Ah’m gointer stay right heah till Ah’m toted out foot foremost.” (Hurston) Sykes also makes various stereotypes of how he expects his women to be like which at first was skinny but now has changed his mind to a thicker women. He tells his mistress “Ah sho’ ‘bominates uh skinny ‘oman. Lawdy, you sho’ is got one portly shape on you! You kin git anything you wants. Dis is mah town an’ you sho’ kin have it.” (Hurston) Women are always expected to look a certain way according to men and if the women don’t meet that expectation they don’t want anything to do with her. Just as Sykes has changed his mind about his wife Delia. Sykes hates the way Delia looks and what she does for a living, which is a washerwoman but for the “white folks”. He states “You ain’t nothing but a hypocrite. One of them amen-corner Christians–sing, whoop, and shout, then come home and wash white folks clothes on the Sabbath.” (Hurston) This shows how the “whites” are in power and have people do their house work like wash their clothes. It shows the poor have low end jobs and will not be able to become as wealthy with their low end jobs. They will always be in control because everyone is below them. Sykes anger towards the “whites” show that there is a huge difference between the two races. He is very mad that even their clothes are in his house even though he doesn’t even have to clean it. But no matter how much he hates them they are the reason his house is functioning because that’s where Delia gets her money from. This shows how the wealthy have power over this home because if Delia were to stop washing their clothes she would have no income and no longer be able to survive without money. This story shows two worlds in one which are the ones of women being brought down by men and lower class being controlled by the wealthy. “Sweat” was a great example of both feminism and Marxism criticism and throughout the story it was very prominent.
Delia is a hard-working woman who is very obedient and faithful to her husband, Sykes. Through harsh words, he cuts her down about her work of washing white folks clothes and her looks saying that he 'hates skinny woman';. Delia's appearance resembles her hard work, with 'knuckly hands'; from using the washboard. Delia has put many hard- earned tears, blood, and sweat into her house while supporting Sykes' habits and taking all the abuse he could dish out. On many occasions Sykes has cut down Delia and her kind nature, even to her religious beliefs, accusing her of being a 'hipocrite'; because she worked on the Sabbath day.
The two literary works, “Ain't I a Woman?” and “Sweat,” focus on the lives of African-American women and the racial inequalities and gender stereotypes they face. In Zora Neale Hurtson’s short story “Sweat,” Delia challenges the male-dominant relationship between herself and her husband, Sykes, by being the provider in their household. As a person of color in the 1920s, Delia already lacks power in society; because of her gender, she is also objectified in her home by an abusive husband. Delia’s tolerance of Sykes’s disrespect towards her fades throughout the story, redefining Delia’s perception of herself as woman. At the end of the story, Delia finally experiences freedom from Sykes’s objectification, when she chooses to not save him, letting
Setting, including physical location and time, is essential for establishing the backgrounds and identities of characters in a piece. Even within countries like the United States, where English is the national language and spoken by almost everyone, regional influences on language exist. The way a character speaks and communicates is an important part of their personal identity as a character, as well as an expression of their regional and cultural background. In Zora Neale Hurston’s Sweat, the dialect of the South used by the characters is a ready example of the influence of culture on one’s language. The heavy influences of culture are apparent in many texts, and a change in time or location would alter the language and mannerisms of speech
1 In Zora Hurston's short story, "Sweat," [Titles] Delia Jones is married to a very dominant and powerful man. Skye [Sp] Jones is his name, and he is an abusive man who has no respect for Delia. Being married for fifteen years seems to be a lot for Delia, considering that she has only loved Skyes [Sp] for a short time after they were married. Living a life of fear and helplessness allows the dominant figure of that person's life to continue to have total control until the fall of that dominant figure. The theme of the story [This theme] can be supported by characterization, symbols, and setting.
One of the key components of literature is the usage of elements, these elements of literature provides readers underlying themes that authors put into their story. Without these elements of literature, the author would have no way to convey their true messages into their works. In Zora Neale Hurston’s story “Sweat”, Hurston uses many elements of literature to convey the seriousness and true relationship of couples that have a history of domestic violence. However, a specific element of literature that Hurston uses are symbols which give readers a clearer understanding of domestic abuse and most importantly, the characteristics of the victim and perpetrator of an abusive relationship. The symbols that Hurston uses in her story are what fortifies her plot and characters in “Sweat”. The symbols that Hurston uses are necessary because it destroys the typical gender role stereotypes between men and women. This is necessary because there is such a difference between the portrayal of men and women, men often being superior to women. Hurston uses through her symbol to show some equality between men and women or at points women can also be superior against men.
Symbolism is the element that plays the starring role in this production, coyly divulging the clues necessary to illuminate the reality of her psychosis. The physical triggers of said psychosis belong solely to the room she and her husband slept in; now a playroom, it had obviously gone through many other transformations as had this woman, who despised it (nursery, gym, playroom). More importantly, it is the wallpaper that has caught and held her mind's eye.
Zora Neale Hurston’s short story Sweat is a visceral reminder of the acute oppression and sexism women have always faced in American society. The protagonist of the story, Delia, is married to a cruel and angry man named Sykes. Through a depiction of their married life this short story shows that despite patriarchal oppression, women have exercised their agency and resisted in a myriad of ways.
Personally, I do not know how should I think about feminism appropriately or what is the ideal way to think about this word. Since there are no significant differences between male and female, except physical aspects, the inequality between females and male has remained for several thousand years. it is necessary for human beings in contemporary society to think about this issue seriously because females have to voice for themselves and discriminations have to be eliminated progressively.
“Feminism”, as defined today, is “1: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes,” and “2: organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests.”2 Many critics claim that feminism has been active longer than the word itself has existed.3 The word, “feminist” was not in true use until the late 1800s and early 1900s, but activism for women’s rights was alive and well a...
To begin with, feminism started off as a social movement in England, which sought to achieve equality between the sexes by extending the rights of women. Feminist theory is an outgrowth of the general movement to empower women worldwide which is the belief that women should have equal rights to men. It can be defined as a recognition and critique of male supremacy combined with efforts to change it. Feminism is both an intellectual commitment and a political movement that seeks justice for women and the end of sexism in all forms. The goals of feminism are to demonstrate the importance of women, to reveal that historically women have been subordinate to men and to bring about gender equity.
Feminism, in its simplest definition, is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. (Webster) Feminists fight for equality for women to men socially, politically, and economically. At the peak of feminist discourse is equality for men and women in education and in employment. However, feminism also focuses on more than issues regarding the rights of women in relation to men. Issues of gender equality and women’s right to control their sexuality are also at the core of feminist theory. A key argument made by many feminists is how women have very little control over their sexuality, mainly being defined and controlled by men. T...
Feminism is a perspective that views gender as one of the most important bases of the structure and organization of the social world. Feminists argue that in most known societies this structure has granted women lower status and value, more limited access to valuable resources, and less autonomy and opportunity to make choices over their lives than it has granted men. (Sapiro 441)
Feminism can simply be defined as a range of movements and ideologies in which share a common ground in terms of defining, establishing and achieving equal opportunities to that of males, in regards to economic, cultural and social rights. It is a critique of male supremacy with efforts in changing this to end the social oppression of women. (Hooks, 2000)
The word feminism is sometimes misinterpreted and associated with female superiority and hatred of men, although most people probably agree that feminism can mean the desire for social and economic parity. There is so much baggage surrounding this term that clarification of what feminism is and is not, is essential. Indeed, the way feminism has developed has not been pretty. “Feminism over the years have [sic] evolved away from its noble purpose of creating awareness and defending women rights to creating new ridiculous ‘belief systems.’...feminism has become more like a medium for angry women to vent their hatred and frustration towards man”(“Feminism is Chauvinism”). This definition goes completely against the true meaning of what feminism entails. Feminism can be defined as a fundamental respect for others and the desire for equality between men and women.
Feminism is defined as the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. It began as an organized activity on behalf of women?s rights and interests. This concept was developed to help women earn a place in a predominantly male society. Unfortunately over the years, the intentions of feminism have become distorted, not only by anti-feminists, but also by the feminists themselves. The principle of equality for women and men has turned into a fight in which feminists wish to be better than men. Feminism has been twisted and misunderstood so much that it has become a harmful idea.