Zombie Apocalypse Research Paper

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Zombie Apocalypse by: Mariah Ross Death, brains, run, hide there are zombies on the loose! How would you restart a civilization, if a Zombie Apocalypse was to occur? When restarting a civilization you should think about what features to include in your civilization. For example, you should consider thinking about the type of economy and government you would want to form, geography, security, housing, clothing and health, job specializations, and managements of crime. In the event of a Zombie Apocalypse, if I was responsible for restarting civilization, I would choose a mixed economic system. I believe the mixed economic system is the most viable, because it goes with my democracy type of government. To begin with, I suppose a mixed economy would be the most viable if I had to restart civilization in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse. In my …show more content…

Every organization, government, etc. will always have some type of conflict. One main category is crime! Crime is what slows your civilization down. For instance, if one of your workers of your civilization commit a crime they will eventually get fired, which leads to an unemployment rate. In my civilization crime will be handled by the people given more work to do for a certain amount of time. Although, this may not seem like a pretty tough punishment it is because I wouldn’t want them to get fired causing them to be unemployed, they’re family to suffer because of their actions, and the civilization to decrease, but they would be tired from extra hard work. This decision would be beneficial towards the committer, their family, and the civilization. Overall, as you can see restarting a civilization takes a lot. It includes multiple features and thinking. The choices I have chosen will reflect upon the outcome of my civilization. Several articles have helped me develop my civilization based upon the details given. Restarting a civilization requires a plan and a brilliant

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