Zombieland Analysis

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Avery Wells
Professor Wilkenfeld
English 102
“All Men and Women Are Created Equal”
On July 4, 1776 it was said that all men are created equal. What the Declaration of Independence failed to mention was women. This seemed to be a common theme throughout the history of America and is still a problem to this day. Men are constantly being held up on a pedestal, while women are forced to assume the position of looking up to them. Zombieland (2009) tends to take these “old school” ways and shed a new light on the fact that women too can be equal, if not better than some men.
To give you a brief summary Zombieland is a film about four main characters, Witchita, Little Rock, Tallahassee, and Columbus. Little Rock and Witchita are both females, and Tallahassee and Columbus are both males. The movie is all about the adventures these four main characters have to face in order to kill all of the zombies that have taken over their land as a result to save the human race. As goofy as this movie may seem, my family and I found that there was a much more important point that the director was trying to make. The director was trying to make it clear that Women can be just as powerful as men are, at least that is my interpretation of the movie.
Although many scenes in Zombieland show women as being inferior and dependent on men, I feel as though women are also portrayed as being just as strong as men and often are seen transcending above the stereotype put on them. This was evident in many situations when two of the female main characters, Wichita and Little Rock, would often outsmart the two male main characters, Tallahassee and Columbus. Little Rock and Wichita would often act as though they were in need of Tallahassee and Columbus’s ...

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... Rock fooled the man at the gas station into giving them money by using their good looks and charm.
In the end, Zombieland can be a lesson for our founding fathers. They would have learned to look at women in a new light. They would not see them as being small, dependent people. Instead, they would see that they demand respect, just as men do and just as all people should. They would see them independent and more than capable human beings on this earth. In fact, I believe if our founding fathers had seen Zombieland then they too would agree that the only people that should be excluded from rights are zombies. They would see women are just as equal as men. If this new perspective had been discovered sooner, one of the most important documents in history, the Declaration of Independence, would be seen with the following words: “All men and women are created equal”.

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