Zolpidem: Helping with Insomnia

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Drugs have been used to aide in sleep for years and years. There are many types of drugs that people use; opting between non-traditional medications such as herbs and vitamins while others opt for the traditional approach in using prescription drugs. This paper will inform and analyze the drug Zolpidem. Zolpidem is used in the treatment of insomnia. Insomnia is often considered to be a prolonged difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep.
This paper will outline the background of Zolpidem; going through the history of the drug. The drugs path of movement through the body or the pharmacokinetics will also be explained. The process of absorption, distribution, and inactivation will be covered in the pharmacokinetics. Pharmacodynamics of the drug will be covered; explaining the sites of action and the areas of the brain that are affected by the drug. The potential for tolerance and dependence to be developed will also be examined. The level of toxicity of Zolpidem along with the potential side effects. The drug’s effectiveness as a form of psychotherapy will also be analyzed.
Overall, this paper will give a detailed outline of the drug Zolpidem. Beginning with the history of the drug, the drugs interactions in the body, and the effectiveness of the drug for its use. Zolpidem being a prescription medication this overview should be informative and analytical of the drugs abilities to produce the desired effects of treating insomnia.
Zolpidem is a nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic in the imidazopyridine class of drug; meaning that the drug is an agonist to the GABAa receptors (Source 7). Zolpidem was introduced in the early 1900s and has helped to push insomnia treatments forward. The nonbenzodiazepine Zolpide...

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