Youth In Youth

919 Words2 Pages

Role Of Youth In Peace Building
What is Youth!
Youth is the back bone of any nation. The destiny of a nation is invested with the youngsters. These are the people which can transform the track of the world. They are extensive thinkers they do hard struggle in every field they are working. They are well Innovated and basic source of advancement. Youth is literate knows what’s bad and what’s better. The youth is ready to adapt changes because they are the Shining stars of changing today’s world they are in search of truth; they are broad minded consisting of different ideas rather the people who are mature and old. Allama Iqbal realized the power of youth and described in his beautiful poetry:
"I have love for those youngsters who pull down the stars"
Youth plays an important role all over global village. They are the true treasure if guided and facilitated. Opportunities are not given to them. We are not investing anything in our youth but they keep working voluntarily for the seek for peace without any interest.
“Youth loves Honour and Victory more than money” Aristotle..

Today Pakistan is facing many challenges surrounded by , Drone attacks, Terrorism, bad Economic conditions, Education quandary, Corruption, Energy Crisis, Socially, and most of above Poverty. Even though developing countries receive high amount of financial aids, but poverty is still a problem. Some people do believe that in order to eliminate poverty in developing countries aid is needed.
Poverty is an issue that still afflicts many developing countries around the world and its influence direct affects to those poor people who got vulnerable and involve in terrorism, street crimes, became thieves. Our mistakes grows confidence in them.
They do what they want...

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...iastic naturally talented though they needs to be motivated, responsible and goal settler, they know what the way is but they don’t know the right direction. Our youth is not facilitated that is why foreign companies valve this reserve and in this way the talent is exploited abroad. On the other way the small section of talented youth prefer to stay here but still they are not that much profitable because they generally are not utilized ,and directed.
Our youth is unemployed but we have natural talent. Emotions are not enough but grooming do matters, we must bring change for establishing a new Pakistan. Our youth can attain this direction through continuous thoughts, negotiations, and analysis.
So for the real destiny of Pakistan and to bring positive advancement and Peace, youth must learn the neglected lessons of truth, justice, bravery and Islamic governance.

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