You, Robot By David Leech Anderson Analysis

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Robots will take over the world sooner than expected! Well, it may be different from what is being told in movies or conspiracists; instead of robots rebelling from their human overloads, it seems that humans and robots will share the planet. The robots will not be simple-minded nor be slaves, but rather humans with robotic bodies. The essay “You, Robot?” by David Leech Anderson, describes what current scientists are doing to achieve a point in science where humans can download his or her brain onto a robot and continue to live his or her life. It may seem something out of a science-fiction novel, but remember that cars were once a fantasy turned reality. Though the developed of this technology will bring forth a new era for humankind, the hybrid era. There will be humans and robots with a human brain, which I will call human robots, living together and will reshape the very structure of the world. Since it is not a reality yet, it can be speculated on what the world will be like. Although …show more content…

He or she can be free from deadly illness and continue to live for however long he or she pleases; furthermore, people with physical disabilities may also choose to download his or her brain into a robot. It is enticing to think about it. Imagine being permanently paralyzed from the waist down and stumbling on the option of being able to walk and run again. It would sound like a dream come true and it is. That being said, if people do not feel like giving up his or her “humanity”, then prosthetics are an option. Since scientists can download a brain into a robotic then the technology for more advanced prosthetics will come. It will help countless people with whatever aliment or disability is causing them harm. The technology itself will be a lifesaver for many

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