Ww2 Case Study

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1. With reference to Sources 1 and 2, explain the strategic significance of Papua New Guinea to Japan in 1942. (4 marks)
There are two main points which explain the strategic significance of Papua New Guinea to Japan in 1942. Firstly, Japan had already obtained “the rubber of Malaya, the oil of Borneo and the quinine of Java” (Source 2) and Papua New Guinea was in close proximity to these countries. This is also displayed on the map in Source 1 which shows the great extent of Japan’s control. Secondly, obtaining Port Moresby would allow Japan access to other neighbouring countries, due to the air bases. As Source 2 depicts, “Papua was one of those places which would form a useful link in the chain of defences of the newly conquered area” and …show more content…

This displays the importance of the battles of Papua New Guinea to Australia since it was vital that Australia defended it. If Japan were to win the battle, Australia would have lost its biggest base and Japan may have eventually captured Australia as well. If Australia was unsuccessful in the battles, the Japanese could have eventually taken control of Australia, which would have made it much different to what it is today. Hence, the battles in Papua New Guinea were very important for …show more content…

This source represents the level of determination displayed by the Australian soldiers, even though they were fighting “against a seasoned, skilful and fanatical enemy”. The Australians continued to persist even though they were not thought to be as capable as the Japanese army. Hence, for Australians, the battles of Papua New Guinea were the most important ever

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