Write An Essay On The Aeneid

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We open the scene by fading in from black to a pre-dawn glow over a bustling crowd. Men, women, and children are hurrying down the pathway to a large gathering. The streets are packed with people; you can hear the myriad of conversations taking place. You hear a woman off screen talking to another saying “I’m glad you were able to make it, I was worried!” “And miss the Panathenaea festival? Never!” the other responds. “This is one of the few festivals we can actually participate in!” Text fades into the bottom left of the screen: “Athens – 430 B.C.E.” The camera slowly pans over the bustling crowd who is now slowly forming into a rough line extending far down the road. The scene cuts to a slightly later point in time, it is now lighter out, dawn has arrived and the …show more content…

Bringing up the rear are every day citizens of Athens, organized by where in the city state they lived. As the camera reaches the last person in the procession, everyone starts to move and the scene shift to an overhead shot and follows the procession. The parade makes its way through a wide open area lined with trees and vendors. The merchants have everything for sale, wine, breads, and cheeses are shown. Potters with Red-figure and bilingual vases are show. You can make out drachmas changing hands for goods. More people, of all ages and genders are lined up along The Panathenaic Way watching the spectacle. An engraving in stone labels this as the Agora. White marble buildings surround both sides of the Agora, ionic columns are plentiful. The scene fades to the procession mounting the steps of the Acropolis, here the procession stops. With many offered prayers, some of the sheep and cows are brought forward for sacrifice. The procession then continues up to The Erechtheion, and the craftswomen carry in the peplos. Inside the temple there is a life sized wooden statue of Athena, which is then dressed with the

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