Would Hamlet Be Able to Adapt to America Today?

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Over the years Hamlet by William Shakespeare has been analyzed, referenced, and taught in schools all over the world. The famous play demonstrates a well developed, intricate, and deep plot line that establishes irony and a sense of what life was like in the early 1600s. However, what if Hamlet was transplanted into 21st century America and was forced to adapt to the new, technological age of mankind? His thought process and the strategies he uses to work through situations would not align with what he would be presented with in the world today, and would reflect a dislike of modern ideas and practices in America. Ultimately, I believe if Hamlet were to live in modern day America he would be driven mad by the new found power women have over men, the lack of censorship of outward sexual expression in society, America’s willingness to pursue war and sacrifice the lives of our soldiers, and the ignorance of American citizens who disagree with the governments protective deception.
On August 18th, 1920 the 19th amendment of the United States Constitution was ratified guaranteeing all American women the right to vote. As American history has progressed women have gained more and more freedom to make their own choices without the consent of men. In the 21st century American women hold positions in the government, large cooperation’s, and several other important jobs that keep the economy moving while contributing insightful knowledge that influences the world in many great ways. Ophelia, on the other hand, is surrounded by three powerful men: Polonius, Laertes, and Hamlet whom of which control her life and make decisions for her. Polonius encourages Ophelia to keep clear of Hamlet because his only desire is to have sex with her....

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...im to become the leader of their people. While our culture and society have leaped through several hoops that established more equality throughout our nation, we still face problems that Hamlet struggles to overcome in his journey. With much room to improve, just like Hamlet, the American people will continue to attempt to better the environment in as many ways possible just as Hamlet did when he lost his father to a corrupted human being. His yearning to establish justice for his father’s death is a clear representation of what many human beings try to overcome in their everyday lives, whether it is death, illness, or love. The species of man-kind will continue to prevail just as Hamlet did by protecting others through his death, for people just like him carry a good heart seeking love, purity, and justice in the minds of all.

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