World War Z Film Analysis

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World War Z (2013), directed by Marc Forster was a story about a former investigator named Gerry lane, played by Brad Pitt, who worked for the United Nations who was called back into duty to investigate the plague of a mysterious infection. The human population was turning into zombies that were going on a rampage and biting and killing anyone they came across. The movie started out showing Lane’s family living a content lifestyle and as they were heading out for the day, they ran into massive amounts of traffic and all of a sudden the chaos began. Lane and his family were in the car sitting in stand-still traffic when they saw people running for their lives while being attacked by the zombies. Throughout the movie, Lane and his family were trying to survive and escape the chaos by hiding and waiting for the government to come and pick them up and take them to safety. Once they were safe, Lane was sent back in the field to try and find out the cause of the outbreak. This is one of many zombie films today but compared to other films, this one was a little different.
Over the last few years zombie movies have been in the forefront of horror movies, television, and also publishing. But when watching these movies and shows, you are able to pinpoint the differences in the way the …show more content…

There were a few social tensions in just how quickly they people would turn and also the measure the zombies would take to get to the humans such as beating their heads against the windshield of a car to get inside to attack the humans. Many would say that zombies aren’t that strong or that they would not be able to break a window with their head based off of other movies. Based off the time this movie was created, I feel as though the director was trying to convey how zombies have evolved and kind of change the normal zombie film to appeal more to the targeted

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