World War 1 Nationalism Essay

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Nationalism held a great honour in Europe around the 1800’s. They were representatives of the way people saw the world and resulted in important changes specifically in the industrialisation, during the French Revolution. The ideology of freedom leading to prosperity symbolised a significant shift, as before liberal ideas arose and individuals did not have freedom of any kind to decide what to do for oneself, and your rights protected from others and government policies. One was free to choose whatever profession within the bounds of not harming others. Nationalism has been a pivotal factor in almost every run for independence over cruelty, creating an identity of oneself with its nation through patriotism, but often has led to intense aggression …show more content…

Nationalism being an extreme form of patriotism and loyalty to one’s country which stated as a fact through the start of world war one. Sources of nationalism were the cause of World War 1, nation-states like Germany were quite militaristic, and this led to an arms race with England over their naval power, the national interest of Germany to have a strong military to protect its interest and patriotism. Nationalist was not worried about a war breaking out because they were so confident in their nation, they stood firm in believing that they would end up victorious, and these ideologies are what threaten rival nations. Before World War one, nationalism lead to fierce competition in Europe between the leading European powers, which were Germany, Russia, Italy, Austria and France, these nations fought to be best militarily and economically. The competition between France and Germany, because France had an excellent Navy, which led to Germany also wanting to have one, and after competing of who could have a better navy, they fought to have larger armies, each nation tried to get as many troops as they …show more content…

The decision to allow Japanese interference at the 1919 Paris peace conference was the final push leading directly to the fourth movement was sending all classes of people into protest. Several Chinese began taking after the president by Vladamir Lenin in the U.S.S.R, exploring the ideas of Marxism. In the year 1921, the Chinese Communist party was officially organised; the first prominent leader Sun- Yat Sen championed the ideas of national reunification, economic development, and a democratic republic and government. After Sun-Yat's death, the party was left in the hands of Jiang Jieshi, who tried to extinguish the party bringing China under the control of the Kuomintang. After a brutal civil war broke out, resulting in the defeat of the Kuomintang, and the eventual endowment of the People's Republic of China in the year 1949. A communist state under the leadership of Mao Zedong set out to imitate Soviet socialism by organising all aspects of Chinese society, completely transforming every economic and social facet. There was notable development economically, as the communist party put ahead that each citizen should share the same social and economic status and that all land and property went to the

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