World Hunger Essay

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One of the Major Global issues is world hunger and it is on the up rise as we speak, and we needed to find solutions to help us fix this problem in the world. Millions and millions of people die everyday because of the hungry people in the world, we need to feed our people. No matter color, race, nor religion we need to help each other out. The main point of world hunger is in Africa, Saudi Arabia, and most native countries. The causes of world hunger are Poverty, Government, and debt; we people owe our own kind money. To some the resolution to world hunger is stop having war we are the same as you and we respect you, doesn’t matter if u have better military than us we are the same and should not fight. This is the world and I did some research to interest you in how we can solve world hunger together and here are my findings. One of the causes to world hunger is poverty; poverty is economy problems like poor housing, poor health care, low wage paying jobs, and Etc. The definition of poverty is the act of being poor. Poverty is caused by the government when the world is in debt with each other and this is why we have poverty and people are starving all around the world. Facts about the …show more content…

One apparently obvious resolution is education. many folks area unit misinformed regarding hunger and the way widespread it extremely is. In 2004, nearly one billion individuals lived below the international personal income, earning but $1 per day. Among this cluster of poor individuals, several have issues getting adequate, wholesome food for themselves and their families. As a result, 820 million individuals within the developing world area unit underfed. They consume but the minimum quantity of calories essential for sound health and growth. Knowing these few facts is simply the start to understanding however serious and the way real this downside

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