Working At The Australian Federal Police (AFP)

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Ideal Job profile
The ideal job I am interested in, is working at the Australian Federal Police (AFP). The ideal job would be working for the Australian Federal Police (AFP). The AFP is the essential elected law enforcement agency of the Australian Government with a special part to examine crime and to ensure the safety of national security of the Commonwealth of Australia (Australian Federal Police, 2017). In this role, the AFP has to pay very careful attention on anticipating, exploring as well as disrupting transnational, serious, unpredictable and sorted out crime, including terrorism, drug smuggling, child exploitation, cybercrime, human trafficking and fierce radicalism (Australian Federal Police, 2017).
The AFP agents are paid $56,398 amid the 24-week live-in preparing, after graduation the pay increments to $58,518 a year (Australian Federal Police, 2017). …show more content…

A strategy has been created that layouts adaptability in the work environment is an obligation shared by the AFP, employees and leaders (Australian Federal Police, 2017).
The AFP is a dynamic law requirement office, which gives differed chances to extend and build up your career development. The AFP employees can adjust and be adaptable and work with various sorts of individuals and realise that they are working for the same objective, thus be, protecting the people of Australia (Australian Federal Police,

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