Work Ethic In The Necklace

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According to, work ethic is a belief in the moral benefit and importance of work and its inherent ability to strengthen character. Having an intense work ethic is a quality the benefits more than a single person, which is apparent through Monsieur Loisel in The Necklace. After reading The Necklace, readers can conclude that Monsieur Loisel is a realistic character. His intense work ethic, the love and compassion he demonstrates toward his wife, and his physical as well as social characteristics are the reasons Monsieur Loisel can be interpreted as prudent character. In the short story The Necklace, Monsieur Loisel shows readers he is a realistic character by being a very hard worker and having patience. For example, Monsieur …show more content…

For instance, throughout the story, Monsieur Loisel is invariably trying to provide Madame Loisel with as much luxury as he can. Monsieur Loisel supports the idea of providing luxury when he sacrifices money out of their cramped bank account for Madame Loisel to purchase a new, extravagant ball gown. “He turned a bit pale, for he had set aside just that amount to but a rifle so that, the following summer he could join some friends who were getting up a group to shoots larks on the plain near Nanterre.” (Maupassant 228). Another example of the love and compassion Monsieur Loisel has for his wife is introduced when he works extra to pay off the debt of the necklace Madame Loisel barrows and loses from Madame Forestier. Monsieur Loisel uses his inherited riches from his father along with other loans to pay for the diamond necklace. In this case, Monsieur Loisel decides that his wife’s friendship with Madame Forestier is more important than not having the hefty debt to pay. In these cases, readers can conclude that Monsieur Loisel has a deep love and consideration for his wife’s needs, making him a realistic

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