Wonder August Palacio Key Concepts

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Why has Palacio written the novel ‘Wonder’ and try to present good ideas to show us the importance that adolescents have on bullying? ‘Wonder’ has shown that young adolescents can have a huge impact to our world, especially for young people to recognise how important it is to include others, no matter what. We all need to be accepted.

August Pullman is a young 10 year old boy with a condition called Treachers Collins. This condition caused him to be born into this world with a deformed face. Throughout his earlier life he had to endure many operations. Although August had a deformity, he was still an average, every day 10 year old boy, he played his Xbox & was obsessed with the movie ‘Star Wars’. This still didn’t mean that there wasn’t a problem with his life. In the chapter Partner's a young character named Julian is introduced to the novel, on meeting August Julians first question to August was ‘’ What's the deal with your face!’’ This statement makes it clear to me the reader that Julian was deliberately being rude …show more content…

Auggies favourite holiday was halloween not because of the sugary sweets but because of the fact that he could hide his face for the whole day. August’s mom Isabel spent days making Auggie’s BoBa fett star wars costume for the day. On halloween August's dad took him to school because his mom wanted to spend that day with Via. Auggie's dad Nate had to go to work early, so he had to take August to school early to. There wasn’t enough time for Auggie to get his BoBa fett costume on so he decided to wear what he wore last year which was the bleeding scream costume with the ghost face. When August ran into school without even saying goodbye to his dad I imagined the excitement he felt to have his face covered for the day. He was so excited running through the hallways as he got random high fives from other kids who didn’t even know who he

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