Women’s Voices Open Mic Nights

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The meetings were full of confusion and hectic energy, especially as we first began. We began making the fliers and publicity materials immediately. We wanted to make sure they were out on campus at least two to three weeks before the Women’s Voices Open Mic Nights. That was our main focus for the first couple of weeks. The creation of the fliers automatically became Cathy’s responsibility; she enjoyed learning the art program. She wanted to have more experience with its use, especially since the same program was being used in her art class. I had no real interest in the flier; I’m not the creative artsy kind of person. I would have been satisfied with something simple. I had no problem letting her do the art side of the project, she is the art major. We offered our opinion on the finished product and supported her idea. I had the distinct pleasure of contacting volunteers and writing the emails that were to be used for the tele-stars batch out request. Tele-stars were used to publicize the events to all the students and faculty through our WIU email accounts. I was also made to deliver the tele-stars batch out request forms with all the required signatures with a copy of the email with all the event information. It turned out to be a lot easier then I had originally thought. I’m not sure how I managed to get stuck doing all the communication jobs, but I enjoyed them. Janine supplied us with a list of volunteers who had expressed interest in helping with the coordination and planning of the Women’s Voices Open Mic Nights. This list turned out to be of no use for us. The volunteers never actually showed up for the work they had originally volunteered to help complete. We also used Facebook to publicize the event. We had several r... ... middle of paper ... ...intimate setting through the art form of their choice. To get an understanding of just how exceptional and different women can be depending on their life experiences, to support women no matter the culture, ethnicity, race or religious background for which they come from, to take notice of and observe women voicing their own thoughts, passions, skills and dreams. How can we, as women, expect men to consider us serious, important members of this world when we have no drive to support each other? We have to come together for the good, bad and ugly. Not just complain when things never change. Women need to accept the opportunities that are provided to them and demand more from the society from which they live. Stop living in the now and think ahead to the future. The fight for women has been going on for hundreds of years and it’s our time to join the fight.

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