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Essays on women and war in afghanistan
Women in afghanistan essay
Treatment of women in afghanistan
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Nineteen years after her engagement, thirty year old Sutara was brutally stabbed by her
husband for not handing over her possessions for drug money. Her husband cut off her nose and mutilated her face. Sadly, this is the case for many Afghan women who face discrimination and harsh, unjust treatment. For thousands of years, Islamic women have been thought of as subordinates to men and treated as such. Although most everybody in the Western world agrees on this issue, yet many Muslims in the Middle East think otherwise. Because of their religion and culture, these people truly believe that men are superior to women, primarily because of their religion. By having an education, women in Afghanistan are able to defend their domestic treatment and
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civil status. Despite the absence of a forceful and prominent Taliban influence, the Afghan government is doing little to gain rights for women. During the time of Taliban control, between 1996 and 2001, women in Afghanistan had little to no rights. An article written by RAWA explains how some of the most extreme laws during the Taliban's reign were bans on women being treated by male doctors, unless accompanied and with the permission of a blood relative male or husband, a ban on women speaking loudly in public, and the requirement of a burqa (“Some of the Restrictions”). Although Islamic religion grants men far more many rights than females, the Taliban takes that idea to a whole new level, placing severe and unjust rules and Krueger 1 punishments upon women.
Upon the removal of the Taliban in 2001, the Afghan government has actually passed laws that essentially turn women into sex slaves for their husbands. Article 132 in Afghanistan's constitution states, “As long as the husband is not traveling, he has the right to have sexual intercourse with his wife every fourth night. Unless the wife is ill or has any kind of illness that intercourse could aggravate, the wife is bound to give a positive response to the sexual desires of her husband” (“Afghan Law Legalizes Rape”). This obscene law, passed in 2009, allows for what is essentially rape, as the women has no consent or rights on the matter. By passing this law, it has become evident that women rights are slipping, and could possibly return to the level they were at during the Taliban rule. With the government doing little to aid the situation that nearly sixteen million women face everyday, the few rights women see today could be gone in the future, just as they were less than twenty years …show more content…
ago. Women in Afghanistan face some of the worst domestic environments throughout the world.
Domestic violence occurs all too often because girls are married or engaged too early. An article written by Trust in Education explains how nearly 60% of girls are married off at age sixteen, where most are then used as nothing more than sex slaves for their husbands. From a young age, these girls are taught that they are half as much, if not less, than the man. Regrettably, most child marriages result in rape and further domestic violence because of the authority the man posses over the woman (Life as an Afghan woman). In Afghanistan, men beating women for the slightest step out of line is common place. Because of the extremely patriarchal countries laws and religion, the ability to beat a woman is praised, and sometimes even encouraged. Sura 4:34 declares, “But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once
more], Krueger 2 seek no means against them” (“Al-Qur'an Al-Kareem -The Holy Quran”). This kind of treatment of women is illogical and unjust. There is also no set means as to when the man can beat the women. Unfortunately, changing the scripture of a religion is impossible, due to the sacredness of the Quran and the stigma surrounding it. Clearly, domestic violence and abuse is extremely prevalent in Afghanistan, where few measures can be put in place to prevent the excessive amounts of abuse these women go through because of the religion they claim to. A lack of education and health care aid in the mistreatment of women in public and by the government. Afghan women face some of the poorest health care options and availability in the world. UNICEF emphasizes in an article about health care for women, “For every 100,000 live births, 460 women will die in childbirth or pregnancy” (Madhok). Afghanistan also is home to the worst infant mortality rate on the planet, with 113 deaths per every 1,000 births. (“The World Factbook: AFGHANISTAN”) These extremely high statistics are astonishing compared to the rest of the world, largely because of the lack of education and resources these women receive. By providing women with a complete and formal education, they can offer much more to society and gain more rights for themselves. Trust in Education also addresses how sadly, 85% of women have no formal education. Nearly 79% of women are illiterate (“Life as an Afghan woman”). According to Weafghanistan, “Equal education for boys and girls has been shown to increase productivity and GNP/GDP of a country; but education for girls, in particular, results in more sustainable families, income growth and eventually democracy. It reduces domestic violence and it increases the participation of girls and women in society, enables them to earn a livable income, encourages them to become active citizens, and influences the broader development of tolerance throughout society” (The Importance of Women and Girls' Education). Krueger 3 Luckily, education is the answer for these women. An education empowers them to fight for what they deserve, and prevent them from domestic abuse and complete dependency on their husbands. An education provides women with a chance for change and equality, which we see more and more of today. Although education is the way out for nearly all women, a different type of education is taking place. Madrasas, or Islamic religious schools, teach women the Quran. At these Madrassas, the women memorize the Quran from 6:30am to 4 pm. The classes are taught by a male teacher who is not allowed contact with the students, but instead sits behind a curtain, out of sight from the girls. The article, “The Rise of Fundamentalist Madrassas in Northern Afghanistan” illustrates the truth about Madrassas and the oppression they encourage written by Ella O’Neill explains how these religious schools keep girls in the dark and with a low literacy level, provided with only enough instruction to read the scriptures. Interviews with parents of girls in the Madrassas featured in the documentary, The Girls of the Taliban, illustrate how the schools brainwash their children into subservience. (O’Neill) This type of education keeps girls from knowing math, science, literacy, and sociology, all of which could help them achieve equality and the same freedoms men do. Instead, the Madrassas prevent girls from speaking out and becoming independent. With proper education and medical, women in Afghanistan could greatly improve their standing in the country, giving themselves a chance at a better life. By having an education, women in Afghanistan are able to defend their domestic treatment and civil status. The oppressive conditions that Afghan women face every day should not be tolerated any longer. With a better education, improvement can be made to their status and wellbeing of life. Imagine a world where nobody lives in fear. A world where woman can walk outside her home, and not fear for her life.
Women’s rights in the Middle East are being restricted, therefore there are many different reactions. Some people were in favor of women having equal rights while there are some who are against women to have the same rights. Since before times, many countries in the Middle East have been taking women for granted and minimized their rights by telling them they can't do something or selling them as if they were prized. When women were treated as prizes it was a practice in Afghanistan called Ba’ad that used women as the compensation, for example a story of a girl named Sakina. She was a consolation prize so that her brother could marry a woman and the Jirga system told her she had to marry a 80 year old guy when she was like 18. This tells me
This book by A. Widney Brown and LeShawn R.Jefferson reflects on the negative impacts of different Talib decrees on the overall development Afghan women.
Since the starting years for ladies in Afghan have had for all intents and purposes no rights or opportunities. The effect of the Taliban forced restraint was most intensely felt in urban areas where ladies had delighted in moderately more important opportunities. At the point when the Taliban assumed control, ladies were not permitted to go to class and others have been compelled to leave their employments. The Taliban had issued orders denying ladies from working
The society of the Taliban is almost a polar opposite of that in the United States. The group looks at women as having little to no rights and believes that their holy book, the Quran, gives reasoning to the roles of women as virtually sexual objects in their society. Their political leaders were not elected into their positions, but took them by force. It operates fifteen courts of law in Southern Afghanistan in the...
After the takeover of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Quran was pressed upon the whole country, and women were most affected. Women were not given any choice in their lifestyles, but the change had only been beneficial to them. In 1973, the country selected President Khan to be their leader. President Khan fought for women’s rights to ban veils and freedom, but only larger cities were reformed. Those in rural areas still had the traditional customs. Then in 1979, the People Democratic Party of Afghanistan persisted women get an education, abolished bride prices, and raised the marrying age for girls. From 1996 to 2001, the Taliban placed rules that forbid women from committing any sin or harm, such as, having a job and seeking medical help
The decree passed by president in year 2009 related to women's right were opposed by some of the conservative members of Parliament. Afghanistan has a cultural society where from the past and still up to this time majority of people abuse women and are opposed to the liberty of women in country. Still there are families who are ashamed of having a girl still there are families where a wife is considered to be as a slave, and still there are families who behave with a Mother as an enemy since she was not able to born a boy rather than a girl. The decree passed by President Hamid Karzai was due to the high percentage of violation against women in the country, where more than 3000 violence cases were record against women. This decree was based on the article 22 of Afghanistan constitution, which states that “The citizens of Afghanistan, men and women, have equal rights and duties before the law" (Afghanistan, 2004). Based on this article of constitution we can find out that men and women are equal before law and this law insures all the liberty given to a man will be same for a woman. Unfortunately, according to biannual report given by Human right commission "violence against women" there are four different type of violence practiced against women in different parts of country. The main reason behind the violence taking place against women are related to Economical condition of a family, literacy level of a family, cultural background of the family as well as usage of drug has caused several violation act by husband and their family members against a woman. In addition, the result of violence is almost same in every place of country (beating, Sexual abuse, forced marriages, denial access to education, Emotional and Psychological Abuse and murder). In this paper I will focus on the policies taken place by the government of Afghanistan and their failure; as well, I will focus on establishing some policies in order to limit or to band all the abuses happening against women in the country.
The Taliban has made education unattainable for Afghan women. Although Joya had set up secret schools for women, they all lived in fear and risked being punished for trying to gain knowledge. At this same time period between the late 20th and early 21st century, in contrast, women of the West were given the same amount of education as men. This provided the women with the knowledge to have a better chance at getting involved in politics and making a difference in gender equality. At this point, the women in Afghanistan, without the knowledge of law or politics, had only the agency to know that they have an entitlement to be treated like humans that are able to make their own decisions just as men are. Despite the limited agency due to their lack of education, Afghan women were overall better equipped to fight for their rights as opposed to the US government. This is especially true when considering the Afghan women’s major goal in contrast to the United State’s focus. The Afghan women’s major concern was the liberation of women, while the United States centered their intervention on improving the stability and economic growth of Afghanistan “lecture”. As it can be seen throughout the Second Wave of feminism in the US, women acquired rights by working together in collective groups demanding equal job opportunities and political representation (Ewig
Women in America do not have to worry about a terrorist group coming and taking their rights away. They have a government that protects them from these groups and makes sure they have the same rights as others. In the Middle East, especially Afghanistan and Pakistan, women are scared to speak too loudly. These women live in fear each day of their lives because if they make one small mistake it could mean their life. Yet, there are some people who are fighting for women’s rights, especially women’s education. Malala Yousafzai is a girl who fought for women’s education. At the age of eleven, Malala began writing a blog for BBC Urdu. The blog described how she was upset that women’s education under the Taliban would be forced to stop. Malala also appeared on national television talking about women’s education. She has become a symbol of resistance against the Taliban. Even after Malala was put on the Taliban’s hit list, she continues to speak out about what she felt needed to be said. Malala would give her life for this cause, and she almost did. On October 9, 2012, Malala was on her way home from her morning classes when a man walked on to her bus and asked, “Who is Malala”. When she said it was her he shot her. The bullets hit her head and her leg. The Taliban ordered for her to be shot because she was promoting western culture in Pashtun areas. In another case Mukhtar Mai stood up for women’s rights and was sexually assaulted by multiple men with orders from the tribal council. The tradition in Mukhtar’s tribe was that a woman who is sexually assaulted by multiple men should kill herself, but instead of committing suicide she fought for her cause (Samira 28-30). Although the Taliban restricts women’s education for religious reaso...
On September 27th, 1996, the extremist militia, the Taliban, seized control of the capital city of Afghanistan, Kabul. Up until that day, women and girls in Afghanistan could go to school, work, and walk freely. Then the Taliban issued decrees banning woman and girls from receiving education, entering the workforce or leaving their homes without a close male relative as an escort, wearing a burqa. The Taliban violently plunged the occupied territories of Afghanistan into a brutal state of gender apartheid in which women and girls have been stripped of their basic human rights. The Taliban claims religious reasoning behind this gender apartheid, using the Muslim faith as their backing, though many critics denounce this logic, saying that The Qur'an condones no such thing. Woman in Afghanistan have become but a shadow of real people. Not only can they no longer enter the workforce or attend school, they cannot choose what they wish to wear, or call to friends in public for fear of being beaten, stoned or killed. The female sex has truly been enslaved by the Taliban, however what rarely comes to light, is that males in Afghanistan have also had strictures of dress and conduct imposed on them. These conditions have roused quite a varied response from the Western World. Western-born Muslims who practice Islam identify with some of the Taliban's strictures, even wearing the burqa or hajib in Canada. Others who do not know the Muslim faith, are outraged that woman can be subjugated so completely and that the rest of the world can sit back and watch it happen complacently. Human rights atrocities are committed towards women everyday by the Taliban in the name of their religio...
Islam has influenced many cultures around the world. For centuries, Islam has had an immense influence on the Afghan culture. According to this religion, women have no rights. The men took advantage of this system by translating only what they wanted from the Koran; to enslave the women in our culture for their own desires. From the beginning, the women on no account had any civil rights or have power over their own lives, and most were uneducated and had accepted what their teachers taught in schools and mosques. My family moved to the US when the Russians invaded Afghanistan. I thank god to be one of the lucky women who did not have to live in Afghanistan and for giving me a better place to live in America. Unfortunately, this was not the case for the majority of the Afghan women. Under the cruel Taliban government the women were banned to work, and were not allowed outside their homes without being escorted by a man. The film Osama, inspired by a true story, is about Osama, a young girl who did lived in Kabul while the Taliban regime. Through Osama's story, I had a chance to see what it was like to live in Afghanistan as a woman. This is a story of a girl whose faith was in the hands of many different people: her family, the Taliban soldiers, and the city judge. Osama and I have different lives on different continents; however, we both could have had more rights and better life if we were born men.
In Afghanistan, the police force continues to torture and rape innocent women for unnecessary reasons. This is similar to The Handmaid's Tale in that Offred, and other handmaids, not only go through the devestation of "The Ceremony", but also can be used and possibly even raped by their Commanders, and there is nothing the handmaid can do about it. If she speaks, she is usually not believed, and then she is sent away because she broke the law. The handmaid would usually die for making such accusations. Women are given little to no rights in Gilead.
Print. The. "Society and Norms-Gender Roles: Women." Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. N.p., n.d. Web. The Web.
Most people in society are one sided when it comes to domestic violence. Most people automatically think domestic violence as men abusing women. Most people believe domestic violence is associated with gender. For instance, some people associate men with violent, destructive, and belligerent behavior. While women are often seen as innocent, fragile, and vulnerable. For many years men were the ones showing violent behavior, so most people believe men are usually the aggressor. Many people believe men should never abuse a woman, and if he does he will charged and most likely serve jail time. Although, women are not viewed the same way. Over the years women have become just as aggressive and violent as men have been portrayed. Many women who are violent are given a pass if they abuse a man. More simply, their behavior is overlooked, because they are not seen as a threat to society, so they will most likely not be jailed or punished for their behavior. In addition, there are many resources to help women get out of domestic violence situations. For instance, there are hotlines they can call, shelters they can visit, and support
Women have always been the most affected during times of social and political conflict. An example of a third world country where women have experienced this is Afghanistan. Afghanistan is one of the most challenging places in the world to be a woman. In the article Life as an Afghan women we learn that 9 out of 10 women are illiterate and their life expectancy is 44, one of the lowest in the world. We can also see the causes of all the difficulties of being an Afghan woman. More than fifty percent of Afghan girls are married or engaged by the age of 10. They are forced to marry far older men whom sometimes meet for the first time at their wedding. Afghanistan remains a deeply conservative society, where men dominate and hand out ruling that offer girls and women to settle debts and disputes. Girls that marry at such a young age do not continue their education and are more likely to be abused by their husbands. There is also an unfair division of girls and boys attending school. There are approximately three times more boys attending school than girls. These are some of...
Women have always been treated as unequal. Men think of themselves as superior to women. Although women have gain rights in countries such as the United States and England, some countries still treat their women with disrespect and violence. Violence against women has been going on in third world countries for generations. Afghanistan is one of those countries.