Women's Rights During The French Revolution

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It is clear that during the French revolution of 1789 many women wanted to gain rights and equality among citizens. This is evident because of how much they participated and took on leadership roles in political movements. Despite all of their hard work and dedication they were unable to secure their political position. I want to examine what they did and why it may have failed. So, firstly, I will discuss some of the contributions and actions made by women, then I will discuss the reactions of the other citizens and political leaders that were men and then lastly answer the prevalent question: how did these things lead to failure for women’s rights? There were many big moments for women during this time but I want to highlight and discuss …show more content…

This march demonstrated how much control women were gaining during the revolution. Again, according the essay given to us in class a nice sized group of women brought the king back from Versailles to Paris and killed two guards all while trying to speak with the King and National Assembly about bread for their families and closure on the constitution. Another group of women took it upon themselves to enter the National Assembly and participate by voting, speaking, and disrupting procedures! Women were not being held down in a noticeable way during these moments and it is truly fascinating to think about. I would like to go on record and say that women continued to push their political power and succeeded for quite some time at being a part of the National Assembly and as citizens. So, it was not that they weren’t contributing but how other people were reacting, particularly men who did not think women should have political …show more content…

He claimed they were causing disorder and called for the prohibition of popular societies of women. He also called into question: “Should women exercise political rights and meddle in political affairs?” All he had to bring up were the duties and so-called attributes of women that were being neglected because of their involvement in politics such as, “reproductive responsibilities, their moral weakness, their inadequate political education, and their nervous excitability”. This was enough to prove to the legislative assembly that women were ineligible citizens and ruined all of the advancements made towards equality. Hence the reason I say that men did not yet see women as equals because of the ease Amar had in proving a woman’s

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