Women's Rights Before World War 2 Essay

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Women’s rights have been an ongoing argument since the birth of man; throughout the centuries women's rights have changed a lot, from having to stay at home to now being able to work and vote. World War 2 was devastating in many ways but it did help with women's rights and how men viewed women, the question what is women's rights has had many different answers over the years, some being reasonable others being just outrageous. The three main issues that will be included in this essay will be: what were women’s rights before World War 2, how did World War 2 impact women’s rights and what are women's rights now? What were women’s rights before World War 2? before world war 2 women did not have many rights. They were mostly expected to stay at home maintaining the house and looking after the children. Not many women worked outside the home; it was because most men thought that a woman's place is in the kitchen, so working out of the house was frowned upon. In the nineteenth century, a very small amount of women were attending university and searching for a career; women were not allowed to vote until …show more content…

women’s rights were planted nearly seventy years ago to try and help women. In today's society women's rights includes the right to live free from violence, slavery and discrimination; to be educated; to own property; to vote, to be safe and to earn fair and equal wage.(Anon, 2017) Those are the rights for women in this decade, humanity have come a long way since the 19th century where women weren't even allowed to vote, but even though people have come a long way since then there is still children getting married, trafficked into forced labour and sexslavery. A famous saying is “women’s rights are humans rights” (Human Rights Watch, 2017) This is powerful because it shows that women should be treated just like any other person. Every person should be giving the same rights whether you be a woman or man. (Human Rights Watch,

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