Treatment Of Women In The 50's Essay

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Women Through Ages
Women of the 50’s were given many different treatments than men in that periods of time. Women had specific things expected of them by society. The Cold War and Great Depression was a cause of these strict roles. Things began to change over the years as movements were made against the unfair treatments of women. In the 80’s women were more able to do things other than just be a mother and wife. The Women’s rights movement was started in the 20’s and continued on for many years as well as it is continuing today. For years the rights of women have been fought for and in time many things changed. The reason the treatment and expectations of women and their equality changed was due to the efforts of women in the 50’s through the 70’s and those who supported their movement towards liberation for years.
In the 50’s women were considered inferior to men. There were numerous ads implying women were a weaker sex and meant to only do specific work. One ad on ties said “show her it’s a man’s world”(VanHeusen) as the woman kneels at the bed serving her husband breakfast. The expectations for these women were to serve their husbands or take care of their children. Husbands in ads were always portrayed as superior in one way or another. Women were …show more content…

Women would take the job of managers, bosses, CEOs, and many other positions that had originally not been available. Mothers were more likely to work and help provide for the family. Women would have the ability to work in a place of business with a professional atmosphere as well as working to take care of the children at home. Some women would get off work early to meet their child at the bus stop to make sure they are home safe and take care of them for the rest of the night. Although, women who were pregnant had to be an insurance holder to take maternity leave at this

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